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remember the alamo-第15章

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Mexicans to flight。〃

〃And more;〃 added a young Mexican coming up to the group of
which Robert Worth was one; 〃Stephen Austin has escaped; and
he arrived at Gonzales at the very moment of victory。  And
more yet:  Americans are pouring into Gonzales from every

An officer tapped Doctor Worth on the shoulder。  〃Senor
Doctor; your arms。  General Cos hopes; in the present
extremity; you will set an example of obedience。〃

〃I will not give up my arms。  In the present extremity my arms
are the greatest need I have。〃

〃Then Senor;it is a great affliction to meI must arrest

He was led away; amid the audible murmurs of the men who
filled the streets。  There needed but some one to have said
the word; and they would have taken him forcibly from the
military。  A great crowd followed him to the gates of the
Alamo。  For there was scarcely a family in San Antonio of which
this good doctor was not an adopted member。  The arrest of their
favorite confessor would hardly have enraged them more。

Fray Ignatius brought the news to the Senora。  Even he was
affected by it。  Never before had Antonia seen him walk except
with thoughtful and deliberate steps。  She wondered at his
appearance; at its suppressed hurry; at a something in it
which struck her as suppressed satisfaction。

And the priest was in his heart satisfied; though he was
consciously telling himself that 〃he was sorry for the Senora;
and that he would have been glad if the sins of her husband
could have been set against the works of supererogation which
the saints of his own convent had amassed。〃

〃But he is an infidel; he believes not in the saints;〃 he
muttered; 〃then how could they avail him!〃

Antonia met him at the door。  He said an Ave Maria as he
crossed the threshold; and gave her his hand to kiss。  She
looked wonderingly in his face; for unless it was a special
visit; he never called so near the Angelus。  Still; it is
difficult to throw off a habit of obedience formed in early
youth; and she did not feel as if she could break through the
chill atmosphere of the man and ask:  〃For what reason have
you come; father?〃

A long; shrill shriek from the Senora was the first answer to
the fearful question in her heart。  In a few moments she was
at her mother's door。  Rachela knelt outside it; telling her
rosary。  She stolidly kept her place; and a certain instinct
for a moment prevented Antonia interrupting her。  But the
passionate words of her mother; blending with the low;
measured tones of the priest; were something far more

〃Let me pass you; Rachela。  What is the matter with my

The woman was absorbed in her supplications; and Antonia
opened the door。  Isabel followed her。  They found themselves
in the the{sic} presence of an angry sorrow that appalled
them。  The Senora had torn her lace mantilla into shreds; and
they were scattered over the room as she had flung them from
her hands in her frantic walk about it。  The large shell comb
that confined her hair was trodden to pieces; and its long
coils had fallen about her face and shoulders。  Her bracelets;
her chain of gold; her brooch and rings were scattered on the
floor; and she was standing in the centre of it; like an
enraged creature; tearing her handkerchief into strips; as an
emphasis to her passionate denunciations。

〃It serves him right!  JESUS!  MARIA!  JOSEPH!  It serves
him right!  He must carry arms!  HE; TOO! when it was
forbidden!  I am glad he is arrested!  Oh; Roberto!  Roberto!〃

〃Patience; my daughter!  This is the hand of God。  What can
you do but submit?〃

〃What is it; mi madre?〃 and Isabel put her arms around her
mother with the words mi madre。  〃Tell Isabel your sorrow。〃

〃Your father is arrestedtaken to the Alamohe will be sent
to the mines。  I told him so!  I told him so!  He would
not listen to me!  How wicked he has been!〃

〃What has my father done; Fray Ignatius?  Why have they
arrested him?〃

The priest turned to Antonia with a cold face。  He did not
like her。  He felt that she did not believe in him。

〃Senorita; he has committed a treason。  A good citizen obeys
the law; Senor Worth has defied it。〃

〃Pardon; father; I cannot believe it。〃

〃A great forbearance has been shown him; but the end of mercy
comes。  As he persisted in wearing arms; he has been taken to
the Alamo and disarmed。〃

〃It is a great shame!  An infamous shame and wrong!〃 cried
Antonia。  〃What right has any one to take my father's arms? 
No more than they have to take his purse or his coat。〃

