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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第134章

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from those paths of good breeding that your worship has made in my
parched understanding。〃
  Don Quixote laughed at Sancho's affected phraseology; and
perceived that what he said about his improvement was true; for now
and then he spoke in a way that surprised him; though always; or
mostly; when Sancho tried to talk fine and attempted polite
language; he wound up by toppling over from the summit of his
simplicity into the abyss of his ignorance; and where he showed his
culture and his memory to the greatest advantage was in dragging in
proverbs; no matter whether they had any bearing or not upon the
subject in hand; as may have been seen already and will be noticed
in the course of this history。
  In conversation of this kind they passed a good part of the night;
but Sancho felt a desire to let down the curtains of his eyes; as he
used to say when he wanted to go to sleep; and stripping Dapple he
left him at liberty to graze his fill。 He did not remove Rocinante's
saddle; as his master's express orders were; that so long as they were
in the field or not sleeping under a roof Rocinante was not to be
stripped… the ancient usage established and observed by knights…errant
being to take off the bridle and hang it on the saddle…bow; but to
remove the saddle from the horse… never! Sancho acted accordingly; and
gave him the same liberty he had given Dapple; between whom and
Rocinante there was a friendship so unequalled and so strong; that
it is handed down by tradition from father to son; that the author
of this veracious history devoted some special chapters to it;
which; in order to preserve the propriety and decorum due to a history
so heroic; he did not insert therein; although at times he forgets
this resolution of his and describes how eagerly the two beasts
would scratch one another when they were together and how; when they
were tired or full; Rocinante would lay his neck across Dapple's;
stretching half a yard or more on the other side; and the pair would
stand thus; gazing thoughtfully on the ground; for three days; or at
least so long as they were left alone; or hunger did not drive them to
go and look for food。 I may add that they say the author left it on
record that he likened their friendship to that of Nisus and Euryalus;
and Pylades and Orestes; and if that be so; it may be perceived; to
the admiration of mankind; how firm the friendship must have been
between these two peaceful animals; shaming men; who preserve
friendships with one another so badly。 This was why it was said…

       For friend no longer is there friend;
       The reeds turn lances now。

And some one else has sung…

       Friend to friend the bug; &c。

And let no one fancy that the author was at all astray when he
compared the friendship of these animals to that of men; for men
have received many lessons from beasts; and learned many important
things; as; for example; the clyster from the stork; vomit and
gratitude from the dog; watchfulness from the crane; foresight from
the ant; modesty from the elephant; and loyalty from the horse。
  Sancho at last fell asleep at the foot of a cork tree; while Don
Quixote dozed at that of a sturdy oak; but a short time only had
elapsed when a noise he heard behind him awoke him; and rising up
startled; he listened and looked in the direction the noise came from;
and perceived two men on horseback; one of whom; letting himself
drop from the saddle; said to the other; 〃Dismount; my friend; and
take the bridles off the horses; for; so far as I can see; this
place will furnish grass for them; and the solitude and silence my
love…sick thoughts need of。〃 As he said this he stretched himself upon
the ground; and as he flung himself down; the armour in which he was
clad rattled; whereby Don Quixote perceived that he must be a
knight…errant; and going over to Sancho; who was asleep; he shook
him by the arm and with no small difficulty brought him back to his
senses; and said in a low voice to him; 〃Brother Sancho; we have got
an adventure。〃
  〃God send us a good one;〃 said Sancho; 〃and where may her ladyship
the adventure be?〃
  〃Where; Sancho?〃 replied Don Quixote; 〃turn thine eyes and look; and
thou wilt see stretched there a knight…errant; who; it strikes me;
is not over and above happy; for I saw him fling himself off his horse
and throw himself on the ground with a certain air of dejection; and
his armour rattled as he fell。〃
  〃Well;〃 said Sancho; 〃how does your worship make out that to be an
  〃I do not mean to say;〃 returned Don Quixote; 〃that it is a complete
adventure; but that it is the beginning of one; for it is in this
way adventures begin。 But listen; for it seems he is tuning a lute
or guitar; and from the way he is spitting and clearing his chest he
must be getting ready to sing something。〃
  〃Faith; you are right;〃 said Sancho; 〃and no doubt he is some
enamoured knight。〃
  〃There is no knight…errant that is not;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃but
let us listen to him; for; if he sings; by that thread we shall
extract the ball of his thoughts; because out of the abundance of
the heart the mouth speaketh。〃
  Sancho was about to reply to his master; but the Knight of the
Grove's voice; which was neither very bad nor very good; stopped
him; and listening attentively the pair heard him sing this


