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historic girls-第15章

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dispute。 And the Princess Edith's glove lying on the floor of the

Abbey hall was her assertion that she had spoken the truth and

was willing to risk her life in proof of her innocence。

Edgar the Atheling; peace…lover; though he was; would gladly have

accepted the post of champion for his niece; but; as one also

involved in the charge of treason; such action was denied him。

For the moment; the Red King's former admiration for this brave

young princess caused him to waver; but those were days when

suspicion and jealousy rose above all nobler traits。 His face

grew stern again。

〃Ordgar of Oxford;〃 he said; 〃take up the glove!〃 and Edith knew

who was her accuser。 Then the King asked: 〃Who standeth as

champion for Edgar the Atheling and this maid; his niece?〃

Almost before the words were spoken young Robert Fitz Godwine had

sprung to Edith's side。

〃That would I; lord king; if a young squire might appear against

a belted knight!〃

〃Ordgar of Oxford fights not with boys!〃 said the accuser


The king's savage humor broke out again。

〃Face him with your own page; Sir Ordgar;〃 he said; with a grim

laugh。 〃Boy against boy would be a fitting wager for a young

maid's life。〃 But the Saxon knight was in no mood for sport。

〃Nay; beausire; this is no child's play;〃 he said。 〃I care naught

for this girl。 I stand as champion for the king against yon

traitor Atheling; and if the maiden's cause is his; why then

against her too。 This is a man's quarrel。〃

Young Robert would have spoken yet again as his face flushed hot

with anger at the knight's contemptuous words。 But a firm hand

was laid upon his shoulder; and a strong voice said:

〃Then is it mine; Sir Ordgar。 If between man and man; then will

I; with the gracious permission of our lord the king; stand as

champion for this maiden here and for my good lord; the noble

Atheling; whose liegeman and whose man am I; next to you; lord

king。〃 And; taking the mate to the glove which the Princess Edith

had flung down in defiance; he thrust it into the guard of his

cappe。 line; or iron skull…cap; in token that he; Godwine of

Winchester; the father of the boy Robert; was the young girl's


Three days after; in the tilt…yard of Gloucester Castle; the

wager of battle was fought。 It was no gay tournament show with

streaming banners; gorgeous lists; gayly dressed ladies;

flower…bedecked balconies; and all the splendid display of a

tourney of the knights; of which you read in the stories of

romance and chivalry。 It was a solemn and sombre gathering in

which all the arrangements suggested only death and gloom; while

the accused waited in suspense; knowing that halter and fagot

were prepared for them should their champion fall。 In quaint and

crabbed Latin the old chronicler; John of Fordun; tells the story

of the fight; for which there is neither need nor space here。 The

glove of each contestant was flung into the lists by the judge;

and the dispute committed for settlement to the power of God and

their own good swords。 It is a stirring picture of those days of

daring and of might; when force took the place of justice; and

the deadliest blows were the only convincing arguments。 But;

though supported by the favor of the king and the display of

splendid armor; Ordgar's treachery had its just reward。 Virtue

triumphed; and vice was punished。 Even while treacherously

endeavoring (after being once disarmed) to stab the brave Godwine

with a knife which he had concealed in his boot; the false Sir

Ordgar was overcome; confessed the falsehood of his charge

against Edgar the Atheling and Edith his niece; and; as the

quaint old record has it; 〃The strength of his grief and the

multitude of his wounds drove out his impious soul。〃

So young Edith was saved; and; as is usually the case with men of

his character; the Red King's humor changed completely。 The

victorious Godwine received the arms and lands of the dead

Ordgar; Edgar the Atheling was raised high in trust and honor;

the throne of Scotland; wrested from the Red Donald; was placed

once more in the family of King Malcolm; and King William Rufus

himself became the guardian and protector of the Princess Edith。

And when; one fatal August day; the Red King was found pierced by

an arrow under the trees of the New Forest; his younger brother;

