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the notch on the ax and on being found out-第36章

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returned the pressure。  He was undeceived by the whisper that
followed;〃John; my lad; don't drink any of that wine while you
are there。〃  〃Good God!〃 said John; indignantly throwing the key on
the bed; then; recollecting that the miserable being before him was
no object of resentment; he gave the promise required; and entered
the closet; which no foot but that of old Melmoth had entered for
nearly sixty years。  He had some difficulty in finding out the
wine; and indeed stayed long enough to justify his uncle's
suspicions;but his mind was agitated; and his hand unsteady。  He
could not but remark his uncle's extraordinary look; that had the
ghastliness of fear superadded to that of death; as he gave him
permission to enter his closet。  He could not but see the looks of
horror which the women exchanged as he approached it。  And;
finally; when he was in it; his memory was malicious enough to
suggest some faint traces of a story; too horrible for imagination;
connected with it。  He remembered in one moment most distinctly;
that no one but his uncle had ever been known to enter it for many

Before he quitted it; he held up the dim light; and looked around
him with a mixture of terror and curiosity。  There was a great deal
of decayed and useless lumber; such as might be supposed to be
heaped up to rot in a miser's closet; but John's eyes were in a
moment; and as if by magic; riveted on a portrait that hung on the
wall; and appeared; even to his untaught eye; far superior to the
tribe of family pictures that are left to molder on the walls of a
family mansion。  It represented a man of middle age。  There was
nothing remarkable in the costume; or in the countenance; but THE
EYES; John felt; were such as one feels they wish they had never
seen; and feels they can never forget。  Had he been acquainted with
the poetry of Southey; he might have often exclaimed in his after…

     〃Only the eyes had life;
      They gleamed with demon light。〃THALABA。

From an impulse equally resistless and painful; he approached the
portrait; held the candle toward it; and could distinguish the
words on the border of the painting;Jno。 Melmoth; anno 1646。
John was neither timid by nature; nor nervous by constitution; nor
superstitious from habit; yet he continued to gaze in stupid horror
on this singular picture; till; aroused by his uncle's cough; he
hurried into his room。  The old man swallowed the wine。  He
appeared a little revived; it was long since he had tasted such a
cordial;his heart appeared to expand to a momentary confidence。
〃John; what did you see in that room?〃  〃Nothing; Sir。〃  〃That's a
lie; everyone wants to cheat or to rob me。〃  〃Sir; I don't want to
do either。〃  〃Well; what did you see that youyou took notice of?〃
〃Only a picture; Sir。〃  〃A picture; Sir!the original is still
alive。〃  John; though under the impression of his recent feelings;
could not but look incredulous。  〃John;〃 whispered his uncle;
〃John; they say I am dying of this and that; and one says it is for
want of nourishment; and one says it is for want of medicine;but;
John;〃 and his face looked hideously ghastly; 〃I am dying of a
fright。  That man;〃 and he extended his meager arm toward the
closet; as if he was pointing to a living being; 〃that man; I have
good reason to know; is alive still。〃  〃How is that possible; Sir?〃
said John involuntarily; 〃the date on the picture is 1646。〃  〃You
have seen it;you have noticed it;〃 said his uncle。  〃Well;〃he
rocked and nodded on his bolster for a moment; then; grasping
John's hand with an unutterable look; he exclaimed; 〃You will see
him again; he is alive。〃  Then; sinking back on his bolster; he
fell into a kind of sleep or stupor; his eyes still open; and fixed
on John。

The house was now perfectly silent; and John had time and space for
reflection。  More thoughts came crowding on him than he wished to
welcome; but they would not be repulsed。  He thought of his uncle's
habits and character; turned the matter over and over again in his
mind; and he said to himself; 〃The last man on earth to be
superstitious。  He never thought of anything but the price of
stocks; and the rate of exchange; and my college expenses; that
hung heavier at his heart than all; and such a man to die of a
fright;a ridiculous fright; that a man living 150 years ago is
alive still; and yethe is dying。〃  John paused; for facts will
confute the most stubborn logician。  〃With all his hardness of
mind; and of heart; he is dying of a fright。  I heard it in the
kitchen; I have heard it from himself;he could not be deceived。
If I had ever heard he was nervous; or fanciful; or superstitious;
but a character so contrary to all these impressions;a man that;
as poor Butler says; in his 'Remains of the Antiquarian;' would
have 'sold Christ over again for the numerical piece of silver
which Judas got for him;'such a man to die of fear!  Yet he IS
dying;〃 said John; glancing his fearful eye on the contracted
nostril; the glazed eye; the drooping jaw; the whole horrible
apparatus of the facies Hippocraticae displayed; and soon to cease
its display。

