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a woman of thirty-第37章

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〃Ah! Captain Gomez; when I left my home and country; my heart was half dead with the bitterness of parting; and now must I bid it good…bye once more when I am bringing back happiness and ease for my children?〃

The General turned his head away towards the sea; with tears of rage in his eyesand saw the steersman swimming out to the privateer。

〃This time it will be good…bye for good;〃 said the captain by way of answer; and the dazed look in the Frenchman's eyes startled the Spaniard。

By this time the two vessels were almost alongside; and at the first sight of the enemy's crew the General saw that Gomez's gloomy prophecy was only too true。 The three men at each gun might have been bronze statues; standing like athletes; with their rugged features; their bare sinewy arms; men whom Death himself had scarcely thrown off their feet。

The rest of the crew; well armed; active; light; and vigorous; also stood motionless。 Toil had hardened; and the sun had deeply tanned; those energetic faces; their eyes glittered like sparks of fire with infernal glee and clear…sighted courage。 Perfect silence on the upper deck; now black with men; bore abundant testimony to the rigorous discipline and strong will which held these fiends incarnate in check。

The captain of the /Othello/ stood with folded arms at the foot of the main mast; he carried no weapons; but an axe lay on the deck beside him。 His face was hidden by the shadow of a broad felt hat。 The men looked like dogs crouching before their master。 Gunners; soldiers; and ship's crew turned their eyes first on his face; and then on the merchant vessel。

The two brigs came up alongside; and the shock of contact roused the privateer captain from his musings; he spoke a word in the ear of the lieutenant who stood beside him。

〃Grappling…irons!〃 shouted the latter; and the /Othello/ grappled the /Saint…Ferdinand/ with miraculous quickness。 The captain of the privateer gave his orders in a low voice to the lieutenant; who repeated them; the men; told off in succession for each duty; went on the upper deck of the /Saint…Ferdinand/; like seminarists going to mass。 They bound crew and passengers hand and foot and seized the booty。 In the twinkling of an eye; provisions and barrels full of piastres were transferred to the /Othello/; the General thought that he must be dreaming when he himself; likewise bound; was flung down on a bale of goods as if he had been part of the cargo。

A brief conference took place between the captain of the privateer and his lieutenant and a sailor; who seemed to be the mate of the vessel; then the mate gave a whistle; and the men jumped on board the /Saint… Ferdinand/; and completely dismantled her with the nimble dexterity of a soldier who strips a dead comrade of a coveted overcoat and shoes。

〃It is all over with us;〃 said the Spanish captain coolly。 He had eyed the three chiefs during their confabulation; and saw that the sailors were proceeding to pull his vessel to pieces。

〃Why so?〃 asked the General。

〃What would you have them do with us?〃 returned the Spaniard。 〃They have just come to the conclusion that they will scarcely sell the /Saint…Ferdinand/ in any French or Spanish port; so they are going to sink her to be rid of her。 As for us; do you suppose that they will put themselves to the expense of feeding us; when they don't know what port they are to put into?〃

The words were scarcely out of the captain's mouth before a hideous outcry went up; followed by a dull splashing sound; as several bodies were thrown overboard。 He turned; the four merchants were no longer to be seen; but eight ferocious…looking gunners were still standing with their arms raised above their heads。 He shuddered。

〃What did I tell you?〃 the Spanish captain asked coolly。

The Marquis rose to his feet with a spring。 The surface of the sea was quite smooth again; he could not so much as see the place where his unhappy fellow…passengers had disappeared。 By this time they were sinking down; bound hand and foot; below the waves; if; indeed; the fish had not devoured them already。

Only a few paces away; the treacherous steersman and the sailor who had boasted of the Parisian's power were fraternizing with the crew of the /Othello/; and pointing out those among their own number; who; in their opinion; were worthy to join the crew of the privateer。 Then the boys tied the rest together by the feet in spite of frightful oaths。 It was soon over; the eight gunners seized the doomed men and flung them overboard without more ado; watching the different ways in which the drowning victims met their death; their contortions; their last agony; with a sort of malignant curiosity; but with no sign of amusement; surprise; or pity。 For them it was an ordinary event to which seemingly they were quite accustomed。 The older men looked instead with grim; set smiles at the casks of piastres about the main mast。

