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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第108章

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more that I say nothing of; would be removed if there were some
intelligent and sensible person at the capital to examine all plays
before they were acted; not only those produced in the capital itself;
but all that were intended to be acted in Spain; without whose
approval; seal; and signature; no local magistracy should allow any
play to be acted。 In that case actors would take care to send their
plays to the capital; and could act them in safety; and those who
write them would be more careful and take more pains with their
work; standing in awe of having to submit it to the strict examination
of one who understood the matter; and so good plays would be
produced and the objects they aim at happily attained; as well the
amusement of the people; as the credit of the wits of Spain; the
interest and safety of the actors; and the saving of trouble in
inflicting punishment on them。 And if the same or some other person
were authorised to examine the newly written books of chivalry; no
doubt some would appear with all the perfections you have described;
enriching our language with the gracious and precious treasure of
eloquence; and driving the old books into obscurity before the light
of the new ones that would come out for the harmless entertainment;
not merely of the idle but of the very busiest; for the bow cannot
be always bent; nor can weak human nature exist without some lawful
  The canon and the curate had proceeded thus far with their
conversation; when the barber; coming forward; joined them; and said
to the curate; 〃This is the spot; senor licentiate; that I said was
a good one for fresh and plentiful pasture for the oxen; while we take
our noontide rest。〃
  〃And so it seems;〃 returned the curate; and he told the canon what
he proposed to do; on which he too made up his mind to halt with them;
attracted by the aspect of the fair valley that lay before their eyes;
and to enjoy it as well as the conversation of the curate; to whom
he had begun to take a fancy; and also to learn more particulars about
the doings of Don Quixote; he desired some of his servants to go on to
the inn; which was not far distant; and fetch from it what eatables
there might be for the whole party; as he meant to rest for the
afternoon where he was; to which one of his servants replied that
the sumpter mule; which by this time ought to have reached the inn;
carried provisions enough to make it unnecessary to get anything
from the inn except barley。
  〃In that case;〃 said the canon; 〃take all the beasts there; and
bring the sumpter mule back。〃
  While this was going on; Sancho; perceiving that he could speak to
his master without having the curate and the barber; of whom he had
his suspicions; present all the time; approached the cage in which Don
Quixote was placed; and said; 〃Senor; to ease my conscience I want
to tell you the state of the case as to your enchantment; and that
is that these two here; with their faces covered; are the curate of
our village and the barber; and I suspect they have hit upon this plan
of carrying you off in this fashion; out of pure envy because your
worship surpasses them in doing famous deeds; and if this be the truth
it follows that you are not enchanted; but hoodwinked and made a
fool of。 And to prove this I want to ask you one thing; and if you
answer me as I believe you will answer; you will be able to lay your
finger on the trick; and you will see that you are not enchanted but
gone wrong in your wits。〃
  〃Ask what thou wilt; Sancho my son;〃 returned Don Quixote; 〃for I
will satisfy thee and answer all thou requirest。 As to what thou
sayest; that these who accompany us yonder are the curate and the
barber; our neighbours and acquaintances; it is very possible that
they may seem to he those same persons; but that they are so in
reality and in fact; believe it not on any account; what thou art to
believe and think is that; if they look like them; as thou sayest;
it must be that those who have enchanted me have taken this shape
and likeness; for it is easy for enchanters to take any form they
please; and they may have taken those of our friends in order to
make thee think as thou dost; and lead thee into a labyrinth of
fancies from which thou wilt find no escape though thou hadst the cord
of Theseus; and they may also have done it to make me uncertain in
my mind; and unable to conjecture whence this evil comes to me; for if
on the one hand thou dost tell me that the barber and curate of our
village are here in company with us; and on the other I find myself
shut up in a cage; and know in my heart that no power on earth that
was not supernatural would have been able to shut me in; what
wouldst thou have me say or think; but that my enchantment is of a
sort that transcends all I have ever read of in all the histories that
deal with knights…errant that have been enchanted? So thou mayest
set thy mind at rest as to the idea that they are what thou sayest;
for they are as much so as I am a Turk。 But touching thy desire to ask
me something; say on; and I will answer thee; though thou shouldst ask
questions from this till to…morrow morning。〃
  〃May Our Lady be good to me!〃 said Sancho; lifting up his voice;
〃and is it possible that your worship is so thick of skull and so
short of brains that you cannot see that what I say is the simple
truth; and that malice has more to do with your imprisonment and
misfortune than enchantment? But as it is so; I will prove plainly
to you that you are not enchanted。 Now tell me; so may God deliver you
from this affliction; and so may you find yourself when you least
expect it in the arms of my lady Dulcinea…〃
  〃Leave off conjuring me;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃and ask what thou
wouldst know; I have already told thee I will answer with all possible
  〃That is what I want;〃 said Sancho; 〃and what I would know; and have
you tell me; without adding or leaving out anything; but telling the
whole truth as one expects it to be told; and as it is told; by all
who profess arms; as your worship professes them; under the title of
  〃I tell thee I will not lie in any particular;〃 said Don Quixote;
〃finish thy question; for in truth thou weariest me with all these
asseverations; requirements; and precautions; Sancho。〃
  〃Well; I rely on the goodness and truth of my master;〃 said
Sancho; 〃and so; because it bears upon what we are talking about; I
would ask; speaking with all reverence; whether since your worship has
been shut up and; as you think; enchanted in this cage; you have
felt any desire or inclination to go anywhere; as the saying is?〃
  〃I do not understand 'going anywhere;'〃 said Don Quixote; 〃explain
thyself more clearly; Sancho; if thou wouldst have me give an answer
to the point。〃
  〃Is it possible;〃 said Sancho; 〃that your worship does not
understand 'going anywhere'? Why; the schoolboys know that from the
time they were babes。 Well then; you must know I mean have you had any
desire to do what cannot be avoided?〃
  〃Ah! now I understand thee; Sancho;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃yes;
often; and even this minute; get me out of this strait; or all will
not go right。〃


  〃AHA; I have caught you;〃 said Sancho; 〃this is what in my heart and
soul I was longing to know。 Come now; senor; can you deny what is
commonly said around us; when a person is out of humour; 'I don't know
what ails so…and…so; that he neither eats; nor drinks; nor sleeps; nor
gives a proper answer to any question; one would think he was
enchanted'? From which it is to be gathered that those who do not eat;
or drink; or sleep; or do any of the natural acts I am speaking of…
that such persons are enchanted; but not those that have the desire
your worship has; and drink when drink is given them; and eat when
there is anything to eat; and answer every question that is asked
  〃What thou sayest is true; Sancho;〃 replied Don Quixote; 〃but I have
already told thee there are many sorts of enchantments; and it may
be that in the course of time they have been changed one for
another; and that now it may be the way with enchanted people to do
all that I do; though they did not do so before; so it is vain to
argue or draw inferences against the usage of the time。 I know and
feel that I am enchanted; and that is enough to ease my conscience;
for it would weigh heavily on it if I thought that I was not
enchanted; and that in a aint…hearted and cowardly way I allowed
myself to lie in this cage; defrauding multitudes of the succour I
might afford to those in need and distress; who at this very moment
may be in sore want of my aid and protection。〃
  〃Still for all that;〃 replied Sancho; 〃I say that; for your
greater and fuller satisfaction; it would be well if your worship were
to try to get out of this prison (and I promise to do all in my
power to help; and even to take you out of it); and see if you could
once more mount your good Rocinante; who seems to be enchanted too; he
is so melancholy and dejected; and then we might try our chance in
looking for adventures
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