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a woman of thirty-第34章

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 surprise in her face。 She looked as if she had been waiting for thisfor him。 Those so vast thoughts of hers had found a meaning。 The punishment reserved by Heaven for her sins flamed out before her。 In her own eyes she was as great a criminal as this murderer; she confronted him with her quiet gaze; she was his fellow; his sister。 It seemed to her that in this accident the command of God had been made manifest。 If she had been a few years older; reason would have disposed of her remorse; but at this moment she was like one distraught。

The stranger stood impassive and self…possessed; a scornful smile overspread his features and his thick; red lips。

〃You appreciate the magnanimity of my behavior very badly;〃 he said slowly。 〃I would not touch with my fingers the glass of water you brought me to allay my thirst; I did not so much as think of washing my blood…stained hands under your roof; I am going away; leaving nothing of /my crime/〃 (here his lips were compressed) 〃but the memory; I have tried to leave no trace of my presence in this house。 Indeed; I would not even allow your daughter to〃

〃/My daughter/!〃 cried the General; with a horror…stricken glance at Helene。 〃Vile wretch; go; or I will kill you〃

〃The two hours are not yet over;〃 said the other; 〃if you kill me or give me up; you must lower yourself in your own eyesand in mine。〃

At these last words; the General turned to stare at the criminal in dumb amazement; but he could not endure the intolerable light in those eyes which for the second time disorganized his being。 He was afraid of showing weakness once more; conscious as he was that his will was weaker already。

〃An old man! You can never have seen a family;〃 he said; with a father's glance at his wife and children。

〃Yes; an old man;〃 echoed the stranger; frowning slightly。

〃Fly!〃 cried the General; but he did not dare to look at his guest。 〃Our compact is broken。 I shall not kill you。 No! I will never be purveyor to the scaffold。 But go out。 You make us shudder。〃

〃I know that;〃 said the other patiently。 〃There is not a spot on French soil where I can set foot and be safe; but if man's justice; like God's; took all into account; if man's justice deigned to inquire which was the monsterthe murderer or his victimthen I might hold up my head among my fellows。 Can you not guess that other crimes preceded that blow from an axe? I constituted myself his judge and executioner; I stepped in where man's justice failed。 That was my crime。 Farewell; sir。 Bitter though you have made your hospitality; I shall not forget it。 I shall always bear in my heart a feeling of gratitude towards one man in the world; and you are that man。 。 。 。 But I could wish that you had showed yourself more generous!〃

He turned towards the door; but in the same instant Helene leaned to whisper something in her mother's ear。

〃Ah! 。 。 。〃

At the cry that broke from his wife; the General trembled as if he had seen Moina lying dead。 There stood Helene and the murderer had turned instinctively; with something like anxiety about these folk in his face。

〃What is it; dear?〃 asked the General。

〃Helene wants to go with him。〃

The murderer's face flushed。

〃If that is how my mother understands an almost involuntary exclamation;〃 Helene said in a low voice; 〃I will fulfil her wishes。 She glanced about her with something like fierce pride; then the girl's eyes fell; and she stood; admirable in her modesty。

〃Helene; did you go up to the room where?〃

〃Yes; father。〃

〃Helene〃 (and his voice shook with a convulsive tremor); 〃is this the first time that you have seen this man?〃

〃Yes; father。〃

〃Then it is not natural that you should intend to〃

〃If it is not natural; father; at any rate it is true。〃

〃Oh! child;〃 said the Marquise; lowering her voice; but not so much but that her husband could hear her; 〃you are false to all the principles of honor; modesty; and right which I have tried to cultivate in your heart。 If until this fatal hour you life has only been one lie; there is nothing to regret in your loss。 It can hardly be the moral perfection of this stranger that attracts you to him? Can it be the kind of power that commits crime? I have too good an opinion of you to suppose that〃

〃Oh; suppose everything; madame;〃 Helene said coldly。

But though her force of character sustained this ordeal; her flashing eyes could scarcely hold the tears that filled them。 The stranger; watching her; guessed the mother's language from the girl's tears; and turned his eagle glance upon the Marquise。 An irresistible power constrained her to look at this terrible seducer; but as her eyes met his bright; glittering gaze; she felt a shiver run through her frame; such a shock as we feel at the sight of a reptile or the contact of a Leyden jar。

