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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第166章

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far end of it observed some people; and as he drew nearer saw that
it was a hawking party。 Coming closer; he distinguished among them a
lady of graceful mien; on a pure white palfrey or hackney
caparisoned with green trappings and a silver…mounted side…saddle。 The
lady was also in green; and so richly and splendidly dressed that
splendour itself seemed personified in her。 On her left hand she
bore a hawk; a proof to Don Quixote's mind that she must be some great
lady and the mistress of the whole hunting party; which was the
fact; so he said to Sancho; 〃Run Sancho; my son; and say to that
lady on the palfrey with the hawk that I; the Knight of the Lions;
kiss the hands of her exalted beauty; and if her excellence will grant
me leave I will go and kiss them in person and place myself at her
service for aught that may be in my power and her highness may
command; and mind; Sancho; how thou speakest; and take care not to
thrust in any of thy proverbs into thy message。〃
  〃You've got a likely one here to thrust any in!〃 said Sancho; 〃leave
me alone for that! Why; this is not the first time in my life I have
carried messages to high and exalted ladies。〃
  〃Except that thou didst carry to the lady Dulcinea;〃 said Don
Quixote; 〃I know not that thou hast carried any other; at least in
my service。〃
  〃That is true;〃 replied Sancho; 〃but pledges don't distress a good
payer; and in a house where there's plenty supper is soon cooked; I
mean there's no need of telling or warning me about anything; for
I'm ready for everything and know a little of everything。〃
  〃That I believe; Sancho;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃go and good luck to
thee; and God speed thee。〃
  Sancho went off at top speed; forcing Dapple out of his regular
pace; and came to where the fair huntress was standing; and
dismounting knelt before her and said; 〃Fair lady; that knight that
you see there; the Knight of the Lions by name; is my master; and I am
a squire of his; and at home they call me Sancho Panza。 This same
Knight of the Lions; who was called not long since the Knight of the
Rueful Countenance; sends by me to say may it please your highness
to give him leave that; with your permission; approbation; and
consent; he may come and carry out his wishes; which are; as he says
and I believe; to serve your exalted loftiness and beauty; and if
you give it; your ladyship will do a thing which will redound to
your honour; and he will receive a most distinguished favour and
  〃You have indeed; squire;〃 said the lady; 〃delivered your message
with all the formalities such messages require; rise up; for it is not
right that the squire of a knight so great as he of the Rueful
Countenance; of whom we have heard a great deal here; should remain on
his knees; rise; my friend; and bid your master welcome to the
services of myself and the duke my husband; in a country house we have
  Sancho got up; charmed as much by the beauty of the good lady as
by her high…bred air and her courtesy; but; above all; by what she had
said about having heard of his master; the Knight of the Rueful
Countenance; for if she did not call him Knight of the Lions it was no
doubt because he had so lately taken the name。 〃Tell me; brother
squire;〃 asked the duchess (whose title; however; is not known); 〃this
master of yours; is he not one of whom there is a history extant in
print; called 'The Ingenious Gentleman; Don Quixote of La Mancha;' who
has for the lady of his heart a certain Dulcinea del Toboso?〃
  〃He is the same; senora;〃 replied Sancho; 〃and that squire of his
who figures; or ought to figure; in the said history under the name of
Sancho Panza; is myself; unless they have changed me in the cradle;
I mean in the press。〃
  〃I am rejoiced at all this;〃 said the duchess; 〃go; brother Panza;
and tell your master that he is welcome to my estate; and that nothing
could happen me that could give me greater pleasure。〃
  Sancho returned to his master mightily pleased with this
gratifying answer; and told him all the great lady had said to him;
lauding to the skies; in his rustic phrase; her rare beauty; her
graceful gaiety; and her courtesy。 Don Quixote drew himself up briskly
in his saddle; fixed himself in his stirrups; settled his visor;
gave Rocinante the spur; and with an easy bearing advanced to kiss the
hands of the duchess; who; having sent to summon the duke her husband;
told him while Don Quixote was approaching all about the message;
and as both of them had read the First Part of this history; and
