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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第131章

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  〃Holy God! what art thou saying; Sancho; my friend?〃 exclaimed Don
Quixote。 〃Take care thou art not deceiving me; or seeking by false joy
to cheer my real sadness。〃
  〃What could I get by deceiving your worship;〃 returned Sancho;
〃especially when it will so soon be shown whether I tell the truth
or not? Come; senor; push on; and you will see the princess our
mistress coming; robed and adorned… in fact; like what she is。 Her
damsels and she are all one glow of gold; all bunches of pearls; all
diamonds; all rubies; all cloth of brocade of more than ten borders;
with their hair loose on their shoulders like so many sunbeams playing
with the wind; and moreover; they come mounted on three piebald
cackneys; the finest sight ever you saw。〃
  〃Hackneys; you mean; Sancho;〃 said Don Quixote。
  〃There is not much difference between cackneys and hackneys;〃 said
Sancho; 〃but no matter what they come on; there they are; the finest
ladies one could wish for; especially my lady the princess Dulcinea;
who staggers one's senses。〃
  〃Let us go; Sancho; my son;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃and in guerdon of
this news; as unexpected as it is good; I bestow upon thee the best
spoil I shall win in the first adventure I may have; or if that does
not satisfy thee; I promise thee the foals I shall have this year from
my three mares that thou knowest are in foal on our village common。〃
  〃I'll take the foals;〃 said Sancho; 〃for it is not quite certain
that the spoils of the first adventure will be good ones。〃
  By this time they had cleared the wood; and saw the three village
lasses close at hand。 Don Quixote looked all along the road to El
Toboso; and as he could see nobody except the three peasant girls;
he was completely puzzled; and asked Sancho if it was outside the city
he had left them。
  〃How outside the city?〃 returned Sancho。 〃Are your worship's eyes in
the back of your head; that you can't see that they are these who
are coming here; shining like the very sun at noonday?〃
  〃I see nothing; Sancho;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃but three country
girls on three jackasses。〃
  〃Now; may God deliver me from the devil!〃 said Sancho; 〃and can it
be that your worship takes three hackneys… or whatever they're called…
as white as the driven snow; for jackasses? By the Lord; I could
tear my beard if that was the case!〃
  〃Well; I can only say; Sancho; my friend;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃that
it is as plain they are jackasses… or jennyasses… as that I am Don
Quixote; and thou Sancho Panza: at any rate; they seem to me to be
  〃Hush; senor;〃 said Sancho; 〃don't talk that way; but open your
eyes; and come and pay your respects to the lady of your thoughts; who
is close upon us now;〃 and with these words he advanced to receive the
three village lasses; and dismounting from Dapple; caught hold of
one of the asses of the three country girls by the halter; and
dropping on both knees on the ground; he said; 〃Queen and princess and
duchess of beauty; may it please your haughtiness and greatness to
receive into your favour and good…will your captive knight who
stands there turned into marble stone; and quite stupefied and
benumbed at finding himself in your magnificent presence。 I am
Sancho Panza; his squire; and he the vagabond knight Don Quixote of La
Mancha; otherwise called 'The Knight of the Rueful Countenance。〃〃
  Don Quixote had by this time placed himself on his knees beside
Sancho; and; with eyes starting out of his head and a puzzled gaze;
was regarding her whom Sancho called queen and lady; and as he could
see nothing in her except a village lass; and not a very well…favoured
one; for she was platter…faced and snub…nosed; he was perplexed and
bewildered; and did not venture to open his lips。 The country girls;
at the same time; were astonished to see these two men; so different
in appearance; on their knees; preventing their companion from going
on。 She; however; who had been stopped; breaking silence; said angrily
and testily; 〃Get out of the way; bad luck to you; and let us pass;
for we are in a hurry。〃
  To which Sancho returned; 〃Oh; princess and universal lady of El
Toboso; is not your magnanimous heart softened by seeing the pillar
and prop of knight…errantry on his knees before your sublimated
  On hearing this; one of the others exclaimed; 〃Woa then! why; I'm
rubbing thee down; she…ass of my father…in…law! See how the
lordlings come to make game of the village girls now; as if we here
could not chaff as well as themselves。 Go your own way; and let us
