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a complete account of the settlement-第10章

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news from our friends!〃  Such were our exhortations to the boat's crew。

A few minutes completed our wishes; and we found ourselves on board the 'Lady Juliana' transport; with two hundred and twenty…five of our countrywomen whom crime or misfortune had condemned to exile。  We learned that they had been almost eleven months on their passage; having left Plymouth; into which port they had put in July; 1789。  We continued to ask a thousand questions on a breath。  Stimulated by curiosity; they inquired in turn; but the right of being first answered; we thought; lay on our side。 〃Letters; letters!〃 was the cry。  They were produced; and torn open in trembling agitation。  News burst upon us like meridian splendor on a blind man。  We were overwhelmed with it:  public; private; general; and particular。  Nor was it until some days had elapsed; that we were able to methodise it; or reduce it into form。  We now heard for the first time of our sovereign's illness; and his happy restoration to health。 The French revolution of 1789; with all the attendant circumstances of that wonderful and unexpected event; succeeded to amaze us*。  Now; too; the disaster which had befallen the 'Guardian'; and the liberal and enlarged plan on which she had been stored and fitted out by government for our use; was promulged。  It served also; in some measure; to account why we had not sooner heard from England。  For had not the 'Guardian' struck on an island of ice; she would probably have reached us three months before; and in this case have prevented the loss of the 'Sirius'; although she had sailed from England three months after the 'Lady Juliana'。

'*These words bring to my mind an anecdote; which; though rather out of place; I shall offer no apology for introducing。  Among other inquiries; we were anxious to learn whether M。 de la Peyrouse; with the two ships under his command; bound on a voyage of discovery; had arrived in France。 We heard with concern; that no accounts of them had been received; since they had left Botany Bay; in March; 1788。  I remember when they were at that place; one day conversing with Monsieur de la Peyrouse; about the best method of treating savage people; 〃Sir〃 said he; 〃I have sometimes been compelled to commit hostilities upon them; but never without suffering the most poignant regret; for; independent of my own feelings on the occasion; his Majesty's (Louis XVI) last words to me; de sa propre bouche; when I took leave of him at Versailles; were:  'It is my express injunction; that you always treat the Indian nations with kindness and humanity。 Gratify their wishes; and never; but in a case of the last necessity; when self…defence requires it; shed human blood。'  Are these the sentiments of a tyrant; of a sanguinary and perfidious man?〃

A general thanksgiving to Almighty God; for his Majesty's recovery; and happy restoration to his family and subjects; was ordered to be offered up on the following Wednesday; when all public labour was suspended; and every person in the settlement attended at church; where a sermon; suited to an occasion; at once so full of gratitude and solemnity; was preached by the Reverend Richard Johnson; chaplain of the colony。

All the officers were afterwards entertained at dinner by the governor。 And in the evening; an address to his excellency; expressive of congratulation and loyalty; was agreed upon; and in two days after was presented; and very graciously received。

The following invitation to the non…commissioned officers and private soldiers of the marine battalion; was also about this time published。

In consequence of the assurance that was given to the non…commissioned officers and men belonging to the battalion of marines; on their embarking for the service of this country; that such of them as should behave well; would be allowed to quit the service; on their return to England; or be discharged abroad; upon the relief taking place; and permitted to settle in the country His Majesty has been graciously pleased to direct the following encouragement to be held up to such non…commissioned officers and privates; as may be disposed to become settlers in this country; or in any of the islands comprised within the government of the continent of New South Wales; on the arrival of the corps raised and intended for the service of this colony; and for their relief; viz:

To every non…commissioned officer; an allotment of one hundred and thirty acres of land; if single; and of one hundred and fifty acres; if married。  To every private soldier; an allotment of eighty acres; if single; and of one hundred acres if married; and also an allotment of ten acres for every child; whether of a non…commissioned officer; or of a private soldier。 These allotments will be free of all fines; taxes; quit…rents; and other acknowledgments; for the space of ten years; but after the expiration of that period; will be subject to an annual quit…rent of one shilling for every fifty acres。

His Majesty has likewise been farther pleased to signify his royal will and pleasure; that a bounty of three pounds be offered to each non…commissioned officer and soldier; who may be disposed to continue in this country; and enlist in the corps appointed for the service of New South Wales; with a farther assurance; that in case of a proper demeanour on their part; they shall; after a farther service of five years; be entitled to double the former portion of land; provided they then choose to become settlers in the country; free of all taxes; fines; and quit…rents; for the space of fifteen years; but after that time; to be subject to the beforementioned annual quit…rent of one shilling for every fifty acres。

And as a farther encouragement to those men who may be desirous to become settlers; and continue in the country; his Majesty has been likewise pleased to direct; that every man shall; on being discharged; receive out of the public store; a portion of clothing and provisions; sufficient for his support for one year; together with a suitable quantity of seeds; grain; etc。 for the tillage of the land; and a portion of tools and implements of agriculture; proper for their use。  And whenever any man; who may become a settler; can maintain; feed; and clothe; such number of convicts as may be judged necessary by the governor; for the time being; to assist him in clearing and cultivating the land; the service of such convicts shall be assigned to him。

We were joyfully surprised on the 20th of the month to see another sail enter the harbour。  She proved to be the Justinian transport; commanded by Captain Maitland; and our rapture was doubled on finding that she was laden entirely with provisions for our use。  Full allowance; and general congratulation; immediately took place。  This ship had left Falmouth on the preceding 20th of January; and completed her passage exactly in five months*。  She had staid at Madeira one day; and four at Sao Tiago; from which last place she had steered directly for New South Wales; neglecting Rio de Janeiro on her right; and the Cape of Good Hope on her left; and notwithstanding the immense tract of ocean she had passed; brought her crew without sickness into harbour。  When the novelty and boldness of such an attempt shall be recollected; too much praise; on the spirit and activity of Mr。 Maitland; cannot be bestowed。

'*Accident only prevented her from making it in eighteen days less; for she was then in sight of the harbour's mouth; when an unpropitious gale of wind blew her off。  Otherwise she would have reached us one day sooner than the 'Lady Juliana'。  It is a curious circumstance; that these two ships had sailed together from the river Thames; one bound to Port Jackson; and the other bound to Jamaica。  The Justinian carried her cargo to the last mentioned place; landed it; and loaded afresh with sugars; which she returned with; and delivered in London。  She was then hired as a transport; reladen; and sailed for New South Wales。  Let it be remembered; that no material accident had happened to either vessel。  But what will not zeal and diligence accomplish!'

Good fortune continued to befriend us。  Before the end of the month; three more transports; having on board two companies of the New South Wales corps; arrived to add to our society。  These ships also brought out a large body of convicts; whose state and sufferings will be best estimated by the following return。

Names of     No。 of people   No。 of persons who died   No。 landed sick   Ships         embarked          on the passage       at Port Jackson … Neptune           530                 163                  269         

Surprise          252                  42                  121         

Scarborough       256                  68                   96          …                  1038                 273                  486          …

N。B。 Of those landed sick; one hundred and twenty…four died in the hospital at Sydney。

On our passage from England; which had lasted more than eight months and with nearly an equal number of persons; only twenty…four had died; and not thirty were landed sick。  The difference can be accounted for; only by comparing the manner in which each fleet was fitted out and conducted。 With us t
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