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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第142章

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agreed to sell him; and flurried by the great haste his master was
in did not know what to do with them or what to carry them in; so; not
to lose them; for he had already paid for them; he thought it best
to throw them into his master's helmet; and acting on this bright idea
he went to see what his master wanted with him。 He; as he
approached; exclaimed to him:
  〃Give me that helmet; my friend; for either I know little of
adventures; or what I observe yonder is one that will; and does;
call upon me to arm myself。〃
  He of the green gaban; on hearing this; looked in all directions;
but could perceive nothing; except a cart coming towards them with two
or three small flags; which led him to conclude it must be carrying
treasure of the King's; and he said so to Don Quixote。 He; however;
would not believe him; being always persuaded and convinced that all
that happened to him must be adventures and still more adventures;
so he replied to the gentleman; 〃He who is prepared has his battle
half fought; nothing is lost by my preparing myself; for I know by
experience that I have enemies; visible and invisible; and I know
not when; or where; or at what moment; or in what shapes they will
attack me;〃 and turning to Sancho he called for his helmet; and
Sancho; as he had no time to take out the curds; had to give it just
as it was。 Don Quixote took it; and without perceiving what was in
it thrust it down in hot haste upon his head; but as the curds were
pressed and squeezed the whey began to run all over his face and
beard; whereat he was so startled that he cried out to Sancho:
  〃Sancho; what's this? I think my head is softening; or my brains are
melting; or I am sweating from head to foot! If I am sweating it is
not indeed from fear。 I am convinced beyond a doubt that the adventure
which is about to befall me is a terrible one。 Give me something to
wipe myself with; if thou hast it; for this profuse sweat is
blinding me。〃
  Sancho held his tongue; and gave him a cloth; and gave thanks to God
at the same time that his master had not found out what was the
matter。 Don Quixote then wiped himself; and took off his helmet to see
what it was that made his head feel so cool; and seeing all that white
mash inside his helmet he put it to his nose; and as soon as he had
smelt it he exclaimed:
  〃By the life of my lady Dulcinea del Toboso; but it is curds thou
hast put here; thou treacherous; impudent; ill…mannered squire!〃
  To which; with great composure and pretended innocence; Sancho
replied; 〃If they are curds let me have them; your worship; and I'll
eat them; but let the devil eat them; for it must have been he who put
them there。 I dare to dirty your helmet! You have guessed the offender
finely! Faith; sir; by the light God gives me; it seems I must have
enchanters too; that persecute me as a creature and limb of your
worship; and they must have put that nastiness there in order to
provoke your patience to anger; and make you baste my ribs as you
are wont to do。 Well; this time; indeed; they have missed their aim;
for I trust to my master's good sense to see that I have got no
curds or milk; or anything of the sort; and that if I had it is in
my stomach I would put it and not in the helmet。〃
  〃May he so;〃 said Don Quixote。 All this the gentleman was observing;
and with astonishment; more especially when; after having wiped
himself clean; his head; face; beard; and helmet; Don Quixote put it
on; and settling himself firmly in his stirrups; easing his sword in
the scabbard; and grasping his lance; he cried; 〃Now; come who will;
here am I; ready to try conclusions with Satan himself in person!〃

  By this time the cart with the flags had come up; unattended by
anyone except the carter on a mule; and a man sitting in front。 Don
Quixote planted himself before it and said; 〃Whither are you going;
brothers? What cart is this? What have you got in it? What flags are
  To this the carter replied; 〃The cart is mine; what is in it is a
pair of wild caged lions; which the governor of Oran is sending to
court as a present to his Majesty; and the flags are our lord the
King's; to show that what is here is his property。〃
  〃And are the lions large?〃 asked Don Quixote。
  〃So large;〃 replied the man who sat at the door of the cart; 〃that
larger; or as large; have never crossed from Africa to Spain; I am the
keeper; and I have brought over others; but never any like these。 They
are male and female; the male is in that first cage and the female