go ours; and it will be better for you。〃
  〃Get up; Sancho;〃 said Don Quixote at this; 〃I see that fortune;
'with evil done to me unsated still;' has taken possession of all
the roads by which any comfort may reach 'this wretched soul' that I
carry in my flesh。 And thou; highest perfection of excellence that can
be desired; utmost limit of grace in human shape; sole relief of
this afflicted heart that adores thee; though the malign enchanter
that persecutes me has brought clouds and cataracts on my eyes; and to
them; and them only; transformed thy unparagoned beauty and changed
thy features into those of a poor peasant girl; if so be he has not at
the same time changed mine into those of some monster to render them
loathsome in thy sight; refuse not to look upon me with tenderness and
love; seeing in this submission that I make on my knees to thy
transformed beauty the humility with which my soul adores thee。〃
  〃Hey…day! My grandfather!〃 cried the girl; 〃much I care for your
love…making! Get out of the way and let us pass; and we'll thank you。〃
  Sancho stood aside and let her go; very well pleased to have got
so well out of the hobble he was in。 The instant the village lass
who had done duty for Dulcinea found herself free; prodding her
〃cackney〃 with a spike she had at the end of a stick; she set off at
full speed across the field。 The she…ass; however; feeling the point
more acutely than usual; began cutting such capers; that it flung
the lady Dulcinea to the ground; seeing which; Don Quixote ran to
raise her up; and Sancho to fix and girth the pack…saddle; which
also had slipped under the ass's belly。 The pack…saddle being secured;
as Don Quixote was about to lift up his enchanted mistress in his arms
and put her upon her beast; the lady; getting up from the ground;
saved him the trouble; for; going back a little; she took a short run;
and putting both hands on the croup of the ass she dropped into the
saddle more lightly than a falcon; and sat astride like a man; whereat
Sancho said; 〃Rogue!〃 but our lady is lighter than a lanner; and might
teach the cleverest Cordovan or Mexican how to mount; she cleared
the back of the saddle in one jump; and without spurs she is making
the hackney go like a zebra; and her damsels are no way behind her;
for they all fly like the wind;〃 which was the truth; for as soon as
they saw Dulcinea mounted; they pushed on after her; and sped away
without looking back; for more than half a league。
  Don Quixote followed them with his eyes; and when they were no
longer in sight; he turned to Sancho and said; 〃How now; Sancho?
thou seest how I am hated by enchanters! And see to what a length
the malice and spite they bear me go; when they seek to deprive me
of the happiness it would give me to see my lady in her own proper
form。 The fact is I was born to be an example of misfortune; and the
target and mark at which the arrows of adversity are aimed and
directed。 Observe too; Sancho; that these traitors were not content
with changing and transforming my Dulcinea; but they transformed and
changed her into a shape as mean and ill…favoured as that of the
village girl yonder; and at the same time they robbed her of that
which is such a peculiar property of ladies of distinction; that is to
say; the sweet fragrance that comes of being always among perfumes and
flowers。 For I must tell thee; Sancho; that when I approached to put
Dulcinea upon her hackney (as thou sayest it was; though to me it
appeared a she…ass); she gave me a whiff of raw garlic that made my
head reel; and poisoned my very heart。〃
  〃O scum of the earth!〃 cried Sancho at this; 〃O miserable;
spiteful enchanters! O that I could see you all strung by the gills;
like sardines on a twig! Ye know a great deal; ye can do a great deal;
and ye do a great deal more。 It ought to have been enough for you;
ye scoundrels; to have changed the pearls of my lady's eyes into oak
galls; and her hair of purest gold into the bristles of a red ox's
tail; and in short; all her features from fair to foul; without
meddling with her smell; for by that we might somehow have found out
what was hidden underneath that ugly rind; though; to tell the
truth; I never perceived her ugliness; but only her beauty; which
was raised to the highest pitch of perfection by a mole she had on her
right lip; like a moustache; with seven or eight red hairs like
threads of gold; and more than a palm long。〃
  〃From the correspondence which exists between those of the face
and those of the body;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃Dulcinea must have
another mole resembling that on the thick of the thigh on that side on
which she has the one on her a
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