The General and Captain Gomez; left seated on a bale of goods; consulted each other with well…nigh hopeless looks; they were; in a sense; the sole survivors of the /Saint…Ferdinand/; for the seven men pointed out by the spies were transformed amid rejoicings into Peruvians。

〃What atrocious villains!〃 the General cried。 Loyal and generous indignation silenced prudence and pain on his own account。

〃They do it because they must;〃 Gomez answered coolly。 〃If you came across one of those fellows; you would run him through the body; would you not?〃

The lieutenant now came up to the Spaniard。

〃Captain;〃 said he; 〃the Parisian has heard of you。 He says that you are the only man who really knows the passages of the Antilles and the Brazilian coast。 Will you〃

The captain cut him short with a scornful exclamation。

〃I shall die like a sailor;〃 he said; 〃and a loyal Spaniard and a Christian。 Do you hear?〃

〃Heave him overboard!〃 shouted the lieutenant; and a couple of gunners seized on Gomez。

〃You cowards!〃 roared the General; seizing hold of the men。

〃Don't get too excited; old boy;〃 said the lieutenant。 〃If your red ribbon has made some impression upon our captain; I myself do not care a rap for it。You and I will have our little bit of talk together directly。〃

A smothered sound; with no accompanying cry; told the General that the gallant captain had died 〃like a sailor;〃 as he had said。

〃My money or death!〃 cried the Marquis; in a fit of rage terrible to see。

〃Ah! now you talk sensibly!〃 sneered the lieutenant。 〃That is the way to get something out of us〃

Two of the men came up at a sign and hastened to bind the Frenchmen's feet; but with unlooked…for boldness he snatched the lieutenant's cutlass and laid about him like a cavalry officer who knows his business。

〃Brigands that you are! You shall not chuck one of Napoleon's troopers over a ship's side like an oyster!〃

At the sound of pistol shots fired point blank at the Frenchman; 〃the Parisian〃 looked round from his occupation of superintending the transfer of the rigging from the /Saint…Ferdinand/。 He came up behind the brave General; seized him; dragged him to the side; and was about to fling him over with no more concern than if the man had been a broken spar。 They were at the very edge when the General looked into the tawny eyes of the man who had stolen his daughter。 The recognition was mutual。

The captain of the privateer; his arm still upraised; suddenly swung it in the contrary direction as if his victim was but a feather weight; and set him down at the foot of the main mast。 A murmur rose on the upper deck; but the captain glanced round; and there was a sudden silence。

〃This is Helene's father;〃 said the captain in a clear; firm voice。 〃Woe to any one who meddles with him!〃

A hurrah of joy went up at the words; a shout rising to the sky like a prayer of the church; a cry like the first high notes of the /Te Deum/。 The lads swung aloft in the rigging; the men below flung up their caps; the gunners pounded away on the deck; there was a general thrill of excitement; an outburst of oaths; yells; and shrill cries in voluble chorus。 The men cheered like fanatics; the General's misgivings deepened; and he grew uneasy; it seemed to him that there was some horrible mystery in such wild transports。

〃My daughter!〃 he cried; as soon as he could speak。 〃Where is my daughter?〃

For all answer; the captain of the privateer gave him a searching glance; one of those glances which throw the bravest man into a confusion which no theory can explain。 The General was mute; not a little to the satisfaction of the crew; it pleased them to see their leader exercise the strange power which he possessed over all with whom he came in contact。 Then the captain led the way down a staircase and flung open the door of a cabin。

〃There she is;〃 he said; and disappeared; leaving the General in a stupor of bewilderment at the scene before his eyes。

Helene cried out at the sight of him; and sprang up from the sofa on which she was lying when the door flew open。 So changed was she that none but a father's eyes could have recognized her。 The sun of the tropics had brought warmer tones into the once pale face; and something of Oriental charm with that wonderful coloring; there was a certain grandeur about her; a 
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