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the lost house(失踪的房子)-第15章

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licking at the flesh; were the bodies of the two murderers。 

     A bullet…hole in the forehead of each showed that self… destruction and 

cremation   had   seemed   a   better   choice   than   the   gallows   and   a   grave   of 


     On   the   roof   above;   two   young   people   stood   breathing   heavily   and 


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                                         The Lost House 

happily; staring incredulously into each other's eyes。 Running toward them 

across the roofs; stumbling and falling; were many blue…coated; helmeted 

angels of peace and law and order。 

     〃How   can   I   tell   you?〃   whispered   the   girl   quickly。   〃How   can   I   ever 

thank you? And I was angry;〃 she exclaimed; with self… reproach。 〃I did 

not understand you。〃 She gave a little sigh of content。 〃Now I think I do。〃 

     He took her hand; and she did not seem to know that he held it。 

     〃And;〃     she   cried;   in  wonder;     〃I  DON'T      EVEN      KNOW       YOUR 


     The young man seemed to have lost his confidence。 For a moment he 

was   silent。   〃The   name's   all   right!〃   he   said   finally。   His   voice   was   still   a 

little shaken; a little tremulous。 〃I only hope you'll like it。 It's got to last 

you a long time!〃 


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