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remember the alamo-第20章

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They went very quietly up…stairs。  The Senora was anticipating
the interview she expected with Rachela; and; perhaps wisely;
she isolated herself in an atmosphere of sullen and haughty
silence。  She would accept nothing from her; not even sympathy
or flattery; and; in a curt dismission; managed to make her
feel the immeasurable distance between a high…born lady of the
house of Flores; and a poor manola that she had taken from
the streets of Madrid。  Rachela knew the Senora was thinking
of this circumstance; the thought was in her voice; and it
cowed and snubbed the woman; her nature being essentially as
low as her birth。

As for the Senora; the experience did her a world of good。 
She waited upon herself as a princess might condescend to
minister to her own wantsloftily; with a smile at her
own complaisance。  The very knowledge that her husband was
near at hand inspired her with courage。  She went to sleep
assuring herself 〃that not even Fray Ignatius should again
speak evil of her beloved; who never thought of her except
with a loyal affection。〃  For in married life; the wife can
sin against love as well as fidelity; and she thought with a
sob of the cowardice which had permitted Fray Ignatius to call
her dear one 〃rebel and heretic。〃

〃Santa Dios!〃 she said in a passionate whisper; 〃it is not a
mortal sin to think differently from Santa Anna〃and then
more tenderly〃those who love each other are of the same

And if Fray Ignatius had seen at that moment the savage
whiteness of her small teeth behind the petulant pout of her
parted lips; he might have understood that this woman of small
intelligence had also the unreasoning partisanship and the
implacable sense of anger which generally accompanies small
intelligence; and which indicates a nature governed by
feeling; and utterly irresponsive to reasoning which feeling
does not endorse。



            。   。   。   。   〃witness;

         When the dark…stoled priestly crew;
         Came swift trooping where the trumpet
         Of foul Santa Anna blew。〃
         *  *   *   *   *   *

        〃Rouse thee; Wrath; and be a giant;
         People's Will; that hath been pliant;
                        Long; too long;

         Up; and snap the rusty chaining;
         Brittle bond for thy restraining;
         Know the hour; the weak are reigning
                        Thou art strong。

         *  *   *   *   *   *

        〃Rise and right the wrongs of ages;
         Balance Time's unequal pages
                        With the sword。〃

It was nearly two o'clock when Don Luis mounted his horse and
left the Worth residencia。  The storm still raged; the night
was dark; the cold intense; but the home of Lopez Navarro was
scarce a quarter of a mile away; and he found him waiting his

〃You have still an hour; Luis。  Come in and sit with me。〃

〃As you say; and I wish to show you that I am capable of a
great thing。  You do not believe me?  Well; then give me again
my own clothes。  I will resign these。〃

〃You are most welcome to them; Luis。〃

〃But no; I am in earnest。  The fight is at handthey are too

〃Yes; but I will tell youI can say anything to youthere is
to be a grand day for freedom; well; then; for a festa one
puts on the best that is to be got。  I will even lend you my
Cross of Saint James; if you wish。  A young hero should be
dressed like a hero。  Honor my poor clothes so far as to wear
them in the fight。〃

〃Thank you; Lopez。  I will not disgrace them〃; and he bent
forward and looked into his friend's eyes。  His glance
prolonged his wordswent further than speechwent where
speech could not reach。

〃Listen to me; Luis。  As a matter of precision; where now are
the Americans?〃

〃At the mission of Espada。〃

〃La Espada?the swordthe name is ominous。〃

〃Of success; Lopez。〃

〃Is Houston; then; with you?〃

〃Until a few days ago。  He and General Austin have gone to San

〃For what?  Is not San Antonio the most important point?〃

〃It was decided by the vote of the army to send them there to
frame a provisional government。  There are plenty of fighters
with us; but not one statesman but Houston。  And now it is
necessary that we should have legal authority to obtain loans;
maintain the army in the field; and many other such things
vital to our cause。  Austin is to go to the United States。  He
will bring back men and money。  Houston must draw up our
declaration and manifestoes; direct the civil government;
forward troops; and; in fact; set a new government in motion。〃

〃He is the loadstone in the bosom!'2'  I wonder that the
Americans permitted that he should leave them。〃

