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the origins of contemporary france-5-第25章

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vomiting and a violent nervous attack。〃  De Segur; I。; 71。 … It is

well known that he died of a cancer in the stomach; like his father

Charles Bonaparte。  His grandfather Joseph Bonaparte; his uncle Fesch;

his brother Lucien; and his sister Caroline died of the same; or of an

analogous disease。

'16' Meneval; I。; 269。  Constant; 〃Mémoires;〃 V。; 62。  De Ségur; VI。;

114; 117。

'17' Marshal Marmont; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。; 306。  Bourrienne; II。; 119:

〃When off the political field he was sensitive; kind; open to pity。〃

'18' Pelet de la Lozére;  p。7。  De Champagny; 〃 Souvenirs;〃 p。103。  At

first; the emotion was much stronger。  〃He had the fatal news for

nearly three hours; he had given vent to his despair alone by himself。

He summoned me 。 。 。 。 plaintive cries involuntarily escaped him。〃

'19' Madame de Rémusat; I。; 121; 342 ; II。; 50 ; III。; 61; 294; 312。

'20' De Ségur; V。; 348。

'21' Yung; II。; 329; 331。 (Narrated by Lucien; and report to Louis


'22' 〃Nouvelle relation de l'Itinéraire de Napoléon; de Fontainebleau

à l'Ile de l'Elbe;〃 by Count Waldberg…Truchsees; Prussian commissioner

(1885); pp。22; 24; 25; 26; 30; 32; 34; 37。 … The violent scenes;

probably; of the abdication and the attempt at Fontainebleau to poison

himself had already disturbed his balance。  On reaching Elba; he says

to the Austrian commissioner; Koller; 〃As to you; my dear general; I

have let you see my bare rump。〃 … Cf。 in 〃Madame de Rémusat;〃 I。; 108;

one of his confessions to Talleyrand: he crudely points out in himself

the distance between natural instinct and studied courage。 … Here and

elsewhere; we obtain a glimpse of the actor and even of the Italian

buffoon; M。 de Pradt called him 〃Jupiter Scapin。〃   Read his

reflections before M。 de Pradt; on his return from Russia; in which he

appears in the light of a comedian who; having played badly and failed

in his part; retires behind the scenes; runs down the piece; and

criticize the imperfections of the audience。 (De Pradt; p。219。)

'23' The reader may find his comprehension of the author's meaning

strengthened by the following translation of a passage from his essay

on Jouffroy (Philosophes classiques du XIXth Siécle;〃 3rd ed。):

〃What is a man; master of himself? He is one who; dying with thirst;

refrains from swallowing a cooling draft; merely moistening his lips:

who insulted in public; remains calm in calculating his most

appropriate revenge; who in battle; his nerves excited by a charge;

plans a difficult maneuver; thinks it out; and writes it down with a

lead…pencil while balls are whistling around him; and sends it to his

colonels。  In other words; it is a man in whom the deliberate and

abstract idea of the greatest good is stronger than all other ideas

and sensations。  The conception of the greatest good once attained;

every dislike; every species of indolence; every fear; every

seduction; every agitation; are found weak。  The tendency which arise

from the idea of the greatest good constantly dominates all others and

determines all actions。〃 TR。

'24' Bourrienne; I。 21。

'25' Yung; 1。; 125。

'26' Madame de Rémusat; I。; 267。 … Yung; II。; 109。   On his return to

Corsica he takes upon himself the government of the whole family。

〃Nobody could discuss with him; says his brother Lucien; he took

offence at the slightest observation and got in a passion at the

slightest resistance。  Joseph (the eldest) dared not even reply to his


'27' Mémorial; August 27…31; 1815。

'28' 〃Madame de Rémusat;〃 I。; 105。 … Never was there an abler and more

persevering sophist; more persuasive; more eloquent; in order to make

it appear that he was right。  Hence his dictations at St。 Helena; his

proclamations; messages; and diplomatic correspondence; his ascendancy

in talking as great as through his arms; over his subject and over his

adversaries; also his posthumous ascendancy over posterity。  He is as

great a lawyer as he is a captain and administrator。  The peculiarity

of this disposition is never submitting to truth; but always to speak

or write with reference to an audience; to plead a cause。  Through

this talent one creates phantoms which dupe the audience; on the other

hand; as the author himself forms part of the audience; he ends in not

along leading others into error but likewise himself; which is the

case with Napoleon。

'29' Yung; II。; 111。  (Report by Volney; Corsican commissioner; 1791。

… II。; 287。 (Mémorial; giving a true account of the political and

military state of Corsica in December; 1790。) … II。; 270。 (Dispatch of

the representative Lacombe Saint…Michel; Sept。 10; 1793。) … Miot de

Melito  I。;131; and following pages。  (He is peace commissioner in

Corsica in 1797 and 1801。)

