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the science of right-第3章

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〃equity〃 and 〃the right of necessity;〃 the equivocations involved

arise from an interchange of the objective and subjective grounds that

enter into the application of the principles of right; when viewed

respectively by reason or by a judicial tribunal。 What one may have

good grounds for recognising as right; in itself; may not find

confirmation in a court of justice; and what he must consider to be

wrong; in itself; may obtain recognition in such a court。 And the

reason of this is that the conception of right is not taken in the two

cases in one and the same sense。



         A。 General Division of the Duties of Right。

                    (Juridical Duties)。

  In this division we may very conveniently follow Ulpian; if his

three formulae are taken in a general sense; which may not have been

quite clearly in his mind; but which they are capable of being

developed into or of receiving。 They are the following:

  1。 Honeste vive。 〃Live rightly。〃 juridical rectitude; or honour

(honestas juridica); consists in maintaining one's own worth as a

man in relation to others。 This duty may be rendered by the

proposition: 〃Do not make thyself a mere means for the use of

others; but be to them likewise an end。〃 This duty will be explained

in the next formula as an obligation arising out of the right of

humanity in our own person (lex justi)。

  2。 Neminem laede。 〃Do wrong to no one。〃 This formula may be rendered

so as to mean: 〃Do no wrong to any one; even if thou shouldst be under

the necessity; in observing this duty; to cease from all connection

with others and to avoid all society〃 (lex juridica)。

  3。 Suum cuique tribue。 〃Assign to every one what is his own。〃 This

may be rendered; 〃Enter; if wrong cannot be avoided; into a society

with others in which every one may have secured to him what is his

own。〃 If this formula were to be simply translated; 〃Give every one

his own;〃 it would express an absurdity; for we cannot give any one

what he already has。 If it is to have a definite meaning; it must

therefore run thus: 〃Enter into a state in which every one can have

what is his own secured against the action of every other〃 (lex


  These three classical formulae; at the same time; represent

principles which suggest a division of the system of juridical

duties into internal duties; external duties; and those connecting

duties which contain the latter as deduced from the principle of the

former by subsumption。

              B。 Universal Division of Rights。

  I。 Natural Right and Positive Right。 The system of rights; viewed as

a scientific system of doctrines; is divided into natural right and

positive right。 Natural right rests upon pure rational principles a

priori; positive or statutory right is what proceeds from the will

of a legislator。

  II。 Innate Right and Acquired Right。 The system of rights may

again be regarded in reference to the implied powers of dealing

morally with others as bound by obligations; that is; as furnishing

a legal title of action in relation to them。 Thus viewed; the system

is divided into innate right and acquired right。 Innate right is

that right which belongs to every one by nature; independent of all

juridical acts of experience。 Acquired right is that right which is

founded upon such juridical acts。

  Innate right may also be called the 〃internal mine and thine〃

(meum vel tuum internum) for external right must always be acquired。

    There is only one Innate Right; the Birthright of Freedom。

  Freedom is independence of the compulsory will of another; and in so

far as it can coexist with the freedom of all according to a universal

law; it is the one sole original; inborn right belonging to every

man in virtue of his humanity。 There is; indeed; an innate equality

belonging to every man which consists in his right to be independent

of being bound by others to anything more than that to which he may

also reciprocally bind them。 It is; consequently; the inborn quality

of every man in virtue of which he ought to be his own master by right

(sui juris)。 There is; also; the natural quality of justness

attributable to a man as naturally of unimpeachable right (justi);

because be has done no wrong to any one prior to his own juridical

actions。 And; further; there is also the innate right of common action

on the part of every man; so that he may do towards others what does

not infringe their rights or take away anything that is theirs

unless they are willing to appropriate it; such merely to

communicate thought; to narrate anything; or to promise something

whether truly and honestly; or untruly and dishonestly (veriloquim aut

falsiloquim); for it rests entirely upon these others whether they

will believe or trust in it or not。*  But all these rights or titles

are already included in the principle of innate freedom; and are not

really distinguished from it; even as dividing members under a

higher species of right。

  *It is customary to designate every untruth that is spoken

intentionally as such; although it may be in a frivolous manner a lie;

or falsehood (mendacium); because it may do harm; at least in so far

as any one who repeats it in good faith may be made a laughing…stock

of to others on account of his easy credulity。 But in the juridical

sense; only that untruth is called a lie which immediately infringes

the right of another; such as a false allegation of a contract

having been concluded; when the allegation is put forward in order

to deprive some one of what is his (falsiloquim dolosum)。 This

distinction of conceptions so closely allied is not without

foundation; because on the occasion of a simple statement of one's

thoughts; it is always free for another to take them as he may; and

yet the resulting repute; that such a one is a man whose word cannot

be trusted; comes so close to the opprobrium of directly calling him a

liar; that the boundary…line separating what; in such a case;

belongs to jurisprudence; and what is special to ethics; can hardly be

otherwise drawn。

  The reason why such a division into separate rights has been

introduced into the system of natural right; viewed as including all

that is innate; was not without a purpose。 Its object was to enable

proof to be more readily put forward in case of any controversy

arising about an acquired right; and questions emerging either with

reference to a fact that might be in doubt; or; if that were

established; in reference to a right under dispute。 For the party

repudiating an obligation; and on whom the burden of proof (onus

probandi) might be incumbent; could thus methodically refer to his

innate right of freedom as specified under various relations in

detail; and could therefore found upon them equally as different

titles of right。

  In the relation of innate right; and consequently of the internal

mine and thine; there is therefore not rights; but only one right。

And; accordingly; this highest division of rights into innate and

acquired; which evidently consists of two members extremely unequal in

their contents is properly placed in the introduction; and the

subdivisions of the science of right may be referred in detail to

the external mine and thine。

         C。 Methodical Division of the Science of Right。

  The highest division of the system of natural right should not be…

as it is frequently put… into 〃natural right〃 and 〃social right;〃

but into natural right and civil right。 The first constitutes

private right; the second; public right。 For it is not the 〃social

state〃 but the 〃civil state〃 that is opposed to the 〃state of nature〃;

for in the 〃state of nature〃 there may well be society of some kind;

but there is no 〃civil〃 society; as an institution securing the mine

and thine by public laws。 It is thus that right; viewed under

reference to the state of nature; is specially called private right。

The whole of the principles of right will therefore fall to be

expounded under the two subdivisions of private right and public



                  FIRST PART。 PRIVATE RIGHT。

  The System of those Laws Which Require No External Promulgation。

  CHAPTER I。 Of the Mode of Having Anything External as One's Own。

              1。 The Meaning of 〃Mine〃 in Right

                       (Meum Juris)。

  Anything is 〃Mine〃 by right; or is rightfully mine; when I am so

connected with it; that if any other person should make use of it

without my consent; he would do me a lesion or injury。 The

subjective condition of the use of anything is possession of it。

  An external thing; however as such could only be mine; if I may

assume it to be possible that I can be wronged by the use which

another might make of it when it is not actually in my possession。

Hence it would be a contradiction to have anything external as one's

own; we
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