Old Melmoth at this moment seemed to be in a deep stupor; his eyes
lost that little expression they had before; and his hands; that
had convulsively been catching at the blankets; let go their short
and quivering grasp; and lay extended on the bed like the claws of
some bird that had died of hunger;so meager; so yellow; so
spread。  John; unaccustomed to the sight of death; believed this to
be only a sign that he was going to sleep; and; urged by an impulse
for which he did not attempt to account to himself; caught up the
miserable light; and once more ventured into the forbidden room;
the BLUE CHAMBER of the dwelling。  The motion roused the dying
man;he sat bolt upright in his bed。  This John could not see; for
he was now in the closet; but he heard the groan; or rather the
choked and gurgling rattle of the throat; that announces the
horrible conflict between muscular and mental convulsion。  He
started; turned away; but; as he turned away; he thought he saw the
eyes of the portrait; on which his own was fixed; MOVE; and hurried
back to his uncle's bedside。

Old Melmoth died in the course of that night; and died as he had
lived; in a kind of avaricious delirium。  John could not have
imagined a scene so horrible as his last hours presented。  He
cursed and blasphemed about three halfpence; missing; as he said;
some weeks before; in an account of change with his groom; about
hay to a starved horse that he kept。  Then he grasped John's hand;
and asked him to give him the sacrament。  〃If I send to the
clergyman; he will charge me something for it; which I cannot pay;
I cannot。  They say I am rich;look at this blanket;but I would
not mind that; if I could save my soul。〃  And; raving; he added;
〃Indeed; Doctor; I am a very poor man。  I never troubled a
clergyman before; and all I want is; that you will grant me two
trifling requests; very little matters in your way;save my soul;
and (whispering) make interest to get me a parish coffin;I have
not enough left to bury me。  I always told everyone I was poor; but
the more I told them so; the less they believed me。〃

John; greatly shocked; retired from the bedside; and sat down in a
distant corner of the room。  The women were again in the room;
which was very dark。  Melmoth was silent from exhaustion; and there
was a deathlike pause for some time。  At this moment John saw the
door open; and a figure appear at it; who looked round the room;
and then quietly and deliberately retired; but not before John had
discovered in his face the living original of the portrait。  His
first impulse was to utter an exclamation of terror; but his breath
felt stopped。  He was then rising to pursue the figure; but a
moment's reflection checked him。  What could be more absurd; than
to be alarmed or amazed at a resemblance between a living man and
the portrait of a dead one!  The likeness was doubtless strong
enough to strike him even in that darkened room; but it was
doubtless only a likeness; and though it might be imposing enough
to terrify an old man of gloomy and retired habits; and with a
broken constitution; John resolved it should not produce the same
effect on him。

But while he was applauding himself for this resolution; the door
opened; and the figure appeared at it; beckoning and nodding to
him; with a familiarity somewhat terrifying。  John now started up;
determined to pursue it; but the pursuit was stopped by the weak
but shrill cries of his uncle; who was struggling at once with the
agonies of death and his housekeeper。  The poor woman; anxious for
her master's reputation and her own; was trying to put on him a
clean shirt and nightcap; and Melmoth; who had just sensation
enough to perceive they were taking something from him; continued
exclaiming feebly; 〃They are robbing me;robbing me in my last
moments;robbing a dying man。  John; won't you assist me;I shall
die a beggar; they are taking my last shirt;I shall die a
beggar。〃And the miser died。

        。        。        。        。        。

A few days after the funeral; the will was opened be
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