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remember the alamo-第35章

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Church will rest upon you。

〃The curse of the Church will not trouble me。  But to treat my
father's known wishes with contemptthat is an act of
dishonor and disobedience which I will not be guilty of。〃

〃Santa Maria!  Suffer not my spirit to be moved by this wicked
one。  Out of my path; Satanas!〃

The last word was not one which Thomas Worth had expected。  He
flushed crimson at its application; and with a few muttered
sentences; intelligible only to the priest; he took him firmly
by the shoulder; led him outside the door; and closed and
barred it。

The expulsion was not accomplished without noisy opposition on
the part of Fray Ignatius; and it pained Thomas deeply to
hear; in the midst of the priest's anathemas; the shrill cries
of his mother's distress and disapproval。

The next domestic movement of Thomas Worth was to rid the
house of Molly and Manuel; and the inferior servants。  It was
not as easy a task as may be supposed。  They had been ordered
by Fray Ignatius to remain; and the order had not been
countermanded。  Even if the Senora and her daughters were
going east; and their services were not needed; they had no
objections to remain in the Worth house。  They understood that
the Church would take possession; and the housekeeping of the
Church was notoriously easy and luxurious。

However; after exorbitant compensation had been made; and
Molly had given in return 〃a bit of her mind;〃 she left for
the Irish colony of San Patricio; and Manuel immediately
sought his favorite monte table。  When he had doubled his
money; he intended to obey Molly's emphatic orders; and go and
tell the priest all about it。

〃I would rather; face a battery of cannon than Fray Ignatius
and the servants again; Antonia。〃  Antonia looked at her
brother; he was worried and weary; and his first action; when
he had finally cleared the house; was to walk around it; and
bolt every door and window。  Antonia followed him silently。 
She perceived that the crisis had come; and she was doing as
good women in extremity dotrying to find in the darkness the
hand always stretched out to guide and strengthen。  As
yet she had not been able to grasp it。  She followed her
brother like one in a troubled dream; whispering faintly; with
white lips; 〃O God; where art Thou?  Help and pity us!〃

Thomas led her finally to his father's office。  He went to a
closet filled with drugs; removed them; and then a certain
pressure of his hand caused the back of the closet to
disappear in a groove; and a receptacle full of coin and
papers was disclosed。

〃We must take with us all the coin we can carry。  What you are
not likely to require; is to go to the men in the field。 
Then; hide in its place the old silver; and the laces; and the
jewels; which came with the Flores from Castile; and any other
papers and valuables; which you received from our father。  I
think even Fray Ignatius will not discover them here。〃

〃Is there any special need to hurry to…day?

〃Santa Anna is within forty…eight hours of San Antonio。  He
may force a march; and be here earlier。  Travis told me last
night that their advance scouts had come in with this
intelligence。  To…day they will gather every man they can; and
prepare to defend themselves in the Alamo。  As soon as
Santa Anna arrives; we are in danger。  I must leave here to…
night。  I must either take you with me or remove you to a
place of more safety。〃

〃Let us go with you。〃

〃If my mother is willing。〃

〃If she is not; what then?〃

〃Lopez has prepared for that emergency。  He has an empty house
three miles west of San Antonio。  He has had it completely
victualled。  I will take you there after dark in the large
green chariot。  Ortiz will drive the light Jersey wagon on the
Gonzales road。  When inquiry is made; the Jersey wagon will
have attracted the attention of every Mexican; and Fray
Ignatius will receive positive assurances that you were in it
and are beyond his power。  And certainly; without definite
intelligence; he would never suspect you of being anywhere on
the highway to Mexico。〃

〃Shall we be quite alone?〃

〃For two or three days you will be quite alone。  Ortiz will;
however; return with the wagon by a circuitous route; for;
sooner or later; you are sure to need it。  Fear not to trust
him。  Only in one respect will you need to supplement his
advice by your own intelligence: he is so eager to fight Santa
Anna; he may persuade himself and you that it is necessary to
fly eastward when it is not。  In all other points you may be
guided by him; and his disguise as a peon is so perfect that
it will be easy for him to gather in the pulquerias all the
information requisite for your direction。  I have been out to
the house; and I can assure you that Lopez has considered
everything for your comfort。〃

