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remember the alamo-第51章

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out their arms to him。  The magnetic chain of sympathy was
complete。  The hearts of his listeners were an instrument; on
which he played the noblest; most inspiring; the sweetest of
melodies。  He kindled them as flame kindles dry grass。 
He showed them their future with a prophet's eye; and touched
them also with the glad diviner's rapture。  They aspired;
they rejoiced at his bidding; and at the moment of their
highest enthusiasm; he cried out:

〃Whatever State gave us birth; we have one native land and we
have one flag!〃  Instantly from the grim; blood…stained walls
of the fortress; the blessed Stars and Stripes flew out; and
in a moment a thousand smaller flags; from every high place;
gave it salutation。  Then the thunder of cannon was answered
by the thunder of voices。  Cannon may thunder and make no
impression; but the shout of humanity!  It stirs and troubles
the deepest heart…stream。  It is a cry that cannot be
resisted。  It sets the gates of feeling wide open。  And it was
while men were in this mood that Houston said his last words:

〃I look in this glorious sunshine upon the bloody walls of the
Alamo。  I remember Goliad。  I carry my memory back over the
long struggle of thirty years。  Do you think the young; brave
souls; fired with the love of liberty; who fell in this long
conflict have forgotten it?  No!  No!  No!  Wherever in God's
Eternity they are this day; I believe they are permitted to
know that Texas has become part of their country; and
rests forever under the flag they loved。  The shouting
thousands; the booming cannon; that greeted this flag were not
all the sounds I heard!  Far off; far off; yet louder than any
noise of earth; I heard from the dead years; and the dead
heroes of these years; the hurrahing of ghostly voices and the
clapping of unseen hands!〃

〃It was like Houston to call the dead to the triumph;〃 said
the doctor; as he stood with the Senora in her room。  He was
unbuttoning her gloves; and her tears dropped down upon his

〃He is a man by himself; and none like him。  I thought that I
should never forgive him for sparing the life of that
monsterSanta Anna; but to…day I forgive him even that。  I am
so happy that I shall ask Holy Maria to excuse me the feeling;
for it is not good to permit one's self to be too happy; it
brings trouble。  But indeed; when I looked at Thomas; I
thought how wisely he has married。  It is seldom a mother can
approve of her daughter…in…law; but Abbie has many
excellenciesgood manners; and a good heart; and a fortune
which is quite respectable。〃

〃And strong principles also; Maria。  She will bring up her
children to know right and wrong; and to do right。〃

〃THAT of course。  Every good mother does that。  I am sure
it is a sight for the angels to see Isabel teaching her
children their prayers。  Did you observe also how great a
favorite Luis is?  He lifted his hat to this one and that one;
and it is certain that the next election will be in his hand。〃

〃PerhapsI wish Lopez would take more interest in politics。 
He is a dreamer。〃

〃But; then; a very happy dreamer。〃  Perhaps to dream well and
pleasantly is to live a better life。  Antonia is devoted to
him。  She has a blessed lot。  Once I did not think she would
be so fortunate。〃

〃Lopez was prudent and patient。〃

〃Prudent!  Patient!  It is a miracle to me!  I assure you;
they even talk together of young Senor Grant!  It is
satisfactory; but extremely strange。〃

〃You had better sleep a little; Maria。  General Houston is
coming to dinner。〃

〃That is understood。  When I spoke last to him; I was a woman
broken…hearted。  To…night I will thank him for all that
he has done。  Ah; Roberto!  His words to…day went to my;
soulI thought of my JuanI thought of the vision he showed
meI wondered if he knewif he sawand heard〃 she leaned
her head upon her husband's breast; and he kissed away the
sorrowful rain。

〃He was so sweet! so beautiful!  Oh; Roberto!〃

〃He was God's greatest gift to us。  Maria! dear。  Maria!  I
love you for; all the children you have given me; BUT MOST

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