〃Dear!〃 she cried; turning to her husband; 〃this is the Fiend himself。 He can divine everything!〃

The General rose to his feet and went to the bell。

〃He means ruin for you;〃 Helene said to the murderer。

The stranger smiled; took one forward stride; grasped the General's arm; and compelled him to endure a steady gaze which benumbed the soldier's brain and left him powerless。

〃I will repay you now for your hospitality;〃 he said; 〃and then we shall be quits。 I will spare you the shame by giving myself up。 After all; what should I do now with my life?〃

〃You could repent;〃 answered Helene; and her glance conveyed such hope as only glows in a young girl's eyes。

〃/I shall never repent/;〃 said the murderer in a sonorous voice; as he raised his head proudly。

〃His hands are stained with blood;〃 the father said。

〃I will wipe it away;〃 she answered。

〃But do you so much as know whether he cares for you?〃 said her father; not daring now to look at the stranger。

The murderer came up a little nearer。 Some light within seemed to glow through Helene's beauty; grave and maidenly though it was; coloring and bringing into relief; as it were; the least details; the most delicate lines in her face。 The stranger; with that terrible face still blazing in his eyes; gave one tender glance to her enchanting loveliness; then he spoke; his tones revealing how deeply he had been moved。

〃And if I refuse to allow this sacrifice of yourself; and so discharge my debt of two hours of existence to your father; is not this love; love for yourself alone?〃

〃Then do you too reject me?〃 Helene's cry rang painfully through the hearts of all who heard her。 〃Farewell; then; to you all; I will die。〃

〃What does this mean?〃 asked the father and mother。

Helene gave her mother an eloquent glance and lowered her eyes。

Since the first attempt made by the General and his wife to contest by word or action the intruder's strange presumption to the right of staying in their midst; from their first experience of the power of those glittering eyes; a mysterious torpor had crept over them; and their benumbed faculties struggled in vain with the preternatural influence。 The air seemed to have suddenly grown so heavy; that they could scarcely breathe; yet; while they could not find the reason of this feeling of oppression; a voice within told them that this magnetic presence was the real cause of their helplessness。 In this moral agony; it flashed across the General that he must make every effort to overcome this influence on his daughter's reeling brain; he caught her by the waist and drew her into the embrasure of a window; as far as possible from the murderer。

〃Darling;〃 he murmured; 〃if some wild love has been suddenly born in your heart; I cannot believe that you have not the strength of soul to quell the mad impulse; your innocent life; your pure and dutiful soul; has given me too many proofs of your character。 There must be something behind all this。 Well; this heart of mine is full of indulgence; you can tell everything to me; even if it breaks; dear child; I can be silent about my grief; and keep your confession a secret。 What is it? Are you jealous of our love for your brothers or your little sister? Is it some love trouble? Are you unhappy here at home? Tell me about it; tell me the reasons that urge you to leave your home; to rob it of its greatest charm; to leave your mother and brothers and your little sister?〃

〃I am in love with no one; father; and jealous of no one; not even of your friend the diplomatist; M。 de Vandenesse。〃

The Marquise turned pale; her daughter saw this; and stopped short。

〃Sooner or later I must live under some man's protection; must I not?〃

〃That is true。〃

〃Do we ever know;〃 she went on; 〃the human being to whom we link our destinies? Now; I believe in this man。〃

〃Oh; child;〃 said the General; raising his voice; 〃you have no idea of all the misery that lies in store for you。〃

〃I am thinking of /his/。〃

〃What a life!〃 groaned the father。

〃A woman's life;〃 the girl murmured。

〃You have a great knowledge of life!〃 exclaimed the Marquise; finding speech at last。

〃Madame; my answers are shaped by the questions; but if you desire it; I will speak more clearly。〃

〃Speak out; my child 。 。 。 I am a mother。〃

Mother and daughter looked each other in the face; and the Marquise said no more。 At last she said:

〃Helene; if you have any reproach
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