     Your pleasure; prithee; lady mine; unfold;
       Declare the terms that I am to obey;
     My will to yours submissively I mould;
       And from your law my feet shall never stray。
       Would you I die; to silent grief a prey?
     Then count me even now as dead and cold;
       Would you I tell my woes in some new way?
     Then shall my tale by Love itself be told。
     The unison of opposites to prove;
       Of the soft wax and diamond hard am I;
     But still; obedient to the laws of love;
       Here; hard or soft; I offer you my breast;
       Whate'er you grave or stamp thereon shall rest
            Indelible for all eternity。

With an 〃Ah me!〃 that seemed to be drawn from the inmost recesses of
his heart; the Knight of the Grove brought his lay to an end; and
shortly afterwards exclaimed in a melancholy and piteous voice; 〃O
fairest and most ungrateful woman on earth! What! can it be; most
serene Casildea de Vandalia; that thou wilt suffer this thy captive
knight to waste away and perish in ceaseless wanderings and rude and
arduous toils? It is not enough that I have compelled all the
knights of Navarre; all the Leonese; all the Tartesians; all the
Castilians; and finally all the knights of La Mancha; to confess
thee the most beautiful in the world?〃
  〃Not so;〃 said Don Quixote at this; 〃for I am of La Mancha; and I
have never confessed anything of the sort; nor could I nor should I
confess a thing so much to the prejudice of my lady's beauty; thou
seest how this knight is raving; Sancho。 But let us listen; perhaps he
will tell us more about himself。〃
  〃That he will;〃 returned Sancho; 〃for he seems in a mood to bewail
himself for a month at a stretch。〃
  But this was not the case; for the Knight of the Grove; hearing
voices near him; instead of continuing his lamentation; stood up and
exclaimed in a distinct but courteous tone; 〃Who goes there? What
are you? Do you belong to the number of the happy or of the
  〃Of the miserable;〃 answered Don Quixote。
  〃Then come to me;〃 said he of the Grove; 〃and rest assured that it
is to woe itself and affliction itself you come。〃
  Don Quixote; finding himself answered in such a soft and courteous
manner; went over to him; and so did Sancho。
  The doleful knight took Don Quixote by the arm; saying; 〃Sit down
here; sir knight; for; that you are one; and of those that profess
knight…errantry; it is to me a sufficient proof to have found you in
this place; where solitude and night; the natural couch and proper
retreat of knights…errant; keep you company。〃 To which Don made
answer; 〃A knight I am of the profession you mention; and though
sorrows; misfortunes; and calamities have made my heart their abode;
the compassion I feel for the misfortunes of others has not been
thereby banished from it。 From what you have just now sung I gather
that yours spring from love; I mean from the love you bear that fair
ingrate you named in your lament。〃
  In the meantime; they had seated themselves together on the hard
ground peaceably and sociably; just as if; as soon as day broke;
they were not going to break one another's heads。
  〃Are you; sir knight; in love perchance?〃 asked he of the Grove of
Don Quixote。
  〃By mischance I am;〃 replied Don Quixote; 〃though the ills arising
from well…bestowed affections should be esteemed favours rather than
  〃That is true;〃 returned he of the Grove; 〃if scorn did not unsettle
our reason and understanding; for if it be excessive it looks like
  〃I was never scorned by my lady;〃 said Don Quixote。
  〃Certainly not;〃 said Sancho; who stood close by; 〃for my lady is as
a lamb; and softer than a roll of butter。〃
  〃Is this your squire?〃 asked he of the Grove。
  〃He is;〃 said Don Quixote。
  〃I never yet saw a squire;〃 said h
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