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frederick the great and his family-第127章

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d the other for the steppes of Siberia。 The long; thin figure of the latter was concealed by a fur mantle; made of the skin of the white Lapland wolf; and lined and trimmed with a darker fur; around his waist was bound a costly gold embroidered shawl; from which hung a small golden cup; and a richly ornamented razor。 At his side; instead of the Turkish sabre; a bag; richly worked with gold and pearls; was suspended by golden chains。 He wore a fez; on the front of which was embroidered a small golden cup。

Behind these two men came a troop of Turkish; Tartar; and European servants; all in livery; and these were followed by a golden chariot; with closely…drawn blinds; the interior being impenetrable to the most curious gaze。 Four Tartars in long white fur mantles rode on either side of the chariot; with drawn swords。

The chariot was followed by a most remarkable crowd; consisting of Prussian soldiers from every regiment; and in every variety of uniform; of peasants and their wives; of old men and children; who were all struck dumb with astonishment and admiration at the sight of this strange cavalcade which now paused before the king's house。

The guards saluted; and the generals and staff officers advanced silently and bowed profoundly to the two cavaliers; who were such a singular contrast to one another; and who were evidently the important persons of the cavalcade。 They swung themselves lightly from their saddles; and returned the polite greetings of the generals; the one in fluent German; the other in equally flowing words; but in a language which no one understood; and to which the only answer was a few murmured words; a smile; and hieroglyphic hand…pressures。

The first was the Baron von Rexin; the ambassador of the king to the Grand Sultan and the Khan of Tartary; who had been so fortunate as to become the minster plenipotentiary of the King of Prussia under the title given him by the king of Baron von Rexin; after having been the servant of a merchant in Breslau; called Hubsch。 The second was the great and noble Mustapha Aga; the ambassador of Krimgirai; the Khan of Tartary。 He was the favorite and confidant of his master; and was sent by him to bear his greetings and good wishes to the King of Prussia。

As soon as they had dismounted; a page of the king approached and invited them to enter the house; where the king was waiting to give them audience。 Baron von Rexin; who during his residence in Turkey had learned the Turkish language; informed the ambassador。 A smile appeared upon Mustapha Aga's thin; paleface; and he turned to the four men in black robes; who wore the golden pens in their belts; and signed to them to follow him; and then taking the arm of Baron von Rexin; they both entered the house; followed by the four historians and interpreters; the generals and staff officers of the king then arranging themselves on either side of the throne; according to their rank。

The king received the embassy sitting upon his throne。 His eye rested smilingly upon Mustapha Aga; who had just bent to the earth before his throne; and as he arose signed to one of the four interpreters to approach。 The interpreter opened the costly book; which he held in his hand; and handed the ambassador a large document; covered with seals; which Mustapha Aga pressed respectfully to his lips; and then kneeling; presented it respectfully to the king。

〃Mustapha Aga; the ambassador of the high and mighty Khan of Tartary; Krimgirai; has the unutterable honor to present his credentials to the King of Prussia;〃 said the interpreter; in the purest and most fluent French。

The king broke the seal; and looked hurriedly over the document。 〃Mustapha Aga;〃 he said; 〃you are most welcome; and I greet your master; the hero Krimgirai; whom I am proud to call my friend; in you。〃

After the interpreter repeated the words of the king; Mustapha Aga threw himself upon his knees before the throne; and spoke rapidly for a few moments。

〃Mustapha Aga; the ambassador of the great Khan;〃 said the interpreter; 〃entreats your majesty to allow him to show you the highest proof of his respect; to greet you in the manner in which he alone; in great and beautiful Tartary; is permitted to greet the Khan。〃

〃I grant his request;〃 said the king。

Mustapha immediately opened the pouch which hung at his side; and took from it a crystal flask; from which he poured a fluid into the cup; and a delightful perfume immediately pervaded the room。 After putting a small quantity of white powder into the cup; he proceeded to stir the contents with a brush; of which the handle was ornamented with three diamonds of immense size。 The fluid now arose into a sparkling milk…white foam。

