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a woman of thirty-第16章

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All Julie's story was summed up in that cry from the depths; it was the summons of nature and of love at which women without a religion surrender。 With the fierce energy of unhoped…for joy; Arthur caught her up and carried her to the sofa; but in a moment she tore herself from her lover's arms; looked at him with a fixed despairing gaze; took his hand; snatched up a candle; and drew him into her room。 When they stood by the cot where Helene lay sleeping; she put the curtains softly aside; shading the candle with her hand; lest the light should dazzle the half…closed eyes beneath the transparent lids。 Helene lay smiling in her sleep; with her arms outstretched on the coverlet。 Julie glanced from her child to Arthur's face。 That look told him all。

〃We may leave a husband; even though he loves us: a man is strong; he has consolations。We may defy the world and its laws。 But a motherless child!〃all these thoughts; and a thousand others more moving still; found language in that glance。

〃We can take her with us;〃 muttered he; 〃I will love her dearly。〃

〃Mamma!〃 cried little Helene; now awake。 Julie burst into tears。 Lord Grenville sat down and folded his arms in gloomy silence。

〃Mamma!〃 At the sweet childish name; so many nobler feelings; so many irresistible yearnings awoke; that for a moment love was effaced by the all…powerful instinct of motherhood; the mother triumphed over the woman in Julie; and Lord Grenville could not hold out; he was defeated by Julie's tears。

Just at that moment a door was flung noisily open。 〃Madame d'Aiglemont; are you hereabouts?〃 called a voice which rang like a crack of thunder through the hearts of the two lovers。 The Marquis had come home。

Before Julie could recover her presence of mind; her husband was on the way to the door of her room which opened into his。 Luckily; at a sign; Lord Grenville escaped into the dressing…closet; and she hastily shut the door upon him。

〃Well; my lady; here am I;〃 said Victor; 〃the hunting party did not come off。 I am just going to bed。〃

〃Good…night; so am I。 So go and leave me to undress。〃

〃You are very cross to…night; Madame la Marquise。〃

The General returned to his room; Julie went with him to the door and shut it。 Then she sprang to the dressing…close to release Arthur。 All her presence of mind returned; she bethought herself that it was quite natural that her sometime doctor should pay her a visit; she might have left him in the drawing…room while she put her little girl to bed。 She was about to tell him; under her breath; to go back to the drawing…room; and had opened the door。 Then she shrieked aloud。 Lord Grenville's fingers had been caught and crushed in the door。

〃Well; what is it?〃 demanded her husband。

〃Oh! nothing; I have just pricked my finger with a pin。〃

The General's door opened at once。 Julie imagined that the irruption was due to a sudden concern for her; and cursed a solicitude in which love had no part。 She had barely time to close the dressing…closet; and Lord Grenville had not extricated his hand。 The General did; in fact; appear; but his wife had mistaken his motives; his apprehensions were entirely on his own account。

〃Can you lend me a bandana handkerchief? The stupid fool Charles leaves me without a single one。 In the early days you used to bother me with looking after me so carefully。 Ah; well; the honeymoon did not last very long for me; nor yet for my cravats。 Nowadays I am given over to the secular arm; in the shape of servants who do not care one jack straw for what I say。〃

〃There! There is a bandana for you。 Did you go into the drawing…room?〃


〃Oh! you might perhaps have been in time to see Lord Grenville。〃

〃Is he in Paris?〃

〃It seems so。〃

〃Oh! I will go at once。 The good doctor。〃

〃But he will have gone by now!〃 exclaimed Julie。

The Marquis; standing in the middle of the room; was tying the handkerchief over his head。 He looked complacently at himself in the glass。

〃What has become of the servants is more than I know;〃 he remarked。 〃I have rung the bell for Charles; and he has not answered it。 And your maid is not here either。 Ring for her。 I should like another blanket on my bed to…night。〃

〃Pauline is out;〃 the Marquise said drily。

〃What; at midnight!〃 exclaimed the General。

〃I gave her leave to go to the Opera。〃

〃That is funny!〃 returned her husband; continuing to undress。 〃I thought I saw her coming upstairs。〃