'30' Miot de Melito; II。; 2。 〃The partisans of the First consul's

family 。 。 。  regarded me simply as the instrument of their passions;

of use only to rid them of their enemies; so as to center all favors

on their protégés。〃

'31' Yung。; I。; 220。 (Manifest of October …31; 1789。) … I。; 265。

(Loan on the seminary funds obtained by force; June 23; 1790。) … I。;

267; 269。 (Arrest of M。 de la Jaille and other officers; plan for

taking the citadel of Ajaccio。) … II。; 115。 (letter to Paoli; February

17; 1792。) 〃Laws are like the statues of certain divinities … veiled

on certain occasions。〃 … II。; 125。 (Election of Bonaparte as

lieutenant…colonel of a battalion of volunteers; April1; 1792。) The

evening before he had Murati; one of the three departmental

commissioners; carried off by an armed band from the house of the

Peraldi;  his adversaries; where he lodged。 Murati; seized unawares;

is brought back by force and locked up in Bonaparte's house; who

gravely says to him  〃I wanted you to be free; entirely at liberty;

you were not so with the Peraldi。〃 … His Corsican biographer (Nasica;

〃Mémoires sur la jeunesse et l'enfance de Napoléon;〃) considers this a

very praiseworthy action

'32' Cf。 on this point; the Memoirs of Marshal Marmont; I。; 180; 196;

the Memoirs of Stendhal; on Napoleon; the Report of d'Antraigues

(Yung; III。; 170; 171); the 〃Mercure Britannique〃 of Mallet…Dupan; and

the first chapter of 〃La Chartreuse de Parme;〃  by Stendhal。

'33' 〃Correspondance de Napoléon;〃 I。 (Letter of Napoleon to the

Directory; April 26; 1796。) … Proclamation of the same date: 〃You have

made forced marches barefoot; bivouacked without brandy; and often

without bread。〃

'34' Stendhal; 〃Vie de Napoléon;〃 p。 151。 〃The commonest officers were

crazy with delight at having white linen and fine new boots。  All were

fond of music; many walked a league in the rain to secure a seat in

the La Scala Theatre。 。 。 。 In the sad plight in which the army found

itself before Castiglione and Arcole; everybody; except the knowing

officers; was disposed to attempt the impossible so as not to quit

Italy。〃 … 〃 Marmont;〃 I。; 296: 〃We were all of us very young; 。 。 。

all aglow with strength and health; and enthusiastic for glory。 。 。 。

This variety of our occupations and pleasures; this excessive

employment of body and mind gave value to existence; and made time

pass with extraordinary rapidity。〃

'35' 〃Correspondance de Napoléon;〃 I。 Proclamation of March 27; 1796:

' Soldiers; you are naked and poorly fed。  The government is vastly

indebted to you; it has nothing to give you。 。 。 。 I am going to lead

you to the most fertile plains in the world; rich provinces; large

cities will be in your power; you will then obtain honor; glory; and

wealth。〃 …  Proclamation of April 26; 1796:  … 〃Friends; I guarantee

that conquest to you!〃 … Cf。 in Marmont's memoirs the way in which

Bonaparte plays the part of tempter in offering Marmont; who refuses;

an opportunity to rob a treasury chest。

'36' Miot de Melito; I。; 154。 (June; 1797; in the gardens of

Montebello。) 〃Such are substantially the most remarkable expressions

in this long discourse which I have recorded and preserved。〃

'37' Miot de Melito; I。 184。 (Conversation with Bonaparte; November

18; 1797; at Turin。) 〃I remained an hour with the general tête…à…tête。

I shall relate the conversation exactly as it occurred; according to

my notes; made at the time。〃

'38' Mathieu Dumas; 〃 Mémoires;〃 III。; 156。 〃It is certain that he

thought of it from this moment and seriously studied the obstacles;

means; and chances of success。〃 (Mathieu Dumas cites the testimony of

Desaix; who was engaged in the enterprise): 〃It seems that all was

ready; when Bonaparte judged that things were not yet ripe; nor the

means sufficient。〃 … Hence his departure。  〃He wanted to get out of

the way of the rule and caprices of these contemptible dictators;

while the latter wanted to get rid of him because his military fame

and influence in the army were obnoxious to them。

'39' Larevellière…Lepaux (one of the five directors on duty);

〃Mémoires;〃 II。; 340。  〃Al
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