'2' The loadstone in the bosom is a charm against evil; the
bringer of good fortune。

〃He; and he only; was the man to go。  Ere he left; he said
some strange words。  I shall not; as a Mexican; forget them。 
In the midst of the men he stood like a god; with his
great stature; and his bright; strong face。  One cannot think
of him as of a common mortal。  Indeed; I will confess that I
could only compare him with the Efreet in the Arabian tale;
‘whose nostrils were like trumpets; his eyes like lamps; and
who had dishevelled; dust colored hair'〃

〃But; to proceed; what were the strange words?〃

〃Thus he spoke; and his voice rang out like a clarion:

〃‘You will fight as men fight for their homes; and their
wives; and their children; but alsoremember thisthe idea
of Texas is in the American heart!  Two generations they have
carried it there!  It is your destiny to make the idea a fact! 
As far back as eighteen nineteen; Adams wanted Texas。  When
Adams became president; he told Poinsett to offer Mexico a
million of dollars for Texas。  Clay would have voted three
millions。  Van Buren; in eighteen twenty…nine; told Poinsett
to offer five millions for Texas。  I went to Washington that
year; and proposed to revolutionize Texas。  I declare to you
that the highest men in the land were of my mind。  Only
last July President Jackson offered an additional half million
dollars for the Rio Grande boundary; and Mr。 Secretary Forsyth
said; justly or unjustly; by hook; or by crook; Texas must
become part of our country。  We have been longing for it for
fifty years!  Now; then; brothers…in…arms!' he cried; ‘You are
here for your homes and your freedom; but; more than that; you
are here for your country!'  Remember the thousands of
Americans who have slipped out of history and out of memory;
who have bought this land with their blood!  We have held a
grip on Texas for fifty years。  By the soul of every American
who has perished here; I charge you; No Surrender!'

〃You should have heard the shout that answered the charge。 
Jesu; Maria!  It made my heart leap to my bosom。  And ever
since; the two words have filled the air。  You could see men
catching them on their lips。  They are in their eyes; and
their walk。  Their hands say them。  The up…toss of their heads
says them。  When they go into battle they will see Houston in
front of them; and hear him call back ‘No surrender!'  Mexico
cannot hold Texas against such a determined purpose;
carried out by such determined men。〃

Lopez did not answer。  He was a melancholy; well…read man; who
had travelled; and to whom the idea of liberty was a passion。 
But the feeling of race was also strong in him; and he could
not help regretting that liberty must come to Texas through an
alien people〃heretics; too〃he muttered; carrying the
thought out aloud。  It brought others equally living to him;
and he asked; 〃Where; then; is Doctor Worth?〃

〃At Espada。  The army wished him to go to San Felipe with
Houston; but he declined。  And we want him most of all; both
as a fighter and a physician。  His son Thomas went in his

〃I know not Thomas。〃

〃Indeed; very few know him。  He is one that seldom speaks。 
But his rifle has its word always ready。〃

〃And Jack?〃

〃Jack also went to San Felipe。  He is to bring back the first
despatches。  Jack is the darling of the camp。  Ah; what a
happy soul he has!  One would think that it had just come from
heaven; or was just going there。〃

〃Did you see Senorita Antonia to…night?〃

〃Si!  She is a blessing to the eyesight。  So brave a young
girl; so sweet; so wise; she is a miracle!  If I loved not
Isabel with my whole soul; I would kneel at Antonia's feet。〃

〃That is where I also would kneel。〃

〃Hark! how the wind roars; and how the rain thrashes the
house!  But our men have the shelter of one of the Panchos。 
You should have heard the padre threaten them with the anger
of heaven and hell and General Cos。  Good…bye; Lopez。  I have
stayed my last moment now。〃

〃Your horse has been well fed。  Listen; he is neighing for
you; to Doctor Worth give my honorable regards。  Is Senor
Parades with you? and Perez Mexia?  Say to them I keep the vow
I made in their behalf。  Farewell; Luis!〃 and Luis; who had
been mounting as his friend talked; stooped from his saddle
and kissed him。

It was just dawn when he reached camp; and he found Doctor
Worth waiting his arrival。  Fortunately there was nothing but
good news for the doctor
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