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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第204章

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and 〃to Rome for everything。〃 I am as vexed as vexed can be that
they have gathered no acorns this year in our village; for all that
I send your highness about half a peck that I went to the wood to
gather and pick out one by one myself; and I could find no bigger
ones; I wish they were as big as ostrich eggs。
  Let not your high mightiness forget to write to me; and I will
take care to answer; and let you know how I am; and whatever news
there may be in this place; where I remain; praying our Lord to have
your highness in his keeping and not to forget me。
  Sancha my daughter; and my son; kiss your worship's hands。
  She who would rather see your ladyship than write to you;
                              Your servant;
                                        TERESA PANZA。

  All were greatly amused by Teresa Panza's letter; but particularly
the duke and duchess; and the duchess asked Don Quixote's opinion
whether they might open the letter that had come for the governor;
which she suspected must be very good。 Don Quixote said that to
gratify them he would open it; and did so; and found that it ran as


  I got thy letter; Sancho of my soul; and I promise thee and swear as
a Catholic Christian that I was within two fingers' breadth of going
mad I was so happy。 I can tell thee; brother; when I came to hear that
thou wert a governor I thought I should have dropped dead with pure
joy; and thou knowest they say sudden joy kills as well as great
sorrow; and as for Sanchica thy daughter; she leaked from sheer
happiness。 I had before me the suit thou didst send me; and the
coral beads my lady the duchess sent me round my neck; and the letters
in my hands; and there was the bearer of them standing by; and in
spite of all this I verily believed and thought that what I saw and
handled was all a dream; for who could have thought that a goatherd
would come to be a governor of islands? Thou knowest; my friend;
what my mother used to say; that one must live long to see much; I say
it because I expect to see more if I live longer; for I don't expect
to stop until I see thee a farmer of taxes or a collector of
revenue; which are offices where; though the devil carries off those
who make a bad use of them; still they make and handle money。 My
lady the duchess will tell thee the desire I have to go to the
Court; consider the matter and let me know thy pleasure; I will try to
do honour to thee by going in a coach。
  Neither the curate; nor the barber; nor the bachelor; nor even the
sacristan; can believe that thou art a governor; and they say the
whole thing is a delusion or an enchantment affair; like everything
belonging to thy master Don Quixote; and Samson says he must go in
search of thee and drive the government out of thy head and the
madness out of Don Quixote's skull; I only laugh; and look at my
string of beads; and plan out the dress I am going to make for our
daughter out of thy suit。 I sent some acorns to my lady the duchess; I
wish they had been gold。 Send me some strings of pearls if they are in
fashion in that island。 Here is the news of the village; La Berrueca
has married her daughter to a good…for…nothing painter; who came
here to paint anything that might turn up。 The council gave him an
order to paint his Majesty's arms over the door of the town…hall; he
asked two ducats; which they paid him in advance; he worked for
eight days; and at the end of them had nothing painted; and then
said he had no turn for painting such trifling things; he returned the
money; and for all that has married on the pretence of being a good
workman; to be sure he has now laid aside his paint…brush and taken
a spade in hand; and goes to the field like a gentleman。 Pedro
Lobo's son has received the first orders and tonsure; with the
intention of becoming a priest。 Minguilla; Mingo Silvato's
granddaughter; found it out; and has gone to law with him on the score
of having given her promise of marriage。 Evil tongues say she is
with child by him; but he denies it stoutly。 There are no olives
this year; and there is not a drop of vinegar to be had in the whole
village。 A company of soldiers passed through here; when they left
they took away with them three of the girls of the village; I will not
tell thee who they are; perhaps they will come back; and they will
be sure to find those who will take them for wives with all their
blemishes; good or bad。 Sanchica is making bonelace; she earns eight
maravedis a day clear; which she puts into a moneybox as a help
towards house furnishing; but now that she is a governor's daughter
thou wilt give her a portion without her working for it。 The
fountain in the plaza has run dry。 A flash of lightning struck the
gibbet; and I wish they all lit there。 I look for an answer to this;
and to know thy mind about my going to the Court; and so; God keep
thee longer than me; or as long; for I would not leave thee in this
world without me。
                              Thy wife;
                                    TERESA PANZA。

  The letters were applauded; laughed over; relished; and admired; and
then; as if to put the seal to the business; the courier arrived;
bringing the one Sancho sent to Don Quixote; and this; too; was read
out; and it raised some doubts as to the governor's simplicity。 The
duchess withdrew to hear from the page about his adventures in
Sancho's village; which he narrated at full length without leaving a
single circumstance unmentioned。 He gave her the acorns; and also a
cheese which Teresa had given him as being particularly good and
superior to those of Tronchon。 The duchess received it with greatest
delight; in which we will leave her; to describe the end of the
government of the great Sancho Panza; flower and mirror of all
governors of islands。


  TO FANCY that in this life anything belonging to it will remain
for ever in the same state is an idle fancy; on the contrary; in it
everything seems to go in a circle; I mean round and round。 The spring
succeeds the summer; the summer the fall; the fall the autumn; the
autumn the winter; and the winter the spring; and so time rolls with
never…ceasing wheel。 Man's life alone; swifter than time; speeds
onward to its end without any hope of renewal; save it be in that
other life which is endless and boundless。 Thus saith Cide Hamete
the Mahometan philosopher; for there are many that by the light of
nature alone; without the light of faith; have a comprehension of
the fleeting nature and instability of this present life and the
endless duration of that eternal life we hope for; but our author is
here speaking of the rapidity with which Sancho's government came to
an end; melted away; disappeared; vanished as it were in smoke and
shadow。 For as he lay in bed on the night of the seventh day of his
government; sated; not with bread and wine; but with delivering
judgments and giving opinions and making laws and proclamations;
just as sleep; in spite of hunger; was beginning to close his eyelids;
he heard such a noise of bell…ringing and shouting that one would have
fancied the whole island was going to the bottom。 He sat up in bed and
remained listening intently to try if he could make out what could
be the cause of so great an uproar; not only; however; was he unable
to discover what it was; but as countless drums and trumpets now
helped to swell the din of the bells and shouts; he was more puzzled
than ever; and filled with fear and terror; and getting up he put on a
pair of slippers because of the dampness of the floor; and without
throwing a dressing gown or anything of the kind over him he rushed
out of the door of his room; just in time to see approaching along a
corridor a band of more than twenty persons with lighted torches and
naked swords in their hands; all shouting out; 〃To arms; to arms;
senor governor; to arms! The enemy is in the island in countless
numbers; and we are lost unless your skill and valour come to our
  Keeping up this noise; tumult; and uproar; they came to where Sancho
stood dazed and bewildered by what he saw and heard; and as they
approached one of them called out to him; 〃Arm at once; your lordship;
if you would not have yourself destroyed and the whole island lost。〃
  〃What have I to do with arming?〃 said Sancho。 〃What do I know
about arms or supports? Better leave all that to my master Don
Quixote; who will settle it and make all safe in a trice; for I;
sinner that I am; God help me; don't understand these scuffles。〃
  〃Ah; senor governor;〃 said another; 〃what slackness of mettle this
is! Arm yourself; here are arms for you; offensive and defensive; come
out to the plaza and be our leader and captain; it falls upon you by
right; for you are our governor。〃
  〃Arm me then; in God's name;〃 said Sancho; and they at once produced
two large shields they had come provided with; and placed them upon
him over his shirt; without letting him put on anything else; one
shield in front and the other behind; and passing his arms through
openings th
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