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a mortal antipathy-第22章

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diligently。  But after all; what could I do?  Here I was; writing

stories for my living and my reputation。  I made a pretty sum enough;

and worked hard enough to earn it。  No tale; no money。  Then every

story that went from my workshop had to come up to the standard of my

reputation; and there was a set of critics;there is a set of

critics now and everywhere;that watch as narrowly for the decline

of a man's reputation as ever a village half drowned out by an

inundation watched for the falling of the waters。  The fame I had

won; such as it was; seemed to attend me;not going before me in the

shape of a woman with a trumpet; but rather following me like one of

Actaeon's hounds; his throat open; ready to pull me down and tear me。

What a fierce enemy is that which bays behind us in the voice of our

proudest bygone achievement!

〃But; as I said above; what could I do?  I must write novels; and I

must have characters。  'Then why not invent them?' asks some novice。

Oh; yes!  Invent them!  You can invent a human being that in certain

aspects of humanity will answer every purpose for which your

invention was intended。  A basket of straw; an old coat and pair of

breeches; a hat which has been soaked; sat upon; stuffed a broken

window; and had a brood of chickens raised in it;these elements;

duly adjusted to each other; will represent humanity so truthfully

that the crows will avoid the cornfield when your scarecrow displays

his personality。  Do you think you can make your heroes and

heroines;nay; even your scrappy supernumeraries;out of refuse

material; as you made your scarecrow?  You can't do it。  You must

study living people and reproduce them。  And whom do you know so well

as your friends?  You will show up your friends; then; one after

another。  When your friends give out; who is left for you?  Why;

nobody but your own family; of course。  When you have used up your

family; there is nothing left for you but to write your


〃After my experience with my grand…aunt; I be came more cautious;

very naturally。  I kept traits of character; but I mixed ages as well

as sexes。  In this way I continued to use up a large amount of

material; which looked as if it were as dangerous as dynamite to

meddle with。  Who would have expected to meet my maternal uncle in

the guise of a schoolboy?  Yet I managed to decant his

characteristics as nicely as the old gentleman would have decanted a

bottle of Juno Madeira through that long siphon which he always used

when the most sacred vintages were summoned from their crypts to

render an account of themselves on his hospitable board。  It was a

nice business; I confess; but I did it; and I drink cheerfully to

that good uncle's memory in a glass of wine from his own cellar;

which; with many other more important tokens of his good will; I call

my own since his lamented demise。

〃I succeeded so well with my uncle that I thought I would try a

course of cousins。  I had enough of them to furnish out a whole

gallery of portraits。  There was cousin 'Creeshy;' as we called her;

Lucretia; more correctly。  She was a cripple。  Her left lower limb

had had something happen to it; and she walked with a crutch。  Her

patience under her trial was very pathetic and picturesque; so to

speak;I mean adapted to the tender parts of a story; nothing could

work up better in a melting paragraph。  But I could not; of course;

describe her particular infirmity; that would point her out at once。

I thought of shifting the lameness to the right lower limb; but even

that would be seen through。  So I gave the young woman that stood for

her in my story a lame elbow; and put her arm in a sling; and made

her such a model of uncomplaining endurance that my grandmother cried

over her as if her poor old heart would break。  She cried very

easily; my grandmother; in fact; she had such a gift for tears that I

availed myself of it; and if you remember old Judy; in my novel

〃Honi Soit 〃 (Honey Sweet; the booksellers called it);old Judy; the

black…nurse;that was my grandmother。  She had various other

peculiarities; which I brought out one by one; and saddled on to

different characters。  You see she was a perfect mine of

singularities and idiosyncrasies。  After I had used her up pretty

well; I came dawn upon my poor relations。  They were perfectly fair

game; what better use could I put them to?  I studied them up very

carefully; and as there were a good many of them I helped myself

freely。  They lasted me; with occasional intermissions; I should say;

three or four years。  I had to be very careful with my poor

relations;they were as touchy as they could be; and as I felt bound

to send a copy of my novel; whatever it might be; to each one of

them;there were as many as a dozen;I took care to mix their

characteristic features; so that; though each might suspect I meant

the other; no one should think I meant him or her。  I got through all

my relations at last except my father and mother。  I had treated my

brothers and sisters pretty fairly; all except Elisha and Joanna。

The truth is they both had lots of odd ways;family traits; I

suppose; but were just different enough from each other to figure

separately in two different stories。  These two novels made me some

little trouble; for Elisha said he felt sure that I meant Joanna in

one of them; and quarrelled with me about it; and Joanna vowed and

declared that Elnathan; in the other; stood for brother 'Lisha; and

that it was a real mean thing to make fun of folks' own flesh and

blood; and treated me to one of her cries。  She was n't handsome when

she cried; poor; dear Joanna; in fact; that was one of the personal

traits I had made use of in the story that Elisha found fault with。

〃So as there was nobody left but my father and mother; you see for

yourself I had no choice。  There was one great advantage in dealing

with them;I knew them so thoroughly。  One naturally feels a certain

delicacy it handling from a purely artistic point of view persons who

have been so near to him。  One's mother; for instance: suppose some

of her little ways were so peculiar that the accurate delineation of

them would furnish amusement to great numbers of readers; it would

not be without hesitation that a writer of delicate sensibility would

draw her portrait; with all its whimsicalities; so plainly that it

should be generally recognized。  One's father is commonly of tougher

fibre than one's mother; and one would not feel the same scruples;

perhaps; in using him professionally as material in a novel; still;

while you are employing him as bait;you see I am honest and plain…

spoken; for your characters are baits to catch readers with;I would

follow kind Izaak Walton's humane counsel about the frog you are

fastening to your fish…hook: fix him artistically; as he directs; but

in so doing I use him as though you loved him。'

〃I have at length shown up; in one form and another; all my townsmen

who have anything effective in their bodily or mental make…up; all my

friends; all my relatives; that is; all my blood relatives。  It has

occurred to me that I might open a new field in the family connection

of my father…in…law and mother…in…law。  We have been thinking of

paying them a visit; and I shall have an admirable opportunity of

studying them and their relatives and visitors。  I have long wanted a

good chance for getting acquainted with the social sphere several

grades below that to which I am accustomed; and I have no doubt that

I shall find matter for half a dozen new stories among those

connections of mine。  Besides; they live in a Western city; and one

doesn't mind much how he cuts up the people of places he does n't

himself live in。  I suppose there is not really so much difference in

people's feelings; whether they live in Bangor or Omaha; but one's

nerves can't be expected to stretch across the continent。  It is all

a matter of greater or less distance。  I read this morning that a

Chinese fleet was sunk; but I did n't think half so much about it as

I did about losing my sleeve button; confound it!  People have

accused me of want of feeling; they misunderstand the artist…nature;

that is all。  I obey that implicitly; I am sorry if people don't

like my descriptions; but I have done my best。  I have pulled to

pieces all the persons I am acquainted with; and put them together

again in my characters。  The quills I write with come from live

geese; I would have you know。  I expect to get some first…rate

pluckings from those people I was speaking of; and I mean to begin my

thirty…ninth novel as soon as I have got through my visit。〃



There is no use in trying to hurry the natural course of events; in a

narrative like this。  June passed away; and July; and August had

come; and as yet the enigma which had completely puzzled Arrowhead

Village and its visitors remained unsolved。
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