Duke Henry; whom men called Beauclerc; 〃the good scholar;〃 for

his love of learning and of books; ascended the throne of England

as King Henry I。 And the very year of his accession; on the 11th

of November; 1100; he married; in the Abbey of Westminster; the

Princess Edith of Scotland; then a fair young lady of scarce

twenty…one。 At the request of her husband she took; upon her

coronation day; the Norman name of Matilda; or Maud; and by this

name she is known in history and among the queens of England。

So scarce four and thirty years after the Norman conquest; a

Saxon princess sat upon the throne of Norman England; the loving

wife of the son of the very man by whom Saxon England was


〃Never; since the battle of Hastings;〃 says Sir Francis Palgrave;

the historian; 〃had there been such a joyous day as when Queen

Maud was crowned。〃 Victors and vanquished; Normans and Saxons;

were united at last; and the name of 〃Good Queen Maud〃 was long

an honored memory among the people of England。

And she was a good queen。 In a time of bitter tyranny; when the

common people were but the serfs and slaves of the haughty and

cruel barons; this young queen labored to bring in kindlier

manners and more gentle ways。 Beautiful in face; she was still

more lovely in heart and life。 Her influence upon her husband;

Henry the scholar; was seen in the wise laws he made; and the

〃Charter of King Henry〃 is said to have been gained by her

intercession。 This important paper was the first step toward

popular liberty。 It led the way to Magna Charta; and finally to

our own Declaration of Independence。 The boys and girls of

America; therefore; in common with those of England; can look

back with interest and affection upon the romantic story of 〃Good

Queen Maud;〃 the brave…hearted girl who showed herself wise and

fearless both in the perilous mist at Edinburgh; and; later

still; in the yet greater dangers of 〃the black lists of




Count William of Hainault; of Zealand and Friesland; Duke of

Bavaria and Sovereign Lord of Holland; held his court in the

great; straggling castle which he called his 〃hunting lodge;〃

near to the German Ocean; and since known by the name of 〃The


'1' 〃The Hague〃 is a contraction of the Dutch's Gravenhagethe

haag; or 〃hunting lodge;〃 of the Graf; or count。

Count William was a gallant and courtly knight; learned in all

the ways of chivalry; the model of the younger cavaliers;

handsome in person; noble in bearing; the surest lance in the

tilting…yard; and the stoutest arm in the foray。

Like 〃Jephtha; Judge of Israel;〃 of whom the mock…mad Hamlet sang

to Polonius; Count William had

          〃One fair daughter; and no more;

           The which he loved passing well〃;

and; truth to tell; this fair young Jacqueline; the little 〃Lady

of Holland;〃 as men called her;but whom Count William; because

of her fearless antics and boyish ways; called 〃Dame

Jacob;〃'1'loved her knightly father with equal fervor。

'1' Jaqueline is the French rendering of the Dutch Jakobinethe

feminine of Jakob; or James。

As she sat; that day; in the great Hall of the Knights in the

massive castle at The Hague; she could see; among all the knights

and nobles who came from far and near to join in the festivities

at Count William's court; not one that approached her father in

nobility of bearing or manly strengthnot even her husband。

Her husband? Yes。 For this little maid of thirteen had been for

eight years the wife of the Dauphin of France; the young Prince

John of Touraine; to whom she had been married when she was

scarce five years old and he barely nine。 Surrounded by all the

pomp of an age of glitter and display; these royal children lived

in their beautiful castle of Quesnoy; in Flanders;'1' when they

were not; as at the time of our story; residents at the court of

the powerful Count William of Holland。

'1' Now Northeastern France。

Other young people were there; too;nobles and pages and little

ladies…in…waiting; and there was much of the stately ceremonial

and flowery talk that in those days of knighthood clothed alike

the fears of cowards and the desires of heroes。 For there have

always been heroes and cowards in the world。

And so; between all these young folk; there was much boastful

talk and much harmless gossip how the little Lady of Courtrai had

used the wrong corner of the towel yesterday; how the
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