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napoleon bonaparte, v4-第12章

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the honor of firing the first shot; but he refused; not conceiving;
doubtless; that any pleasure could be found in slaying at short range a
poor; exhausted animal; who no longer had the power to protect itself;
even by flight。


The Emperor remained only a few days at Paris; after our return from
Italy; before setting out again for the camp of Boulogne。  The fetes of
Milan had not prevented him from maturing his political plans; and it was
suspected that not without good reason had he broken down his horses
between Turin and Paris。  These reasons were plainly evident; when it was
learned that Austria had entered secretly into the coalition of  Russia
and England against the Emperor。  The army collected in the camp of
Boulogne received orders to march on the Rhine; and his Majesty departed
to rejoin his troops about the end of September。  As was his custom; he
informed us only an hour in advance of his departure; and it was curious
to observe the contrast of the confusion which preceded this moment with
the silence that followed it。  Hardly was the order given; than each one
busied himself hastily with his own wants and those of his Majesty; and
nothing could be heard in the corridors but the sound of domestics coming
and going; the noise of cases being nailed down; and boxes being carried
out。  In the courts appeared a great number of carriages and wagons; with
men harnessing them; the scene lighted by torches; and everywhere oaths
and cries of impatience; while the women; each in her own room; were
sadly occupied with the departure of husband; son; or brother。  During
all these preparations the Emperor was making his adieux to her Majesty
the Empress; or taking a few moments of repose; but at the appointed hour
he rose; was dressed; and entered his carriage。  Soon after everything
was silent in the chateau; and only a few isolated persons could be seen
flitting about like shadows; silence had succeeded to noise; solitude to
the bustle of a brilliant and numerous court。  Next morning this deep
silence was broken only by a few scattered women who sought each other
with pale faces and eyes full of tears; to communicate their grief and
share their apprehensions。  Many courtiers; who were not of the party;
arrived to make their court; and were stupefied on learning of his
Majesty's absence; feeling as if the sun could not have risen that day。

The Emperor went without halting as far as Strasburg; and the day after
his arrival in this town; the army began to file out over the bridge of

On the evening before this march; the Emperor had ordered the general
officers to be on the banks of the Rhine on the following day; at exactly
six in the morning。  An hour before that set for the rendezvous; his
Majesty; notwithstanding the rain which fell in torrents; went alone to
the head of the bridge; to assure himself of the execution of the orders
he had given; and stood exposed to this rain without moving; till the
first divisions commenced to file out over the bridge。  He was so
drenched that the drops which fell from his clothing ran down under his
horse; and there formed a little waterfall; and his cocked hat was so wet
that the back of it drooped over his shoulders; like the large felt hats
of the coal…burners of Paris。  The generals whom he was awaiting gathered
around him; and when he saw them assembled; he said; 〃All goes well;
messieurs; this is a new step taken in the direction of our enemies; but
where is Vandamme?  Why is he not here?  Can he be dead?〃  No one said a
word。  〃Answer me; what has become of Vandamme?  〃General Chardon;
general of the vanguard; much loved by the Emperor; replied; 〃I think;
Sire; that General Vandamme is still asleep; we drank together last
evening a dozen bottles of Rhine wine; and doubtless〃〃He does very well
to drink; sir; but he is wrong to sleep when I am waiting for him。〃
General Chardon prepared to send an aide…de…camp to his companion in
arms; but the Emperor prevented him; saying; 〃Let Vandamme sleep; I will
speak to him later。〃  At this moment General Vandamme appeared。  〃Well;
here you are; sir; you seem to have forgotten the order that I gave
yesterday。〃〃Sire; this is the first time this has happened; and〃
〃And to avoid a repetition of it; you will go and fight under the banner
of the King of Wurtemburg; I hope you will give them lessons in