〃She has come in then; of course;〃 said Julie; with assumed impatience; and to allay any possible suspicion on her husband's part she pretended to ring the bell。

The whole history of that night has never been known; but no doubt it was as simple and as tragically commonplace as the domestic incidents that preceded it。

Next day the Marquise d'Aiglemont took to her bed; nor did she leave it for some days。

〃What can have happened in your family so extraordinary that every one is talking about your wife?〃 asked M。 de Ronquerolles of M。 d'Aiglemont a short time after that night of catastrophes。

〃Take my advice and remain a bachelor;〃 said d'Aiglemont。 〃The curtains of Helene's cot caught fire; and gave my wife such a shock that it will be a twelvemonth before she gets over it; so the doctor says。 You marry a pretty wife; and her looks fall off; you marry a girl in blooming health; and she turns into an invalid。 You think she has a passionate temperament; and find her cold; or else under her apparent coldness there lurks a nature so passionate that she is the death of you; or she dishonors your name。 Sometimes the meekest of them will turn out crotchety; though the crotchety ones never grow any sweeter。 Sometimes the mere child; so simple and silly at first; will develop an iron will to thwart you and the ingenuity of a fiend。 I am tired of marriage。〃

〃Or of your wife?〃

〃That would be difficult。 By…the…by; do you feel inclined to go to Saint…Thomas d'Aquin with me to attend Lord Grenville's funeral?〃

〃A singular way of spending time。Is it really known how he came by his death?〃 added Ronquerolles。

〃His man says that he spent a whole night sitting on somebody's window sill to save some woman's character; and it has been infernally cold lately。〃

〃Such devotion would be highly creditable to one of us old stagers; but Lord Grenville was a youngster andan Englishman。 Englishmen never can do anything like anybody else。〃

〃Pooh!〃 returned d'Aiglemont; 〃these heroic exploits all depend upon the woman in the case; and it certainly was not for one that I know; that poor Arthur came by his death。〃



Between the Seine and the little river Loing lies a wide flat country; skirted on the one side by the Forest of Fontainebleau; and marked out as to its southern limits by the towns of Moret; Montereau; and Nemours。 It is a dreary country; little knolls of hills appear only at rare intervals; and a coppice here and there among the fields affords for game; and beyond; upon every side; stretches the endless gray or yellowish horizon peculiar to Beauce; Sologne; and Berri。

In the very centre of the plain; at equal distances from Moret and Montereau; the traveler passes the old chateau of Saint…Lange; standing amid surroundings which lack neither dignity nor stateliness。 There are magnificent avenues of elm…trees; great gardens encircled by the moat; and a circumference of walls about a huge manorial pile which represents the profits of the /maltote/; the gains of farmers… general; legalized malversation; or the vast fortunes of great houses now brought low beneath the hammer of the Civil Code。

Should any artist or dreamer of dreams chance to stray along the roads full of deep ruts; or over the heavy land which secures the place against intrusion; he will wonder how it happened that this romantic old place was set down in a savanna of corn…land; a desert of chalk; and sand; and marl; where gaiety dies away; and melancholy is a natural product of the soil。 The voiceless solitude; the monotonous horizon line which weigh upon the spirits are negative beauties; which only suit with sorrow that refuses to be comforted。

Hither; at the close of the year 1820; came a woman; still young; well known in Paris for her charm; her fair face; and her wit; and to the immense astonishment of the little village a mile away; this woman of high rank and corresponding fortune took up her abode at Saint…Lange。

From time immemorial; farmers and laborers had seen no gentry at the chateau。 The estate; considerable though it was; had been left in charge of a land…steward and the house to the old servants。 Wherefore the appearance of the lady of the manor caused a kind of sensation in the district。

A group had gathered in the yard of the wretched little wineshop at the end of the village (where the road forks to Nemours and Moret) to see the carriage pass。 It went by slowly; for the Marquise had come from Paris with her own horses; and those on the lookout had ample opportunity of observing a waiting…maid; who sat with her back to the horses holding a little girl; with a somewhat dreamy look; upon her knee。 The child's mother lay back in the carriage; she looked like a dying woman sent out into the country air by her doctors as
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