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remember the alamo-第3章

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mater。  The boy's grandmother also still lived in the home
wherein; he himself had grown to manhood。  His eyes filled
with tears when he remembered the red brick house in Canal
Street; with its white door and dormer windows; and its one
cherry tree in the strip of garden behind。

But Dona Maria's national and religious principles; or rather
prejudices; were very strong。  She regarded the college of San
Juan de Lateran in Mexico as the fountainhead of knowledge。 
Her confessor had told her so。  All the Yturbides and Landesas
had graduated at San Juan。

But the resolute father would have none of San Juan。  〃I know
all about it; Maria;〃 he said。  〃They will teach Thomas Latin
very thoroughly。  They will make him proficient in theology
and metaphysics。  They will let him dabble in algebra and
Spanish literature; and with great pomp; they will give him
his degree; and ‘the power of interpreting Aristotle all
over the world。'  What kind of an education is that; for a man
who may have to fight the battles of life in this century?〃

And since the father carried his point it is immaterial what
precise methods he used。  Men are not fools even in a contest
with women。  They usually get their own way; if they take the
trouble to go wisely and kindly about it。  Two years
afterwards; Antonia followed her brother to New York; and this
time; the mother made less opposition。  Perhaps she divined
that opposition would have been still more useless than in the
case of the boy。  For Robert Worth had one invincible
determination; it was; that this beautiful child; who so much
resembled a mother whom he idolized; should be; during the
most susceptible years of her life; under that mother's

And he was well repaid for the self…denial her absence
entailed; when Antonia came back to him; alert; self…reliant;
industrious; an intelligent and responsive companion; a neat
and capable housekeeper; who insensibly gave to his home that
American air it lacked; and who set upon his table the well…
cooked meats and delicate dishes which he had often longed

John; the youngest boy; was still in New York finishing his
course of study; but regarding Isabel; there seemed to be a
tacit relinquishment of the purpose; so inflexibly carried out
with her brothers and sister。  Isabel was entirely different
from them。  Her father had watched her carefully; and come to
the conviction that it would be impossible to make her nature
take the American mintage。  She was as distinctly Iberian as
Antonia was Anglo…American。

In her brothers the admixture of races had been only as alloy
to metal。  Thomas Worth was but a darker copy of his father。 
John had the romance and sensitive honor of old Spain; mingled
with the love of liberty; and the practical temper; of those
Worths who had defied both Charles the First and George the
Third。  But Isabel had no soul…kinship with her father's
people。  Robert Worth had seen in the Yturbide residencia in
Mexico the family portraits which they had brought with them
from Castile。  Isabel was the Yturbide of her day。  She had
all their physical traits; and from her large golden…black
eyes the same passionate soul looked forth。  He felt that it
would be utter cruelty to send her among people who must
always be strangers to her。

So Isabel dreamed away her childhood at her mother's side; or
with the sisters in the convent; learning from them such
simple and useless matters as they considered necessary for a
damosel of family and fortune。  On the night of the Senora
Valdez's reception; she had astonished every one by the
adorable grace of her dancing; and the captivating way in
which she used her fan。  Her fingers touched the guitar as if
they had played it for a thousand years。  She sang a Spanish
Romancero of El mio Cid with all the fire and tenderness of a
Castilian maid。

Her father watched her with troubled eyes。  He almost felt as
if he had no part in her。  And the thought gave him an unusual
anxiety; for he knew this night that the days were fast
approaching which would test to extremity the affection which
bound his family together。  He contrived to draw Antonia aside
for a few moments。

〃Is she not wonderful?〃 he asked。  〃When did she learn
these things?  I mean the way in which she does them?〃

Isabel was dancing La Cachoucha; and Antonia looked at her
little sister with eyes full of loving speculation。  Her
answer dropped slowly from her lips; as if a conviction was
reluctantly expressed:

〃The way must be a gift from the pasther soul has been at
school before she was born here。  Father; are you troubled? 
What is it?  Not Isabel; surely?〃

