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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第235章

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still I'd like it to be among trees; for I think they are company
for me and help me to bear my pain wonderfully。〃
  〃And yet it must not be; Sancho my friend;〃 said Don Quixote;
〃but; to enable thee to recover strength; we must keep it for our
own village; for at the latest we shall get there the day after
  Sancho said he might do as he pleased; but that for his own part
he would like to finish off the business quickly before his blood
cooled and while he had an appetite; because 〃in delay there is apt to
be danger〃 very often; and 〃praying to God and plying the hammer;〃 and
〃one take was better than two I'll give thee's;〃 and 〃a sparrow in the
hand than a vulture on the wing。〃
  〃For God's sake; Sancho; no more proverbs!〃 exclaimed Don Quixote;
〃it seems to me thou art becoming sicut erat again; speak in a
plain; simple; straight…forward way; as I have often told thee; and
thou wilt find the good of it。〃
  〃I don't know what bad luck it is of mine;〃 argument to my mind;
however; I mean to mend said Sancho; 〃but I can't utter a word without
a proverb that is not as good as an argument to my mind; however; I
mean to mend if I can;〃 and so for the present the conversation ended。


  ALL that day Don Quixote and Sancho remained in the village and
inn waiting for night; the one to finish off his task of scourging
in the open country; the other to see it accomplished; for therein lay
the accomplishment of his wishes。 Meanwhile there arrived at the
hostelry a traveller on horseback with three or four servants; one
of whom said to him who appeared to be the master; 〃Here; Senor Don
Alvaro Tarfe; your worship may take your siesta to…day; the quarters
seem clean and cool。〃
  When he heard this Don Quixote said to Sancho; 〃Look here; Sancho;
on turning over the leaves of that book of the Second Part of my
history I think I came casually upon this name of Don Alvaro Tarfe。〃
  〃Very likely;〃 said Sancho; 〃we had better let him dismount; and
by…and…by we can ask about it。〃
  The gentleman dismounted; and the landlady gave him a room on the
ground floor opposite Don Quixote's and adorned with painted serge
hangings of the same sort。 The newly arrived gentleman put on a summer
coat; and coming out to the gateway of the hostelry; which was wide
and cool; addressing Don Quixote; who was pacing up and down there; he
asked; 〃In what direction your worship bound; gentle sir?〃
  〃To a village near this which is my own village;〃 replied Don
Quixote; 〃and your worship; where are you bound for?〃
  〃I am going to Granada; senor;〃 said the gentleman; 〃to my own
  〃And a goodly country;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃but will your worship
do me the favour of telling me your name; for it strikes me it is of
more importance to me to know it than I can tell you。〃
  〃My name is Don Alvaro Tarfe;〃 replied the traveller。
  To which Don Quixote returned; 〃I have no doubt whatever that your
worship is that Don Alvaro Tarfe who appears in print in the Second
Part of the history of Don Quixote of La Mancha; lately printed and
published by a new author。〃
  〃I am the same;〃 replied the gentleman; 〃and that same Don
Quixote; the principal personage in the said history; was a very great
friend of mine; and it was I who took him away from home; or at
least induced him to come to some jousts that were to be held at
Saragossa; whither I was going myself; indeed; I showed him many
kindnesses; and saved him from having his shoulders touched up by
the executioner because of his extreme rashness。〃
  Tell me; Senor Don Alvaro;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃am I at all like that
Don Quixote you talk of?〃
  〃No indeed;〃 replied the traveller; 〃not a bit。〃
  〃And that Don Quixote…〃 said our one; 〃had he with him a squire
called Sancho Panza?〃
  〃He had;〃 said Don Alvaro; 〃but though he had the name of being very
droll; I never heard him say anything that had any drollery in it。〃
  〃That I can well believe;〃 said Sancho at this; 〃for to come out
with drolleries is not in everybody's line; and that Sancho your
worship speaks of; gentle sir; must be some great scoundrel;
dunderhead; and thief; all in one; for I am the real Sancho Panza; and
I have more drolleries than if it rained them; let your worship only
try; come along with me for a year or so; and you will find they
fall from me at every turn; and so rich and so plentiful that though
mostly I don't know what I am saying I make everybody that hears me
laugh。 And the real Don Quixote of La Mancha; the famous; the valiant;
the wise; the lover; the righter of wrongs; the guardian of minors and
orphans; the protector of widows; the killer of damsels; he who has
for his sole mistress the peerless Dulcinea del Toboso; is this
gentleman before you; my master; all other Don Quixotes and all
other Sancho Panzas are dreams and mockeries。〃
  〃By God I believe it;〃 said Don Alvaro; 〃for you have uttered more
drolleries; my friend; in the few words you have spoken than the other
Sancho Panza in all I ever heard from him; and they were not a few。 He
was more greedy than well…spoken; and more dull than droll; and I am

