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the notch on the ax and on being found out-第10章

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gayety amidst circumstances so extraordinary; compelled my
admiration; and made me congratulate myself on having secured a
companion in every way fitted to the occasion。  I willingly gave
him the permission he required。  But though he was a remarkably
strong man; his force was as idle as his milder efforts; the door
did not even shake to his stoutest kick。  Breathless and panting;
he desisted。  I then tried the door myself; equally in vain。  As I
ceased from the effort; again that creep of horror came over me;
but this time it was more cold and stubborn。  I felt as if some
strange and ghastly exhalation were rising up from the chinks of
that rugged floor; and filling the atmosphere with a venomous
influence hostile to human life。  The door now very slowly and
quietly opened as of its own accord。  We precipitated ourselves
into the landing place。  We both saw a large; pale lightas large
as the human figure; but shapeless and unsubstantialmove before
us; and ascend the stairs that led from the landing into the
attics。  I followed the light; and my servant followed me。  It
entered; to the right of the landing; a small garret; of which the
door stood open。  I entered in the same instant。  The light then
collapsed into a small globule; exceedingly brilliant and vivid;
rested a moment on a bed in the corner; quivered; and vanished。  We
approached the bed and examined it;a half…tester; such as is
commonly found in attics devoted to servants。  On the drawers that
stood near it we perceived an old faded silk kerchief; with the
needle still left in a rent half repaired。  The kerchief was
covered with dust; probably it had belonged to the old woman who
had last died in that house; and this might have been her sleeping
room。  I had sufficient curiosity to open the drawers: there were a
few odds and ends of female dress; and two letters tied round with
a narrow ribbon of faded yellow。  I took the liberty to possess
myself of the letters。  We found nothing else in the room worth
noticing;nor did the light reappear; but we distinctly heard; as
we turned to go; a pattering footfall on the floor; just before us。
We went through the other attics (in all four); the footfall still
preceding us。  Nothing to be seen;nothing but the footfall heard。
I had the letters in my hand; just as I was descending the stairs I
distinctly felt my wrist seized; and a faint; soft effort made to
draw the letters from my clasp。  I only held them the more tightly;
and the effort ceased。

We regained the bedchamber appropriated to myself; and I then
remarked that my dog had not followed us when we had left it。  He
was thrusting himself close to the fire; and trembling。  I was
impatient to examine the letters; and while I read them; my servant
opened a little box in which he had deposited the weapons I had
ordered him to bring; took them out; placed them on a table close
at my bed head; and then occupied himself in soothing the dog; who;
however; seemed to heed him very little。

The letters were short;they were dated; the dates exactly thirty…
five years ago。  They were evidently from a lover to his mistress;
or a husband to some young wife。  Not only the terms of expression;
but a distinct reference to a former voyage; indicated the writer
to have been a seafarer。  The spelling and handwriting were those
of a man imperfectly educated; but still the language itself was
forcible。  In the expressions of endearment there was a kind of
rough; wild love; but here and there were dark unintelligible hints
at some secret not of love;some secret that seemed of crime。  〃We
ought to love each other;〃 was one of the sentences I remember;
〃for how everyone else would execrate us if all was known。〃  Again:
〃Don't let anyone be in the same room with you at night;you talk
in your sleep。〃  And again: 〃What's done can't be undone; and I
tell you there's nothing against us unless the dead could come to
life。〃  Here there was underlined in a better handwriting (a
female's); 〃They do!〃  At the end of the letter latest in date the
same female hand had written these words: 〃Lost at sea the 4th of
June; the same day as〃

