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helen of troy and other poems-第3章

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I should kneel down and kiss the blades of grass;

And I should call the birds with such a voice;

With such a longing; tremulous and keen;

That they would fly to me and on the breast

Bear evermore to tree…tops and to fields

The kiss I gave them。  Sappho; tell me this;

Was I not sometimes fair?  My eyes; my mouth;

My hair that loved the wind; were they not worth

The breath of love upon them?  Yet he passed;

And he will pass to…night when all the air

Is blue with twilight; but I shall not see。

I shall have gone forever。  Hold my hands;

Hold fast that Death may never come between;

Swear by the gods you will not let me go;

Make songs for Death as you would sing to Love 

But you will not assuage him。  He alone

Of all the gods will take no gifts from men。

I am afraid; afraid。

                      Sappho; lean down。

Last night the fever gave a dream to me;

It takes my life and gives a little dream。

I thought I saw him stand; the man I love;

Here in my quiet chamber; with his eyes

Fixed on me as I entered; while he drew

Silently toward me  he who night by night

Goes by my door without a thought of me 

Neared me and put his hand behind my head;

And leaning toward me; kissed me on the mouth。

That was a little dream for Death to give;

Too short to take the whole of life for; yet

I woke with lips made quiet by a kiss。

The dream is worth the dying。  Do not smile

So sadly on me with your shining eyes;

You who can set your sorrow to a song

And ease your hurt by singing。  But to me

My songs are less than sea…sand that the wind

Drives stinging over me and bears away。

I have no care what place the grains may fall;

Nor of my songs; if Time shall blow them back;

As land…wind breaks the lines of dying foam

Along the bright wet beaches; scattering

The flakes once more against the laboring sea;

Into oblivion。  What care have I

To please Apollo since Love hearkens not?

Your words will live forever; men will say

〃She was the perfect lover〃  I shall die;

I loved too much to live。  Go Sappho; go 

I hate your hands that beat so full of life;

Go; lest my hatred hurt you。  I shall die;

But you will live to love and love again。

He might have loved some other spring than this;

I should have kept my life  I let it go。

He would not love me now tho' Cypris bound

Her girdle round me。  I am Death's; not Love's。

Go from me; Sappho; back to find the sun。

I am alone; alone。  O Cyprian 。 。 。

Love Songs


You bound strong sandals on my feet;

 You gave me bread and wine;

And bade me out; 'neath sun and stars;

 For all the world was mine。

Oh take the sandals off my feet;

 You know not what you do;

For all my world is in your arms;

 My sun and stars are you。

   The Rose and the Bee

If I were a bee and you were a rose;

Would you let me in when the gray wind blows?

Would you hold your petals wide apart;

Would you let me in to find your heart;

    If you were a rose?

〃If I were a rose and you were a bee;

You should never go when you came to me;

I should hold my love on my heart at last;

I should close my leaves and keep you fast;

    If you were a bee。〃

   The Song Maker

I made a hundred little songs

 That told the joy and pain of love;

And sang them blithely; tho' I knew

 No whit thereof。

I was a weaver deaf and blind;

 A miracle was wrought for me;

But I have lost my skill to weave

 Since I can see。

For while I sang  ah swift and strange!

 Love passed and touched me on the brow;

And I who made so many songs

 Am silent now。

   Wild Asters

In the spring I asked the daisies

 If his words were true;

And the clever little daisies

 Always knew。

Now the fields are brown and barren;

 Bitter autumn blows;

And of all the stupid asters

 Not one knows。

   When Love Goes


O mother; I am sick of love;

 I cannot laugh nor lift my head;

My bitter dreams have broken me;

 I would my love were dead。

〃Drink of the draught I brew for thee;

Thou shalt have quiet in its stead。〃


Where is the silver in the rain;

 Where is the music in the sea;

Where is the bird that sang all day

 To break my heart with melody?

