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man of property-第67章

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s gave no answering look。  And to old Jolyon watching; divining the league of mutual defence between them; there came an overmastering desire to have his own son at his side; as though this visit to the dead man's body was a battle in which otherwise he must single…handed meet those two。 And the thought of how to keep June's name out of the business kept whirring in his brain。  James had his son to support him! Why should he not send for Jo?

Taking out his card…case; he pencilled the following message:

'Come round at once。  I've sent the carriage for you。'

On getting out he gave this card to his coachman; telling him to driveas fast as possible to the Hotch Potch Club; and if Mr。 Jolyon Forsyte were there to give him the card and bring him at once。  If not there yet; he was to wait till he came。

He followed the others slowly up the steps; leaning on his umbrella; and stood a moment to get his breath。  The Inspector said: 〃This is the mortuary; sir。  But take your time。〃

In the bare; white…walled room; empty of all but a streak of sunshine smeared along the dustless floor; lay a form covered by a sheet。  With a huge steady hand the Inspector took the hem and turned it back。  A sightless face gazed up at them; and on either side of that sightless defiant face the three Forsytes gazed down; in each one of them the secret emotions; fears; and pity of his own nature rose and fell like the rising; falling waves of life; whose wish those white walls barred out now for ever from Bosinney。  And in each one of them the trend of his nature; the odd essential spring; which moved him in fashions minutely; unalterably different from those of every other human being; forced him to a different attitude of thought。  Far from the others; yet inscrutably close; each stood thus; alone with death; silent; his eyes lowered。

The Inspector asked softly:

〃You identify the gentleman; sir?〃

Old Jolyon raised his head and nodded。  He looked at his brother opposite; at that long lean figure brooding over the dead man; with face dusky red; and strained grey eyes; and at the figure of Soames white and still by his father's side。  And all that he had felt against those two was gone like smoke in the long white presence of Death。  Whence comes it; how comes itDeath?  Sudden reverse of all that goes before; blind setting forth on a path that leads to where?  Dark quenching of the fire!  The heavy; brutal crushingout that all men must go through; keeping their eyes clear and brave unto the end!  Small and of no import; insects though they are!  And across old Jolyon's face there flitted a gleam; for Soames; murmuring to the Inspector; crept noiselessly away。

Then suddenly James raised his eyes。  There was a queer appeal in that suspicious troubled look: 〃I know I'm no match for you;〃 it seemed to say。  And; hunting for handkerchief he wiped his brow; then; bending sorrowful and lank over the dead man; he too turned and hurried out。

Old Jolyon stood; still as death; his eyes fixed on the body。 Who shall tell of what he was thinking?  Of himself; when his hair was brown like the hair of that young fellow dead before him?  Of himself; with his battle just beginning; the long; long battle he had loved; the battle that was over for this young man almost before it had begun?  Of his grand…daughter; with her broken hopes?  Of that other woman?  Of the strangeness; and the pity of it?  And the irony; inscrutable; and bitter of that end? Justice!  There was no justice for men; for they were ever in the dark!

Or perhaps in his philosophy he thought: Better to be out of; it all!  Better to have done with it; like this poor youth。。。。

Some one touched him on the arm。

A tear started up and wetted his eyelash。  〃Well;〃 he said; 〃I'm no good here。  I'd better be going。  You'll come to me as soon as you can; Jo;〃 and with his head bowed he went away。

It was young Jolyon's turn to take his stand beside the dead man; round whose fallen body he seemed to see all the Forsytes breathless; and prostrated。  The stroke had fallen too swiftly。

The forces underlying every tragedyforces that take no denial; working through cross currents to their ironical end; had met and fused with a thunder…clap; flung out the victim; and flattened to the ground all those that stood around。

Or so at all events young Jolyon seemed to see them; lying around Bosinney's body。

He asked the Inspector to tell him what had happened; and the latter; like a man who does not every day get such a chance; again detailed such facts as were known。