General Vandamme withdrew; not without great chagrin; and repaired to the
army of Wurtemburg; where he performed prodigies of valor。  After the
campaign he returned to the Emperor; his breast covered with decorations;
bearing a letter from the King of Wurtemburg to his Majesty; who; after
reading it; said to Vandamme:  〃General; never forget that; if I admire
the brave; I do not admire those who sleep while I await them。〃  He
pressed the general's hand; and invited him to breakfast; in company with
General Chardon; who was as much gratified by this return to favor as was
his friend。

On the journey to Augsburg; the Emperor; who had set out in advance; made
such speed that his household could not keep up with him; and
consequently he passed the night; without attendants or baggage; in the
best house of a very poor village。  When we reached his Majesty next day;
he received us laughing; and threatened to have us taken up as stragglers
by the provost guard。

From Augsburg the Emperor went to the camp before Ulm; and made
preparations to besiege that place。

A short distance from the town a fierce and obstinate engagement took
place between the French and Austrians; and had lasted two hours; when
cries of 'Vive l'Empereur!'  were suddenly heard。  This name; which
invariably carried terror into the enemy's ranks; and always imparted
fresh courage to our soldiers; now electrified them to such an extent
that they put the Austrians to flight; while the Emperor showed himself
in the front ranks; crying 〃Forward;〃 and making signs to the soldiers to
advance; his Majesty's horse disappearing from time to time in the smoke
of the cannon。  During this furious charge; the Emperor found himself
near a grenadier who was terribly wounded; and yet this brave fellow
still shouted with the others; 〃Forward!  forward!〃

The Emperor drew near him; and threw his military cloak over him; saying;
〃Try to bring it back to me; and I will give you in exchange the cross
that you have just won。〃  The grenadier; who knew that he was mortally
wounded; replied that the shroud he had just received was worth as much
as the decoration; and expired; wrapped in the imperial mantle。

At the close of the battle; the Emperor had this grenadier; who was also
a veteran of the army of Egypt; borne from the field; and ordered that he
should be interred in the cloak。

Another soldier; not less courageous than the one of whom I have just
spoken; also received from his Majesty marks of distinction。  The day
after the combat before Ulm; the Emperor; in visiting the ambulances; had
his attention attracted by a; cannoneer of light artillery; who had lost
one leg; but in spite of this was still shouting with all his might;
'Vive l'Empereur!'  He approached the soldier and said to him; 〃Is this;
then; all that you have to say to me?〃〃No; Sire; I can also tell you
that I; I alone; have dismounted four pieces of the Austrian cannon; and
it is the pleasure of seeing them silenced which makes me forget that I
must soon close my eyes forever。〃  The Emperor; moved by such fortitude;
gave his cross to the cannoneer; noted the names of his parents; and said
to him; 〃If you recover; the Hotel des Invalides is at your service。〃
〃Thanks; Sire; but the loss of blood has been too great; my pension will
not cost you very dear; I know well that I must soon be off duty; but
long live the Emperor all the same!〃  Unfortunately this brave man
realized his real condition only too well; for he did not survive the
amputation of his leg。

We followed the Emperor into Ulm after the occupation of that place; and
saw a hostile army of more than thirty thousand men lay down their arms
at the feet of his Majesty; as they defiled before him; and I have never
beheld a more imposing sight。  The Emperor was seated on his horse; a few
steps in front of his staff; his countenance wearing a calm and grave
expression; in spite of which the joy which filled his heart was apparent
in his glance。

He raised his hat every moment to return the salutes of the superior
officers of the Austrian troops。  When the Imperial Guard entered
Augsburg; eighty grenadiers marched at the head of the columns; each
bearing a banner of the enemy。

The Emperor; on his arrival at Munich; was welcomed with the greatest
respect by his ally; the Elector of Bavaria。  His Majesty went several
times to the theater and the hunt; and gave a concert to the ladies of
the court。  It was; as has been since ascertained; during this stay of
the Emperor at Munich that the Emperor Alexander and the King of Prussia
pledged themselves at Potsdam; on the tomb of Frederick the Great; to
unite their efforts against his Majesty。

A year later Napoleon also made a visit to the tomb of the great

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