The king looked curiously at him at first; and then turned to his ambassador。 〃What does this mean?〃 he asked in German; probably because he did not wish to be understood by the interpreter。

〃Sire; 〃said Rexin; smiling; 〃that means that the noble Mustapha Aga wishes to show you the greatest honor in his power; he wishes to shave you。〃

〃To shave me!〃 exclaimed the king。 〃Who and what is the noble Mustapha Aga?〃

〃Sire; he is one of the greatest dignitaries of Tartary; he is the barber of the Khan!〃

The king could scarcely restrain a smile at this explanation。 〃Well;〃 he said; 〃it is not a bad idea to make a diplomat and ambassador of a barber。 The gentlemen of the diplomatic corps are given to shaving in politics and frequently put soap in the eyes of the world。〃

Mustapha Aga now approached the king with solemn steps; and bending forward; he thrust his forefinger into the foam in the golden cup and passed it lightly across the king's chin。 He then drew forth the golden razor from his belt。 But before opening it; he raised his eyes prayerfully to heaven; and spoke a few solemn words。 〃Allah is the light of heaven and earth! May He illuminate me in my great work!〃 said the interpreter; translating Mustapha's words。

Then the ambassador began his dignified work; drawing the blade of his knife across the chin of the king with a rapid movement。

The king and his generals and attendants; were scarcely able to retain their composure during this performance。

When Mustapha had finished; he signed to one of the interpreters to approach; and as he kneeled before him he wiped the foam from his razor on the back of his uplifted hand。 Then thrusting it in his belt; he bowed deeply and solemnly to the king。

〃May Allah keep the heart of this king as pure as his chin now is!〃 he said。 〃May the knife which Allah employs to prune away the faults of this king; pass over him as gently and painlessly as the knife of your unworthy servant has done! Mighty king and lord; the all… powerful Khan Krimgirai; the lion of the desert; the dread of his enemies; sends me to you and offers you his aid and friendship。 The renown of your deeds has reached his ears; and he is lost in astonishment that a prince; of whose kingdom and existence he was in ignorance; should so long successfully resist the great German sultan; whose power we know; without fearing。 The eagle eye of my master now sees clearly that he who was so insignificant is now great enough to overshadow the land of the powerful German sultan; and to make the proud and unbending czarina of the north tremble。 He sends me to report to you his profound admiration; but first; will you allow me; O eagle king of the north! to present the gifts which he offers you?〃

〃I shall be delighted to receive these gifts;〃 said the king; smiling; 〃as they are a proof of the friendship of the great Khan。〃

Mustapha Aga made a signal in the direction of the door; and spoke a few words aloud。 Immediately there appeared the two men who were so richly dressed in Turkish costumes; and had been at the head of the cavalcade。 They stationed themselves on either side of the entrance; and were followed by the lower officers and servants attached to the embassy; who entered; bearing baskets delicately woven and lined with rich stuffs。

Mustapha signed to the first two to approach him; and then; before opening the basket; he turned once more to the king。

〃Sire;〃 said he; 〃before a Tartar gives a promise of love and friendship to any one; he invites him to his house; and begs him to eat of his bread and drink of his wine。 Sire; my great and respected master makes use of his unworthy servant to entreat your majesty to descend from your throne and to enter his house; where he is present in spirit; and bids the eagle king of the north welcome。〃

〃I should be delighted to grant this request;〃 returned the king; smiling; 〃were the distance not so great between my house and that of the Khan。〃

〃Sire; the house of my great master is before your door;〃 said Mustapha Aga; bowing deeply。 〃On the day of our departure; the Khan walked through it and kissed its walls; and exclaimed: 'Be greeted; my great and royal brother; you eagle of the north! Be welcome; you hero…king; the hated enemy of the czarina; Krimgirai offers you his heart; and would be your friend for all time。' Sire; thus spoke my lord the Khan; the air in his house is still vibrating with the words he uttered。 Will your majesty condescend to leave your throne and visit my great master; the Khan Krimgirai?〃

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