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the origins of contemporary france-5-第59章

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towards bringing on the revolution。

'63' 〃Statistiques des préfets;〃 Indre; by Dalphonse; year XII; p。104:

〃The universities; the colleges; the seminaries; the religious

establishments; the free schools are all destroyed; vast plans only

remain for a new system of education raised on their ruins。 Nearly all

of these rest unexecuted。 。 。 。 Primary schools have nowhere; one may

say; been organized; and those which have been are so poor they had

better not have been organized at all。 With a pompous and costly

system of public instruction; ten years have been lost for


'64' Moniteur; XXI。; 644。 (Session of Fructidor 19; year II。) One of

the members says: 〃It is very certain; and my colleagues see it with

pain; that public instruction is null。〃 … Fourcroy: 〃Reading and

writing are no longer taught。〃 … Albert Duruy; p。 208。 (Report to the

Directory executive; Germinal 13; year IV。) 〃For nearly six years no

public instruction exists。〃 … De La Sicotiere; 〃Histoire du collège de

Alen?on;〃 p。33: 〃In 1794; there were only two pupils in the college。〃

… Lunet; 〃Histoire du collège de Rodez;〃 p。157: 〃The recitation…rooms

remained empty of pupils and teachers from March 1793 to May 16;

1796。〃 … 〃 Statistiques des préfets;〃 Eure; by Masson Saint…Amand year

XIII: 〃In the larger section of the department; school…houses existed

with special endowments for teachers of both sexes。 The school…houses

have been alienated like other national domains; the endowments due to

religious corporations or establishments have been extinguished  … As

to girls; that portion of society has suffered an immense loss;

relatively to its education; in the suppression of religious

communities which provided them with an almost gratuitous and

sufficiently steady instruction。〃

'65' My maternal grandmother learned how to read from a nun concealed

in the cellar of the house。

'66' Albert Duruy; ibid。; 349。 (Decree of the Directory; Pluvi?se 17;

year V; and circular of the minister Letourneur against free schools

which are 〃dens of royalism and superstition。〃 … Hence the decrees of

the authorities in the departments of Eure; Pas de Calais; Dr?me;

Mayenne and La Manche; closing these dens。) 〃From Thermidor 27; year

VI; to Messidor 2; year VII; say the authorities of La Manche; we have

revoked fifty…eight teachers on their denunciation by the

municipalities and by popular clubs。〃

'67' Archives nationales; cartons 3144 to 3145; No。 l04。 (Reports of

the Councillors of State on mission in the year IX。) Report by Lacuée

on the first military division。 Three central schools at Paris; one

called the Quatre…Nations。 〃This school must be visited in order to

form any idea of the state of destruction and dilapidation which all

the national buildings are in。 No repairs have been made since the

reopening of the schools; everything is going to ruin。 。 。 。 Walls are

down and the floors fallen in。 To preserve the pupils from the risks

which the occupation of these buildings hourly presents; it is

necessary to give lessons in rooms which are very unhealthy on account

of their small dimensions and dampness。 In the drawing…class the

papers and models in the portfolios become moldy。〃

'68' Albert Duruy; ibid。; 484。 (〃Procès…verbaux des conseils…

généraux;〃 year IX; passim。)

'69' Ibid。; 476。 (〃Statistiques des préfets;〃 Sarthe; year X。)

〃Prejudices which it is difficult to overcome; as well on the

stability of this school as on the morality of some of the teachers;

prevented its being frequented for a time。〃 … 483。 (Procès…verbaux des

conseils…généraux;〃 Bas…Rhin。) 〃The overthrow of religion has excited

prejudices against the central schools。〃 … 482。 (Ibid。; Lot。) 〃Most of

the teachers in the central school took part in the revolution in a

not very honorable way。 Their reputation affects the success of their

teaching。 Their schools are deserted。〃

'70' Albert Duruy; ibid。; '94。 (According to the reports of 15 central

schools; from the year VI。 to the year VIII。) The average for each

central school is for drawing; 89 pupils; for mathematics; 28; for the

classics; 24; for physics; chemistry and natural history; 19; for

general grammar; 5; for history; 10; for legislation; 8: for belles…

lettres; 6。 … Rocquam; ibid。; P。29。 (Reports of Fran?ais de Nantes; on

the departments of the South…east。) 〃There; as elsewhere; the courses

on general grammar; on belles…lettres; history and legislation; are

unfrequented。 Those on mathematics; chemistry; Latin and drawing are

better attended; because these sciences open up lucrative careers。 …

Ibid。; p。 108。 (Report by Barbé…Marboi on the Brittany departments。)