〃There's more here; sir; however;〃 he said; 〃than meets the eye。 I don't believe in suicide; nor in pure accident; myself。  It's more likely I think that he was suffering under great stress of mind; and took no notice of things about him。  Perhaps you can throw some light on these。〃

He took from his pocket a little packet and laid it on the table。 Carefully undoing it; he revealed a lady's handkerchief; pinned through the folds with a pin of discoloured Venetian gold; the stone of which had fallen from the socket。  A scent of dried violets rose to young Jolyon's nostrils。

〃Found in his breast pocket;〃 said the Inspector; 〃the name has been cut away!〃

Young Jolyon with difficulty answered: 〃I'm afraid I cannot help you!〃  But vividly there rose before him the face he had seen light up; so tremulous and glad; at Bosinney's coming!  Of her he thought more than of his own daughter; more than of them allof her with the dark; soft glance; the delicate passive face; waiting for the dead man; waiting even at that moment; perhaps; still and patient in the sunlight。

He walked sorrowfully away from the hospital towards his father's house; reflecting that this death would break up the Forsyte family。  The stroke had indeed slipped past their defences into the very wood of their tree。  They might flourish to all appearance as before; preserving a brave show before the eyes of London; but the trunk was dead; withered by the same flash that had stricken down Bosinney。  And now the saplings would take its place; each one a new custodian of the sense of property。

Good forest of Forsytes! thought young Jolyonsoundest timber of our land!

Concerning the cause of this deathhis family would doubtless reject with vigour the suspicion of suicide; which was so compromising!  They would take it as an accident; a stroke of fate。  In their hearts they would even feel it an intervention of Providence; a retributionhad not Bosinney endangered their two most priceless possessions; the pocket and the hearth?  And they would talk of 'that unfortunate accident of young Bosinney's;' but perhaps they would not talksilence might be better!

As for himself; he regarded the bus…driver's account of the accident as of very little value。  For no one so madly in love committed suicide for want of money; nor was Bosinney the sort of fellow to set much store by a financial crisis。  And so he too rejected this theory of suicide; the dead man's face rose too clearly before him。  Gone in the heyday of his summerand to believe thus that an accident had cut Bosinney off in the full sweep of his passion was more than ever pitiful to young Jolyon。

Then came a vision of Soames' home as it now was; and must be hereafter。  The streak of lightning had flashed its clear uncanny gleam on bare bones with grinning spaces between; the disguising flesh was gone。。。。

In the dining…room at Stanhope Gate old Jolyon was sitting alone when his son came in。  He looked very wan in his great armchair。 And his eyes travelling round the walls with their pictures of still life; and the masterpiece 'Dutch fishing…boats at Sunset' seemed as though passing their gaze over his life with its hopes; its gains; its achievements。

〃Ah! Jo!〃 he said; 〃is that you?  I've told poor little June。 But that's not all of it。  Are you going to Soames'?  She's brought it on herself; I suppose; but somehow I can't bear to think of her; shut up thereand all alone。〃 And holding up his thin; veined hand; he clenched it。



After leaving James and old Jolyon in the mortuary of the hospital; Soames hurried aimlessly along the streets。

The tragic event of Bosinney's death altered the complexion of everything。  There was no longer the same feeling that to lose a minute would be fatal; nor would he now risk communicating the fact of his wife's flight to anyone till the inquest was over。

That morning he had risen early; before the postman came; had taken the first…post letters from the box himself; and; though there had been none from Irene; he had made an opportunity of telling Bilson that her mistress was at the sea; he would probably; he said; be going down himself from Saturday to Monday。 This had given him time to breathe; time to leave no stone unturned to find her。

But now; cut off from taking steps by Bosinney's deaththat strange death; to think of which was like putting a hot iron to his heart; like lifting a great weight from ithe did not know how to pass his day; and he wandered here and there through the streets; looking at every face he met; devoured by a hundred anxieties。

And as he wandered; he thought of him who had finished his wandering;
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