〃Not Isabel; primarily。  Antonia; I have been expecting
something for twenty years。  It is coming。〃

〃And you are sorry?〃

〃I am anxious; that is all。  Go back to the dancers。  In the
morning we can talk。〃

In the morning the doctor was called very early by some one
needing his skill。  Antonia heard the swift footsteps and
eager voices; and watched him mount the horse always kept
ready saddled for such emergencies; and ride away with the
messenger。  The incident in itself was a usual one; but she
was conscious that her soul was moving uneasily and
questioningly in some new and uncertain atmosphere。

She had felt it on her first entrance into Senora Valdez's
gran salaa something irrepressible in the faces of all the
men present。  She remembered that even the servants had been
excited; and that they stood in small groups; talking with
suppressed passion and with much demonstrativeness。  And the
officers from the Alamo!  How conscious they had been of their
own importance!  What airs of condescension and of an almost
insufferable protection they had assumed!  Now; that she
recalled the faces of Judge Valdez; and other men of years and
position; she understood that there had been in them something
out of tone with the occasion。  In the atmosphere of the festa
she had only felt it。  In the solitude of her room she could
apprehend its nature。

For she had been born during those stormy days when Magee and
Bernardo; with twelve hundred Americans; first flung the
banner of Texan independence to the wind; when the fall of
Nacogdoches sent a thrill of sympathy through the United
States; and enabled Cos and Toledo; and the other
revolutionary generals in Mexico; to carry their arms against
Old Spain to the very doors of the vice…royal palace。  She
had heard from her father many a time the whole brave;
brilliant storythe same story which has been made in all
ages from the beginning of time。  Only the week before; they
had talked it over as they sat under the great fig…tree

〃History but repeats itself;〃 the doctor had said then; 〃for
when the Mexicans drove the Spaniards; with their court
ceremonies; their monopolies and taxes; back to Spain; they
were just doing what the American colonists did; when they
drove the English royalists back to England。  It was natural;
too; that the Americans should help the Mexicans; for; at
first; they were but a little band of patriots; and the
American…Saxon has like the Anglo…Saxon an irresistible
impulse to help the weaker side。  And oh; Antonia!  The cry of
Freedom!  Who that has a soul can resist it?〃

She remembered this conversation as she stood in the pallid
dawning; and watched her father ride swiftly away。  The story
of the long struggle in all its salient features flashed
through her mind; and she understood that it is not the sword
alone that gives libertythat there must be patience before
courage; that great ideas must germinate for years in the
hearts of men before the sword can reap the harvest。

The fascinating memory of Burr passed like a shadow across her
dreaming。  The handsome Lafayettesthe gallant Nolansthe
daring Huntersthe thousands of forgotten American traders
and explorersbold and enterprisingthey had sown the seed。 
For great ideas are as catching as evil ones。  A Mexican; with
the iron hand of Old Spain upon him and the shadow of the
Inquisition over him; could not look into the face of an
American; and not feel the thought of Freedom stirring in his

It stirred in her own heart。  She stood still a moment to feel
consciously the glow and the enlargement。  Then with an
impulse natural; but neither analyzed nor understood; she
lifted her prayer…book; and began to recite 〃the rising
prayer。〃  She had not said to herself; 〃from the love of
Freedom to the love of God; it is but a step;〃 but she
experienced the emotion and felt all the joy of an adoration;
simple and unquestioned; springing as naturally from the soul
as the wild flower from the prairie。

As she knelt; up rose the sun; and flooded her white figure
and her fair unbound hair with the radiance of the early
morning。  The matin bells chimed from the convent and the
churches; and the singing birds began to flutter their bright
wings; and praise God also; 〃in their Latin。〃

She took her breakfast alone。  The Senora never came
downstairs so early。  Isabel had wavering inclinations; and
generally followed them。  Sometimes; even her father had his
cup of strong coffee alone in his study; so the first
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