'71' Statistiques des préfets;〃 Meurthe; by Marquis; year XIII; p。120。

〃In the communal schools of the rural districts; the fee was so small

that the poorest families could contribute to the (teacher's) salary。

Assessments on the communal property; besides; helped almost

everywhere in providing the teacher with a satisfactory salary; so

that these functions were sought after and commonly well fulfilled。 。

。 。 Most of the villages had Sisters of Saint…Vincent de Paul for

instructors; or others well known under the name of Vatelottes。〃 …

〃The partition of communal property; and the sale of that assigned to

old endowments; had deprived the communes of resources which afforded

a fair compensation to schoolmasters and schoolmistresses。 The product

of the additional centimes scarcely sufficed for administrative

expenses。 … Thus; there is but little else now than people without

means; who take poorly compensated places; again; they neglect their;

schools just as soon as they see an opportunity to earn something

elsewhere。〃 … Archives nationales; No。 1004; cartons  3044 and 3145。

(Report of the councillors of state on mission in the year IX。 … First

military division; Report of Lacuée。) Aisne: 〃There is now no primary

school according to legal institution。〃  … The situation is the same

in Oise; also in Seine for the districts of Sceaux and SaintDenis。

'72' Albert Duruy; 178。 (Report drawn up in the bureaux of the

ministry of the interior; year VIII。) 〃A detestable selection of those

called instructors; almost everywhere; they are men without morals or

education; who owe their nomination solely to a pretended civism;

consisting of nothing but an insensibility to morality and propriety。

。 。 。 They affect an insolent contempt for the (old) religious

opinions。〃 … Ibid。; p。497。 (Procès…verbaux des conseils…généraux。) On

primary school…teachers; Hérault: 〃Most are blockheads and vagabonds。〃

… Pas…de…Calais:〃 Most are blockheads or ignoramuses。〃

'73' Rocquam; '94。 (Report by Fourcroy on the 14th military division;

Manche; Orne; Calvados。) 〃Besides bad conduct; drunkenness; and the

immorality of many of these teachers; it seems certain that the lack

of instruction in religion is the principal motive which prevents

parents from sending their children to these schools。〃 … Archives

nationales; ibid。 (Report by Lacuée on the 1st military division。)

〃The teachers; male and female; who desired to conform to the law of

Brumaire 3 and to the different rules prescribed by the central

administration; on placing the constitution and the rights of man in

the hands of their pupils; found their schools abandoned one after the

other。 The schools the best attended are those where the Testament;

the catechism; and the life of Christ are used。 。 。 。 The instructors;

obliged to pursue the line marked out by the government; could not do

otherwise than carry out the principles which opposed the prejudices

and habits of the parents; hence their loss of credit; and the almost

total desertion of the pupils。〃

'74' 〃The Revolution;〃 vol。 III。; p。 81; note 2。 (Laff。 II。 pp。68…69;

note 4。)

'75' 〃Statistiques des préfets;〃 Moselle。 (Analysis by Ferrière。) At

Metz; in 1789; there were five free schools for young children; of

which one was for boys and four for girls; kept by monks or nuns; in

the year XII there were none: 〃An entire generation was given up to

ignorance。〃 Ibid。; Ain; by Bossi; 1808: 〃In 1800; there were scarcely

any primary schools in the department; as in the rest of France。〃 In

1808; there are scarcely thirty。 … Albert Duruy; p。480; 496。 (Procès…

verbaux des conseils…généraux; year IX。) Vosges: 〃Scarcely any primary

instruction。〃 … Sarthe: 〃Primary instruction; none。〃 … Meuse…

Inférieure: 〃It is feared that in fifteen years or so there will not

be one man in a hundred able to write;〃 etc。

'76' These are the minimum figures; and they are arrived at through

the following calculation。 Before 1789; 47 men out of 100; and 26

women out of 100; that is to say 36 or 37 persons in 100; received

primary instruction。 Now; according to the census from 1876 to 1881

(official statistics of primary instruction; III。; XVI。); children

from six to thirteen number about twelv
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