〃General Santa Anna〃

〃General Santa Anna is a tyrant and a thief。  I care not who
says different。〃

〃Antonia!  Shameless one!〃

〃Mother; do not strike me。〃  Then she took her mother's hands
in her own; and led her to a couch; caressing her as she

〃Don't believe any oneANY ONE; mother; who says wrong of
my father。  You know that he is the best of men。  Rachela! 
Come here instantly。  The rosary is not the thing; now。  You
ought to be attending to the Senora。  Get her some valerian
and some coffee; and come and remove her clothing。  Fray
Ignatius; we will beg you to leave us to…night to ourselves。〃

〃Your mother's sin; in marrying a heretic; has now found her
out。  It is my duty to make her see her fault。〃

〃My mother had a dispensation from one greater than you。〃

〃Oh; father; pray for me!  I accuse myself!  I accuse myself! 
Oh; wretched woman!  Oh; cruel husband!〃

〃Mother; you have been a very happy woman。  You have had the
best husband in the world。  Do not reproach my father for the
sins of others。  Do not desert him when he is in the power of
a human tiger。  My God; mother! let us think of something to
be done for his help!  I will see the Navarros; the Garcias;
Judge Valdez; I will go to the Plaza and call on the thousands
he has cured and helped to set him free。〃

〃You will make of yourself something not to be spoken of。 
This is the judgment of God; my daughter。〃

〃It is the judgment of a wicked man; Fray Ignatius。  My mother
is not now able to listen to you。  Isabel; come here and
comfort her。〃  Isabel put her cheek to her mother's; she
murmured caressing words; she kissed her face; and coiled up
her straggling hair; and with childlike trust amid all;
solicited Holy Mary to console them。

Fray Ignatius watched her with a cold scrutiny。  He was saying
to himself; 〃It is the fruit of sin。  I warned the Senora;
when she married this heretic; that trouble would come of it。 
Very well; it has come。〃  Then like a flash a new thought
invaded his mindIf the Senor Doctor disappeared forever; why
not induce the Senora and her daughters to go into a religious
house?  There was a great deal of money。  The church could use
it well。

Antonia did not understand the thought; but she understood its
animus; and again she requested his withdrawal。  This time she
went close to him; and bravely looked straight into his
eyes。  Their scornful gleam sent a chill to her heart like
that of cold steel。  At that moment she understood that she
had turned a passive enemy into an active one。

He went; however; without further parley; stopping only to
warn the Senora against the sin 〃of standing with the enemies
of God and the Holy Church;〃 and to order Isabel to recite for
her mother's pardon and comfort a certain number of aves and
paternosters。  Antonia went with him to the door; and ere he
left he blessed her; and said:  〃The Senorita will examine her
soul and see her sin。  Then the ever merciful Church will hear
her confession; and give her the satisfying penance。〃

Antonia bowed in response。  When people are in great domestic
sorrow; self…examination is a superfluous advice。  She
listened a moment to his departing footsteps; shivering as she
stood in the darkness; for a norther had sprung up; and the
cold was severe。  She only glanced into the pleasant parlor
where the table was laid for dinner; and a great fire of cedar
logs was throwing red; dancing lights over the white linen and
the shining silver and glass。  The chairs were placed around
the table; her father's at the head。  It had a forsaken
air that was unendurable。

The dinner hour was now long past。  It would be folly to
attempt the meal。  How could she and Isabel sit down alone and
eat; and her father in prison; and her mother frantic with a
loss which she was warned it was sinful to mourn over。 
Antonia had a soul made for extremities and not afraid to face
them; but invisible hands controlled her。  What could a woman
do; whom society had forbidden to do anything; but endure the
pangs of patience?

The Senora could offer no suggestions。  She was not indeed in
a mood to think of her resources。  A spiritual dread was upon
her。  And with this mingled an intense sense of personal wrong
from her husband。  〃Had she not begged him to be passive?  And
he had put an old rifle before her and her daughters!  It was
all that Senor Houston's doing。  She had an assurance of
that。〃  She invoked a thousand maledictions on him。  She
recalled; with passionate reproaches; Jack's infidelity to her
and his God and his country。  Her anger passed from one
subject to another constantly; finding
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