convinced that the enchanters who persecute Don Quixote the Good
have been trying to persecute me with Don Quixote the Bad。 But I don't
know what to say; for I am ready to swear I left him shut up in the
Casa del Nuncio at Toledo; and here another Don Quixote turns up;
though a very different one from mine。〃
  〃I don't know whether I am good;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃but I can
safely say I am not 'the Bad;' and to prove it; let me tell you; Senor
Don Alvaro Tarfe; I have never in my life been in Saragossa; so far
from that; when it was told me that this imaginary Don Quixote had
been present at the jousts in that city; I declined to enter it; in
order to drag his falsehood before the face of the world; and so I
went on straight to Barcelona; the treasure…house of courtesy; haven
of strangers; asylum of the poor; home of the valiant; champion of the
wronged; pleasant exchange of firm friendships; and city unrivalled in
site and beauty。 And though the adventures that befell me there are
not by any means matters of enjoyment; but rather of regret; I do
not regret them; simply because I have seen it。 In a word; Senor Don
Alvaro Tarfe; I am Don Quixote of La Mancha; the one that fame
speaks of; and not the unlucky one that has attempted to usurp my name
and deck himself out in my ideas。 I entreat your worship by your
devoir as a gentleman to be so good as to make a declaration before
the alcalde of this village that you never in all your life saw me
until now; and that neither am I the Don Quixote in print in the
Second Part; nor this Sancho Panza; my squire; the one your worship
  〃That I will do most willingly;〃 replied Don Alvaro; 〃though it
amazes me to find two Don Quixotes and two Sancho Panzas at once; as
much alike in name as they differ in demeanour; and again I say and
declare that what I saw I cannot have seen; and that what happened
me cannot have happened。〃
  〃No doubt your worship is enchanted; like my lady Dulcinea del
Toboso;〃 said Sancho; 〃and would to heaven your disenchantment
rested on my giving myself another three thousand and odd lashes
like what I'm giving myself for her; for I'd lay them on without
looking for anything。〃
  〃I don't understand that about the lashes;〃 said Don Alvaro。
Sancho replied that it was a long story to tell; but he would tell him
if they happened to he going the same road。
  By this dinner…time arrived; and Don Quixote and Don Alvaro dined
together。 The alcalde of the village came by chance into the inn
together with a notary; and Don Quixote laid a petition before him;
showing that it was requisite for his rights that Don Alvaro Tarfe;
the gentleman there present; should make a declaration before him that
he did not know Don Quixote of La Mancha; also there present; and that
he was not the one that was in print in a history entitled 〃Second
Part of Don Quixote of La Mancha; by one Avellaneda of Tordesillas。〃
The alcalde finally put it in legal form; and the declaration was made
with all the formalities required in such cases; at which Don
Quixote and Sancho were in high delight; as if a declaration of the
sort was of any great importance to them; and as if their words and
deeds did not plainly show the difference between the two Don Quixotes
and the two Sanchos。 Many civilities and offers of service were
exchanged by Don Alvaro and Don Quixote; in the course of which the
great Manchegan displayed such good taste that he disabused Don Alvaro
of the error he was under; and he; on his part; felt convinced he must
have been enchanted; now that he had been brought in contact with
two such opposite Don Quixotes。
  Evening came; they set out from the village; and after about half
a league two roads branched off; one leading to Don Quixote's village;
the other the road Don Alvaro was to follow。 In this short interval
Don Quixote told him of his unfortunate defeat; and of Dulcinea's
enchantment and the remedy; all which threw Don Alvaro into fresh
amazement; and embracing Don Quix
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