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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第154章

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am listening to you with the greatest pleasure in the world。〃
  〃And with no less do I tell the tale;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃and so; to
proceed… the venerable Montesinos led me into the palace of crystal;
where; in a lower chamber; strangely cool and entirely of alabaster;
was an elaborately wrought marble tomb; upon which I beheld; stretched
at full length; a knight; not of bronze; or marble; or jasper; as
are seen on other tombs; but of actual flesh and bone。 His right
hand (which seemed to me somewhat hairy and sinewy; a sign of great
strength in its owner) lay on the side of his heart; but before I
could put any question to Montesinos; he; seeing me gazing at the tomb
in amazement; said to me; 'This is my friend Durandarte; flower and
mirror of the true lovers and valiant knights of his time。 He is
held enchanted here; as I myself and many others are; by that French
enchanter Merlin; who; they say; was the devil's son; but my belief
is; not that he was the devil's son; but that he knew; as the saying
is; a point more than the devil。 How or why he enchanted us; no one
knows; but time will tell; and I suspect that time is not far off。
What I marvel at is; that I know it to be as sure as that it is now
day; that Durandarte ended his life in my arms; and that; after his
death; I took out his heart with my own hands; and indeed it must have
weighed more than two pounds; for; according to naturalists; he who
has a large heart is more largely endowed with valour than he who
has a small one。 Then; as this is the case; and as the knight did
really die; how comes it that he now moans and sighs from time to
time; as if he were still alive?'
  〃As he said this; the wretched Durandarte cried out in a loud voice:

       O cousin Montesinos!
         'T was my last request of thee;
       When my soul hath left the body;
         And that lying dead I be;
       With thy poniard or thy dagger
         Cut the heart from out my breast;
       And bear it to Belerma。
         This was my last request。