〃However; I would rather go with you; Thomas。〃

〃It must be as mother desires。〃

When the circumstances were explained to the Senora; she was
at first very determined to accept neither alternative。  〃She
would remain where she was。  She was a Flores and a Gonzaga。 
Santa Anna knew better than to molest her。  She would rather
trust to him than to those dreadful Americans。〃  Reminded of
Fray Ignatius; she shed a few tears over the poor padrecito;
and assured her children they had made a mistake regarding
him; which neither oil nor ointment; nor wit nor wisdom; could
get over。

It was almost impossible to induce her to come to a decision
of any kind; and only when she saw Antonia and Isabel were
dressed for a journey; and that Thomas had locked up all the
rooms and was extinguishing the fires; could she bring herself
to believe that the trial so long anticipated had really come。

〃My dearest mother!  My own life and the lives of many others
may now hang upon a few moments。  I can remain here no longer。 
Where shall I take you to?〃

〃I will not leave my home。〃

〃Santa Anna is almost here。  As soon as he arrives; Fray
Ignatius and twelve of the Bernardine monks are coming here。 
I was told that yesterday。〃

〃Then I will go to the convent。  I and my daughters。〃

〃No; mother; if you go to the convent; Antonia and Isabel must
go with me。〃

She prayed; and exclaimed; and appealed to saints and angels;
and to the holy Virgin; until Isabel was hysterically weeping;
Antonia at a mental tension almost unendurable; and Thomas on
the verge of one of those terrifying passions that mark
the extremity of habitually gentle; patient men。

〃My God; mother!〃 he exclaimed with a stamp of his spurred
boot on the stone floor; 〃if you will go to the devilto the
priests; I meanyou must go alone。  Kiss your mother
farewell; girls。  I have not another moment to wait。〃

Then; in a passion of angry sobs and reproaches; she decided
to go with her daughters; and no saint ever suffered with a
more firm conviction of their martyrdom to duty than did this
poor foolish; affectionate slave to her emotions and her
superstitions。  But when Thomas had gone; and nothing was to
be gained by a display of her sufferings; she permitted
herself to be interested in their hiding…place; and after
Antonia had given her a cup of chocolate; and Isabel had
petted and soothed her; she began gradually to allow them to
explain their situation; and even to feel some interest in its

They sat in the charmful; dusky glimmer of starlight; for
candles and fire were forbidden luxuries。  Fortunately; the
weather was warm and sunny; and for making chocolate and such
simple cookery; Lopez had provided a spirit lamp。  The
Senora was as pleased as a child with this arrangement。  She
had never seen anything like it before。  She even imagined the
food cooked upon it had some rare and unusual flavor。  She was
quite proud when she had learned its mysteries; and quite sure
that chocolate she made upon it was chocolate of a most
superior kind。

The house had been empty for two years; and the great point
was to preserve its air of desolation。  No outside arrangement
was touched; the torn remnants of some balcony hangings were
left fluttering in the wind; the closed windows and the closed
doors; the absence of smoke from the chimneys and of lights
from the windows; preserved the air of emptiness and
loneliness that the passers…by had been accustomed to see。 
And; as it was on the highway into the city; there were great
numbers of passers: mule…trains going to Mexico and Sonora;
cavaliers and pedestrians; splendidly…dressed nobles and
officials; dusty peons bringing in wood; ranchmen; peddlers;
and the whole long list of a great city's purveyors and

But though some of the blinds were half…closed; much could be
seen; and Isabel also often took cushions upon the flat roof;
and lying down; watched; from between the pilasters of the
balustrade surrounding it; the moving panorama。

On the morning of the third day of what the Senora; called
their imprisonment; they went to the roof to sit in the clear
sunshine and the fresh wind。  They were weary and depressed
with the loneliness and uncertainty of their position; and
were almost longing for something to happen that would push
forward the lagging wheels of destiny。

A long fanfare of
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