in the one behind; and they are hungry now; for they have eaten
nothing to…day; so let your worship stand aside; for we must make
haste to the place where we are to feed them。〃
  Hereupon; smiling slightly; Don Quixote exclaimed; 〃Lion…whelps to
me! to me whelps of lions; and at such a time! Then; by God! those
gentlemen who send them here shall see if I am a man to be
frightened by lions。 Get down; my good fellow; and as you are the
keeper open the cages; and turn me out those beasts; and in the
midst of this plain I will let them know who Don Quixote of La
Mancha is; in spite and in the teeth of the enchanters who send them
to me。〃
  〃So; so;〃 said the gentleman to himself at this; 〃our worthy
knight has shown of what sort he is; the curds; no doubt; have
softened his skull and brought his brains to a head。〃
  At this instant Sancho came up to him; saying; 〃Senor; for God's
sake do something to keep my master; Don Quixote; from tackling
these lions; for if he does they'll tear us all to pieces here。〃
  〃Is your master then so mad;〃 asked the gentleman; 〃that you believe
and are afraid he will engage such fierce animals?〃
  〃He is not mad;〃 said Sancho; 〃but he is venturesome。〃
  〃I will prevent it;〃 said the gentleman; and going over to Don
Quixote; who was insisting upon the keeper's opening the cages; he
said to him; 〃Sir knight; knights…errant should attempt adventures
which encourage the hope of a successful issue; not those which
entirely withhold it; for valour that trenches upon temerity savours
rather of madness than of courage; moreover; these lions do not come
to oppose you; nor do they dream of such a thing; they are going as
presents to his Majesty; and it will not be right to stop them or
delay their journey。〃
  〃Gentle sir;〃 replied Don Quixote; 〃you go and mind your tame
partridge and your bold ferret; and leave everyone to manage his own
business; this is mine; and I know whether these gentlemen the lions
come to me or not;〃 and then turning to the keeper he exclaimed; 〃By
all that's good; sir scoundrel; if you don't open the cages this
very instant; I'll pin you to the cart with this lance。〃
  The carter; seeing the determination of this apparition in armour;
said to him; 〃Please your worship; for charity's sake; senor; let me
unyoke the mules and place myself in safety along with them before the
lions are turned out; for if they kill them on me I am ruined for
life; for all I possess is this cart and mules。〃
  〃O man of little faith;〃 replied Don Quixote; 〃get down and
unyoke; you will soon see that you are exerting yourself for
nothing; and that you might have spared yourself the trouble。〃
  The carter got down and with all speed unyoked the mules; and the
keeper called out at the top of his voice; 〃I call all here to witness
that against my will and under compulsion I open the cages and let the
lions loose; and that I warn this gentleman that he will be
accountable for all the harm and mischief which these beasts may do;
and for my salary and dues as well。 You; gentlemen; place yourselves
in safety before I open; for I know they will do me no harm。〃
  Once more the gentleman strove to persuade Don Quixote not to do
such a mad thing; as it was tempting God to engage in such a piece
of folly。 To this; Don Quixote replied that he knew what he was about。
The gentleman in return entreated him to reflect; for he knew he was
under a delusion。
  〃Well; senor;〃 answered Don Quixote; 〃if you do not like to be a
spectator of this tragedy; as in your opinion it will be; spur your
flea…bitten mare; and place yourself in safety。〃
  Hearing this; Sancho with tears in his eyes entreated him to give up
an enterprise compared with which the one of the windmills; and the
awful one of the fulling mills; and; in fact; all the feats he had
attempted in the whole course of his life; were cakes and fancy bread。
〃Look ye; senor;〃 said Sancho; 〃there's no enchantment here; nor
anything of the sort; for between the bars and chinks of the cage I
have seen the paw of a real lion; and judging by that I reckon the
lion such a paw could belong to must be bigger than a mountain。〃
  〃Fear at any rate;〃 replied Don Quixote; 〃will make him look
bigger to thee than half the world。 Retire; Sancho; and leave me;
and if I die here thou knowest our old compact; thou wilt repair to
Dulcinea… I say no more。〃 To these he added some further words that
banished all hope of his giving up his insane project。 He of the green
gaban would have offered resistance; but he found himself
ill…matched as to arms; and did not think it prudent to come to
blows with a madman; for such Don Quixote now showed himself
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