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the origins of contemporary france-5-第93章

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even of all France that could read; it might hamper the prefect and

diminish his ascendancy。 From now on; it is the prefect alone who

replies to these questions; and of which the government gives an

analysis or tables of statistics;'38' then; the publication of these

ceases; decidedly; printing always has its drawbacks … manuscript

reports are much better; local affairs are no longer transacted

outside the bureaus; and are managed with closed doors; any report

that might spread outside the prefect's cabinet or that of the

minister; is carefully toned down or purposely stifled; and; under the

prefect's thumb; the general council becomes an automaton。

In private; dealing directly with the Emperor's representative; it

appears as if one is dealing directly with the Emperor。 Consider these

few words … in the presence of the Emperor; they carry an immeasurable

weight in the scales of contemporaries。 For them; he has every

attribute of Divinity; not only omnipotence and omnipresence; but

again omniscience; and; if he speaks to them; what they feel far

surpasses what they imagine。 When he visits a town and confers with

the authorities of the place on the interests of the commune or

department; his interlocutors are bewildered; they find him as well

informed as themselves; and more clear…sighted; it is he who explains

their affairs to them。 On arriving the evening before; he calls for

the summaries of facts and figures; every positive and technical

detail of information; reduced and classified according to the method

taught by himself and prescribed to his administrators。'39'  During

the night he has read all this over and mastered it; in the morning;

at dawn; he has taken his ride on horseback; with extraordinary

promptness and accuracy; his topographical glance has discerned 〃the

best direction for the projected canal; the best site for the

construction of a factory; a harbor; or a dike。〃'40'  To the

difficulties which confuse the best brains in the country; to much

debated; seemingly insoluble; questions; he at once presents the sole

practical solution; there it is; ready at hand; and the members of the

local council had not seen it; he makes them touch it with their

fingers。 They stand confounded and agape before the universal

competence of this wonder genius。 〃He's more than a man〃 exclaimed the

administrators of Dusseldorf to Beugnot。'41' 〃Yes;〃 replied Beugnot;

〃he's the devil!〃 In effect; he adds to mental ascendancy the

ascendancy of force; we always see beyond the great man in him the

terror…striking dominator; admiration begins or ends in fear; the soul

is completely subjugated; enthusiasm and servility; under his eye;

melt together into one sentiment of impassioned obedience and

unreserved submission。'42' Voluntarily and involuntarily; through

conviction; trembling; and fascinated; men abdicate their freedom of

will to his advantage。 The magical impression remains in their minds

after he has departed。 Even absent; even with those who have never

seen him; he maintains his prestige and communicates it to all who

command in his name。 Before the prefect; the baron; the count; the

councilor of state; the senator in embroidered uniform; gilded and

garnished with decorations; every municipal or general council loses

his free will and becomes incapable of saying no; only too glad if not

obliged to say yes 〃inopportunely;〃 to enter upon odious and

disagreeable undertakings; to simulate at one's own expense; and that

of others; excessive zeal and voluntary self…sacrifice; to vote for

and hurrah at patriotic subscriptions of which it must contribute the

greatest portion and for supplementary conscriptions'43' which seize

their sons that are except or bought out of service。'44' It allows

itself to be managed; it is simply one of the many wheels of our

immense machine; one which receives its impulsion elsewhere; and from

above; through the interposition of the prefect。 … But; except in rare

cases; when the interference of the government applies it to violent

and oppressive schemes; it is serviceable; fixed in position; and

confining itself to turning regularly and noiselessly in its little

circle; it may; in general; still render the double service demanded

of it in the year IX; by a patriotic minister。 According to the

definition which Chaptal then gave the general councils; fixing their

powers and competence; they exist for two purposes and only two:'45'

they must first 〃insure to the governed impartiality in the assessment

of taxes along with the verification of the use of the latest levies

in the payment of local expenses;〃 and next; they must; with

discretion and modesty; 〃obtain for the government the information

which alone enables it to provide for the necessities of each

department and improve the entire working of the public


VIII。 Excellence of Local Government after Napoleon。

The institution remains intact under the Restoration。 … Motives of the

governors。 … Excellence of the machine。 … Abdication of the


Such is the spirit of the institution and such is its form。 After 1814

and 1815; after the fall of the Empire and the Restoration; the

institution subsists and remains as it was before in form and in

spirit: it is always the government which appoints and directs all the

representatives of local society; in the department; in the commune;

and in the intermediate circumscriptions; the prefect; sub…prefects;

mayors and assistants; the councilors of the department; of the

arrondissement and of the commune。 Whatever the ruling power may be it

is repugnant to any change; never does it voluntarily restrict itself

in its faculty of bestowing or withholding offices; authority;

consideration; influence; or salaries; every desirable and every

desired good thing; as far as it can; it retains these in its own

hands to distribute them as it pleases; and in its own interest to

bestow them on its partisans and to deprive its adversaries of them;

to attract clients and create minions。 The four thousand offices of

prefect; sub…prefect; and councilors of the prefecture; department;

and arrondissement; the four hundred thousand offices of mayor;

assistants; and municipal councilors; and added to these; the

innumerable salaried employments of auxiliary or secondary agents;

from the secretary…general of the prefecture down to the secretary of

the mayor; from the scribes and clerks of the prefecture and sub…

prefecture down to the staff of the municipal police and of the octroi

in the towns; from the city or department architect down to the lowest

road…surveyor; from the watchmen and superintendents of a canal or

harbor down to the field…guards and stone…breakers or the highway;

directly or indirectly; the constitutional government disposes of them

in the same fashion as the imperial government; with the same

interference in the most trifling details and in the most trifling

affair。 Commune or department; such local society remains under the

second Régime what it was under the first one; an extension of the

central society; an appendix of the State; an adjunct of the great

establishment of which the seat is at Paris。 In these adjuncts;

controlled from above; nothing is changed; neither the extent and

limits of the circumscription; nor the source and hierarchy of powers;

nor the theoretic framework; nor the practical mechanism; not even the

names。'46'  After the prefects of Empire come the prefects of the

Restoration; the same in title and uniform; installed in the same

mansion; to do the same work; with equal zeal; that is to say; with

dangerous zeal; to such an extent that; on taking leave of their final

audience; on setting out for their department; M。 de Talleyrand; who

knows men and institutions profoundly; gives them; as his last

injunction; the following admirable order: 〃And; especially; no zeal!

〃 … According to the recommendation of Fouché; 〃the Bourbons slept in

the bed of Napoleon;〃 which was the bed of Louis XIV。; but larger and

more comfortable; widened by the Revolution and the Empire; adapted to

the figure of its latest occupant; and enlarged by him so as to spread

over the whole of France。 When; after twenty…five years of exile; one

returns home; it is pleasant to find such a bed in the house ready

made; taking down and remaking the old one would give double trouble;

moreover; in the old one; one was less at his ease; let us profit by

all that rebels and the usurper have done that was good。 In this

particular; not alone the king; but again the most antiquated of the

Bourbons are revolutionaries and Bonapartists; despotic traditionally;

and monopolists through their situation; they accept with no regrets

the systematic demolition effected by the Constituent Assembly; and

the systematic centralization instituted by the First Consul。 The Duc

d'Angoulême; when; in 1815; he was paraded about the countr
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