from it were aware of Don Quixote's crazy turn; they awaited him
with the greatest delight and anxiety to make his acquaintance;
meaning to fall in with his humour and agree with everything he
said; and; so long as he stayed with them; to treat him as a
knight…errant; with all the ceremonies usual in the books of
chivalry they had read; for they themselves were very fond of them。
  Don Quixote now came up with his visor raised; and as he seemed
about to dismount Sancho made haste to go and hold his stirrup for
him; but in getting down off Dapple he was so unlucky as to hitch
his foot in one of the ropes of the pack…saddle in such a way that
he was unable to free it; and was left hanging by it with his face and
breast on the ground。 Don Quixote; who was not used to dismount
without having the stirrup held; fancying that Sancho had by this time
come to hold it for him; threw himself off with a lurch and brought
Rocinante's saddle after him; which was no doubt badly girthed; and
saddle and he both came to the ground; not without discomfiture to him
and abundant curses muttered between his teeth against the unlucky
Sancho; who had his foot still in the shackles。 The duke ordered his
huntsmen to go to the help of knight and squire; and they raised Don
Quixote; sorely shaken by his fall; and he; limping; advanced as
best he could to kneel before the noble pair。 This; however; the
duke would by no means permit; on the contrary; dismounting from his
horse; he went and embraced Don Quixote; saying; 〃I am grieved; Sir
Knight of the Rueful Countenance; that your first experience on my
ground should have been such an unfortunate one as we have seen; but
the carelessness of squires is often the cause of worse accidents。〃
  〃That which has happened me in meeting you; mighty prince;〃
replied Don Quixote; 〃cannot be unfortunate; even if my fall had not
stopped short of the depths of the bottomless pit; for the glory of
having seen you would have lifted me up and delivered me from it。 My
squire; God's curse upon him; is better at unloosing his tongue in
talking impertinence than in tightening the girths of a saddle to keep
it steady; but however I may be; allen or raised up; on foot or on
horseback; I shall always be at your service and that of my lady the
duchess; your worthy consort; worthy queen of beauty and paramount
princess of courtesy。〃
  〃Gently; Senor Don Quixote of La Mancha;〃 said the duke; 〃where my
lady Dona Dulcinea del Toboso is; it is not right that other
beauties should he praised。〃
  Sancho; by this time released from his entanglement; was standing
by; and before his master could answer he said; 〃There is no
denying; and it must be maintained; that my lady Dulcinea del Toboso
is very beautiful; but the hare jumps up where one least expects it;
and I have heard say that what we call nature is like a potter that
makes vessels of clay; and he who makes one fair vessel can as well
make two; or three; or a hundred; I say so because; by my faith; my
lady the duchess is in no way behind my mistress the lady Dulcinea del
  Don Quixote turned to the duchess and said; 〃Your highness may
conceive that never had knight…errant in this world a more talkative
or a droller squire than I have; and he will prove the truth of what I
say; if your highness is pleased to accept of my services for a few
  To which the duchess made answer; 〃that worthy Sancho is droll I
consider a very good thing; because it is a sign that he is shrewd;
for drollery and sprightliness; Senor Don Quixote; as you very well
know; do not take up their abode with dull wits; and as good Sancho is
droll and sprightly I here set him down as shrewd。〃
  〃And talkative;〃 added Don Quixote。
  〃So much the better;〃 said the duke; 〃for many droll things cannot
be said in few words; but not to lose time in talking; come; great
Knight of the Rueful Countenance…〃
  〃Of the Lions; your highness must say;〃 said Sancho; 〃for there is
no Rueful Countenance nor any such character now。〃
  〃He of the Lions be it;〃 continued the duke; 〃I say; let Sir
Knight of the Lions come to a castle of mine close by; where he
shall be given that reception which is due to so exalted a
personage; and which the duchess and I are wont to give to all
knights…errant who come there。〃
  By this time Sancho had fixed and girthed Rocinante's saddle; and
Don Quixote having got on his back and the duke mounted a fine
horse; they placed the duchess in the middle and set out for the
castle。 The duchess desired Sancho to come to her side; for she
found infinite enjoyment in listening to his shrewd remarks。 Sancho
required no pressing; but
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