I put down the letters; and began to muse over their contents。

Fearing; however; that the train of thought into which I fell might
unsteady my nerves; I fully determined to keep my mind in a fit
state to cope with whatever of marvelous the advancing night might
bring forth。  I roused myself; laid the letters on the table;
stirred up the fire; which was still bright and cheering; and
opened my volume of Macaulay。  I read quietly enough till about
half past eleven。  I then threw myself dressed upon the bed; and
told my servant he might retire to his own room; but must keep
himself awake。  I bade him leave open the door between the two
rooms。  Thus alone; I kept two candles burning on the table by my
bed head。  I placed my watch beside the weapons; and calmly resumed
my Macaulay。  Opposite to me the fire burned clear; and on the
hearth rug; seemingly asleep; lay the dog。  In about twenty minutes
I felt an exceedingly cold air pass by my cheek; like a sudden
draught。  I fancied the door to my right; communicating with the
landing place; must have got open; but no;it was closed。  I then
turned my glance to my left; and saw the flame of the candles
violently swayed as by a wind。  At the same moment the watch beside
the revolver softly slid from the table;softly; softly; no
visible hand;it was gone。  I sprang up; seizing the revolver with
the one hand; the dagger with the other; I was not willing that my
weapons should share the fate of the watch。  Thus armed; I looked
round the floor;no sign of the watch。  Three slow; loud; distinct
knocks were now heard at the bed head; my servant called out; 〃Is
that you; sir?〃

〃No; be on your guard。〃

The dog now roused himself and sat on his haunches; his ears moving
quickly backward and forward。  He kept his eyes fixed on me with a
look so strange that he concentered all my attention on himself。
Slowly he rose up; all his hair bristling; and stood perfectly
rigid; and with the same wild stare。  I had no time; however; to
examine the dog。  Presently my servant emerged from his room; and
if ever I saw horror in the human face; it was then。  I should not
have recognized him had we met in the street; so altered was every
lineament。  He passed by me quickly; saying; in a whisper that
seemed scarcely to come from his lips; 〃Run; run! it is after me!〃
He gained the door to the landing; pulled it open; and rushed
forth。  I followed him into the landing involuntarily; calling him
to stop; but; without heeding me; he bounded down the stairs;
clinging to the balusters; and taking several steps at a time。  I
heard; where I stood; the street door open;heard it again clap
to。  I was left alone in the haunted house。

It was but for a moment that I remained undecided whether or not to
follow my servant; pride and curiosity alike forbade so dastardly a
flight。  I re…entered my room; closing the door after me; and
proceeded cautiously into the interior chamber。  I encountered
nothing to justify my servant's terror。  I again carefully examined
the walls; to see if there were any concealed door。  I could find
no trace of one;not even a seam in the dull…brown paper with
which the room was hung。  How; then; had the THING; whatever it
was; which had so scared him; obtained ingress except though my own

I returned to my room; shut and locked the door that opened upon
the interior one; and stood on the hearth; expectant and prepared。
I now perceived that the dog had slunk into an angle of the wall;
and was pressing himself close against it; as if literally striving
to force his way into it。  I approached the animal and spoke to it;
the poor brute was evidently beside itself with terror。  It showed
all its teeth; the slaver dropping from its jaws; and would
certainly have bitten me if I had touched it。  It did not seem to
recognize me。  Whoever has seen at the Zoological Gardens a rabbit;
fascinated by a serpent; cowering in a corner; may form some idea
of the anguish which the dog exhibited。  Finding all efforts to
soothe the animal in vain; and fearing that his bite might be as
venomous in that state as in the madness of hydrophobia; I left him
alone; placed my weapons on the table beside the fire; seated
myself; and recommenced my Macaulay。

Perhaps; in order not to appear seeking credit for a courage; or
rather a coolness; which the reader may conceive I exaggerate; I
may be pardoned if I pause to indulge in one or two egotistical

As I hold presence of mind; or what is called courage; to be
precisely proportioned to familiarity with the circumstances that
lead to it; so I should say that I had been long sufficiently
familiar with all experiments that appertain to the marvelous。  I
had witnessed many very extraordinary phenomena in various parts of
the world;phenomena that would be either totally disbelieved if I
stated them; or ascribed to supernatural agencies。  Now; my theory
is that the supernatural is the impossible; and that what is called
supernatural is only a something in the laws of Nature of wh
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