On hearing which; the venerable Montesinos fell on his knees before
the unhappy knight; and with tearful eyes exclaimed; 'Long since;
Senor Durandarte; my beloved cousin; long since have I done what you
bade me on that sad day when I lost you; I took out your heart as well
as I could; not leaving an atom of it in your breast; I wiped it
with a lace handkerchief; and I took the road to France with it;
having first laid you in the bosom of the earth with tears enough to
wash and cleanse my hands of the blood that covered them after
wandering among your bowels; and more by token; O cousin of my soul;
at the first village I came to after leaving Roncesvalles; I sprinkled
a little salt upon your heart to keep it sweet; and bring it; if not
fresh; at least pickled; into the presence of the lady Belerma;
whom; together with you; myself; Guadiana your squire; the duenna
Ruidera and her seven daughters and two nieces; and many more of
your friends and acquaintances; the sage Merlin has been keeping
enchanted here these many years; and although more than five hundred
have gone by; not one of us has died; Ruidera and her daughters and
nieces alone are missing; and these; because of the tears they shed;
Merlin; out of the compassion he seems to have felt for them;
changed into so many lakes; which to this day in the world of the
living; and in the province of La Mancha; are called the Lakes of
Ruidera。 The seven daughters belong to the kings of Spain and the
two nieces to the knights of a very holy order called the Order of St。
John。 Guadiana your squire; likewise bewailing your fate; was
changed into a river of his own name; but when he came to the
surface and beheld the sun of another heaven; so great was his grief
at finding he was leaving you; that he plunged into the bowels of
the earth; however; as he cannot help following his natural course; he
from time to time comes forth and shows himself to the sun and the
world。 The lakes aforesaid send him their waters; and with these;
and others that come to him; he makes a grand and imposing entrance
into Portugal; but for all that; go where he may; he shows his
melancholy and sadness; and takes no pride in breeding dainty choice
fish; only coarse and tasteless sorts; very different from those of
the golden Tagus。 All this that I tell you now; O cousin mine; I
have told you many times before; and as you make no answer; I fear
that either you believe me not; or do not hear me; whereat I feel
God knows what grief。 I have now news to give you; which; if it serves
not to alleviate your sufferings; will not in any wise increase
them。 Know that you have here before you (open your eyes and you
will see) that great knight of whom the sage Merlin has prophesied
such great things; that Don Quixote of La Mancha I mean; who has
again; and to better purpose than in past times; revived in these days
knight…errantry; long since forgotten; and by whose intervention and
aid it may be we shall be disenchanted; for great deeds are reserved
for great men。'
  〃'And if that may not be;' said the wretched Durandarte in a low and
feeble voice; 'if that may not be; then; my cousin; I say 〃patience
and shuffle;〃' and turning over on his side; he relapsed into his
former silence without uttering another word。
  〃And now there was heard a great outcry and lamentation; accompanied
by deep sighs and bitter sobs。 I looked round; and through the crystal
wall I saw passing through another chamber a procession of two lines
of fair damsels all clad in mourning; and with white turbans of
Turkish fashion on their heads。 Behind; in the rear of these; there
came a lady; for so from her dignity she seemed to be; also clad in
black; with a white veil so long and ample that it swept the ground。
Her turban was twice as large as the largest of any of the others; her
eyebrows met; her nose was rather flat; her mouth was large but with
ruddy lips; and her teeth; of which at times she allowed a glimpse;
were seen to be sparse and ill…set; though as white as peeled almonds。
She carried in her hands a fine cloth; and in it; as well as I could
make out; a heart that had been mummied; so parched and dried was
it。 Montesinos told me that all those forming the procession were
the attendants of Durandarte and Belerma; who were enchanted there
with their master and mistress; and that the last; she who carried the
heart in the cloth; was the lady Belerma; who; with her damsels;
four days in the week went in procession singing; or rather weeping;
dirges over the body and miserable heart of his cousin; and that if
she appeared to me somewhat ill…favoured or not so beautiful as fame
reported her; it was because of the bad nights and worse days that she
passed in that enchantment; as I could see by the great dark circles
round her eyes; and her sickly complexion; 'her sallowness; and the
rings round her eyes;' said he; 'are not caused by the periodical
ailment usual with women; for it is many months and even years since
she has had any; but by the grief her own heart suffers because of
that which she holds in her hand perpetually; and which recalls and
brings back to her memory the sad fate of her lost lover; were it
not for this; hardly would the great Dulcinea del Toboso; so
celebrated in all these parts; and even in the world; come up to her
for beauty; grace; and gaiety。'
  〃'Hold hard!' said I at this; 'tell your story as you ought; Senor
Don Montesinos; for you know very well that all comparisons are
odious; and there is no occasion to compare one person with another;
the peerless Dulcinea del Toboso is what she is; and the lady Dona
Belerma is what she is and has been; and that's enough。' To which he
made answer; 'Forgive me; Senor Don Quixote; I own I was wrong and
spoke unadvisedly in saying that the lady Dulcinea could scarcely come
up to the lady Belerma; for it were enough for me to have learned;
by what means I know not; that youare her knight; to make me bite my
tongue out before I compared her to anything save heaven itself。'
After this apology which the great Montesinos made me; my heart
recovered itself from the shock I had received in hearing my lady
compared with Belerma。〃
  〃Still I wonder;〃 said Sancho; 〃that your worship did not get upon
the old fellow and bruise every bone of him with kicks; and pluck
his beard until you didn't leave a hair in it。〃
  〃Nay; Sancho; my friend;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃it would not have
been right in me to do that; for we are all bound to pay respect to
the aged; even though they be not knights; but especially to those who
are; and who are enchanted; I only know I gave him as good as he
brought in the many other questions and answers we exchanged。〃
  〃I cannot understand; Senor Don Quixote;〃 remarked the cousin
here; 〃how it is that your worship; in such a short space of time as
you have been below there; could have seen so many things; and said
and answered so much。〃
  〃How long is it since I went down?〃 asked Don Quixote。
  〃Little better than an hour;〃 replied Sancho。
  〃That cannot be;〃 returned Don Quixote; 〃because night overtook me
while I was there; and day came; and it was night
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