〃The night thou badst Love fly away;

He hid them all from thee。〃

   The Wayfarer

Love entered in my heart one day;

 A sad; unwelcome guest;

But when he begged that he might stay;

 I let him wait and rest。

He broke my sleep with sorrowing;

 And shook my dreams with tears;

And when my heart was fain to sing;

 He stilled its joy with fears。

But now that he has gone his way;

 I miss the old sweet pain;

And sometimes in the night I pray

 That he may come again。

   The Princess in the Tower


The Princess sings:

  I am the princess up in the tower

   And I dream the whole day thro'

  Of a knight who shall come with a silver spear

   And a waving plume of blue。

  I am the princess up in the tower;

   And I dream my dreams by day;

  But sometimes I wake; and my eyes are wet;

   When the dusk is deep and gray。

  For the peasant lovers go by beneath;

   I hear them laugh and kiss;

  And I forget my day…dream knight;

   And long for a love like this。


The Minstrel sings:

  I lie beside the princess' tower;

   So close she cannot see my face;

  And watch her dreaming all day long;

   And bending with a lily's grace。

  Her cheeks are paler than the moon

   That sails along a sunny sky;

  And yet her silent mouth is red

   Where tender words and kisses lie。

  I am a minstrel with a harp;

   For love of her my songs are sweet;

  And yet I dare not lift the voice

   That lies so far beneath her feet。


The Knight sings:

  O princess cease your dreams awhile

   And look adown your tower's gray side 

  The princess gazes far away;

   Nor hears nor heeds the words I cried。

  Perchance my heart was overbold;

   God made her dreams too pure to break;

  She sees the angels in the air

   Fly to and fro for Mary's sake。

  Farewell; I mount and go my way;

    But oh her hair the sun sifts thro' 

  The tilts and tourneys wait my spear;

   I am the Knight of the Plume of Blue。

   When Love Was Born

When Love was born I think he lay

 Right warm on Venus' breast;

And whiles he smiled and whiles would play

 And whiles would take his rest。

But always; folded out of sight;

 The wings were growing strong

That were to bear him off in flight

 Erelong; erelong。

   The Shrine

There is no lord within my heart;

 Left silent as an empty shrine

 Where rose and myrtle intertwine;

Within a place apart。

No god is there of carven stone

 To watch with still approving eyes

 My thoughts like steady incense rise;

I dream and weep alone。

But if I keep my altar fair;

 Some morning I shall lift my head

 From roses deftly garlanded

To find the god is there。

   The Blind

The birds are all a…building;

 They say the world's a…flower;

And still I linger lonely

 Within a barren bower。

I weave a web of fancies

 Of tears and darkness spun。

How shall I sing of sunlight

 Who never saw the sun?

I hear the pipes a…blowing;

 But yet I may not dance;

I know that Love is passing;

 I cannot catch his glance。

And if his voice should call me

 And I with groping dim

Should reach his place of calling

 And stretch my arms to him;

The wind would blow between my hands

 For Joy that I shall miss;

The rain would fall upon my mouth

 That his will never kiss。

   Love Me

Brown…thrush singing all day long

 In the leaves above me;

Take my love this little song;

 〃Love me; love me; love me!〃

When he harkens what you say;

 Bid him; lest he miss me;

Leave his work or leave his play;

 And kiss me; kiss me; kiss me!

   The Song for Colin

I sang a song at dusking time

 Beneath the evening star;

And Terence left his latest rhyme

 To answer from afar。

Pierrot laid down his lute to weep;

 And sighed; 〃She sings for me;〃

But Colin slept a careless sleep

 Beneath an apple tree。

   Four Winds

〃Four winds blowing thro' the sky;

You have seen poor maidens die;

Tell me then what I shall do

That my lover may be true。〃

Said the wind from out the south;

〃Lay no kiss upon his mouth;〃

And the wind from out the west;

〃Wound the heart within his breast;〃

And the wind from out the east;

〃Send him empty from the feast;〃

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