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historic girls-第2章

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will we fling off the Roman yoke and become the true and

unconquered lords of Palmyra。 And I; too; Must join them;〃 he


'1' The 〃head man;〃 or chief of the 〃fahdh;〃 or family。

But the young girl detained him。 〃Wait; cousin;〃 she said; 〃watch

and wait。 Our fahdh will scarce attempt so brave a deed to…day;

with these new Roman soldiers in our gates。 That were scarcely


But the boy broke out again。 〃So; they have seen each other;〃 he

said; 〃both sides are pressing on!〃

〃True; and they will meet under this very portico;〃 said Bath

Zabbai; and moved both by interest and desire this dark…eyed

Syrian girl; to whom fear was never known; standing by her

cousin's side; looked down upon the tossing sea of spears and

lances and glittering shields and helmets that swayed and surged

in the street below。

〃So; Odaenathus!〃 said Rufinus; the tribune; reining in his horse

and speaking in harsh and commanding tones; 〃what meaneth this

array of armed followers?〃

〃Are the movements of Septimus Odaenathus; the head…man; of such

importance to the noble tribune that he must needs question a

free merchant of Palmyra as to the number and manner of his

servants?〃 asked Odaemathus haughtily。

〃Dog of a Palmyrean; slave of a camel…driver;〃 said the Roman

angrily; 〃trifle not with me。 Were you ten times the free

merchant you claim; you should not thus reply。 Free; forsooth!

None are free but Romans。〃

〃Have a care; O Rufinus;〃 said the Palmyrean boldly; 〃choose

wiser words if you would have peaceful ways。 Palmyra brooks no

such slander of her foremost men。〃

〃And Rome brooks no such men as you; traitor;〃 said Rufinus。 〃Ay;

traitor; I say;〃 he repeated; as Odaenathus started at the word。

〃Think not to hide your plots to overthrow the Roman power in

your city and hand the rule to the base Sapor of Persia。 Every

thing is known to our great father the Emperor; and thus doth he

reckon with traitors。 Macrinus; strike!〃 and at his word the

short Gallic sword in the ready hand of the big German

foot…soldier went straight to its mark and Odaenathus; the

〃head…man〃 of Palmyra; lay dead in the Street of the Thousand


So sudden and so unexpected was the blow that the Palmyreans

stood as if stunned; unable to comprehend what had happened。 But

the Roman was swift to act。

〃Sound; trumpets! Down; pikes!〃 he cried; and as the trumpet peal

rose loud and clear; fresh legionaries came hurrying through the

Damascus arch; and the pilum'1' and spatha of Rome bore back the

shields and lances of Palmyra。

'1' The pilum was the Roman pike; and the spatha the short

single…edged Roman sword。

But; before the lowered pikes could fully disperse the crowd; the

throng parted and through the swaying mob there burst a lithe and

flying figurea brown…skinned maid of twelve with streaming

hair; loose robe; and angry; flashing eyes。 Right under the

lowered pikes she darted and; all flushed and panting; defiantly

faced the astonished Rufinus。 Close behind her came an equally

excited lad who; when he saw the stricken body of his father on

the marble street; flung himself weeping upon it。 But Bath

Zabbai's eyes flashed still more angrily:

〃Assassin; murderer!〃 she cried; 〃you have slain my kinsman and

Odhainat's father。 How dare you; how dare you!〃 she repeated

vehemently; and then; flushing with deeper scorn; she added:

〃Roman; I hate you! Would that I were a man。 Then should all

Palmyra know how〃

〃Scourge these children home;〃 broke in the stern Rufinus; 〃or

fetch them by the ears to their nurses and their toys。 Let the

boys and girls of Palmyra beware how they mingle in the matters

of their elders; or in the plots of their fathers。 Men of

Palmyra; you who to…day have dared to think of rebellion; look on

your leader here and know how Rome deals with traitors。 But;

because the merchant Odaenathus bore a Roman name; and was of

Roman rankho; soldiers! bear him to his house; and let Palmyra

pay such honor as befits his name and station。〃

The struggling children were half led; half carried into the

sculptured atrium'1' of the palace of Odaenathus which; embowered

in palms and vines and wonderful Eastern plants; stood back from

the marble colonnade on the Street of the Thousand Columns。 And

when in that same atrium the body of the dead merchant lay

embalmed and draped for its 〃long home;〃'2' there; kneeling by

the stricken form of the murdered father and kinsman; and with

uplifted hand; after the vindictive manner of these fierce old

days of blood; Odaemathus and Zenobia swore eternal hatred to


'1' The large central 〃living…room〃 of a Roman palace。

'2' The Palmyreans built great tower…tombs; beautiful in

architecture and adornment; the ruins of which still stand on the

hill slopes overlooking the old city。 These they called their

〃long homes;〃 and you will find the word used in the same sense

in Ecclesiastes xii。; 5。

Hatred; boys and girls; is a very ugly as it is a very headstrong

fault; but as there is a good side even to a bad habit; so there

is a hatred which may rise to the heighth of a virtue。 Hatred of

vice IS virtue; hatred of tyranny is patriotism。 It is this which

has led the world from slavery to freedom; from ignorance to

enlightenment; and inspired the words that have found immortality

alike above the ashes of Bradshaw the regicide and of Jefferson

the American。 Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God。

But how could a fatherless boy and girl; away off on the edge of

an Arabian desert; hope to resist successfully the mighty power

of Imperial Rome? The story of their lives will tell。

If there are some people who are patriots; there are others who

are poltroons; and such a one was Hairan; the elder brother of

young Odhainat; when; succeeding to his dead father's wealth and

power; he thought less of Roman tyranny than of Roman gold。

〃Revenge ourselves on their purses; my brother; and not on their

pikes;〃 he said。 〃 'T is easier and more profitable to sap the

Roman's gold than to shed the Roman's blood。〃

But this submission to Rome only angered Odhainat; and to such a

conflict of opinion did it lead that at last Hairan drove his

younger brother from the home of his fathers; and the lad; 〃an

Esau among the Jacobs of Tadmor;〃 so the record tells us; spent

his youth amid the roving Bedaween of the Arabian deserts and the

mountaineers of the Armenian hills; waiting his time。

But; though a homeless exile; the dark…eyed Bath Zabbai did not

forget him。 In the palace of another kinsman; Septimus Worod; the

〃lord of the markets;〃 she gave herself up to careful study; and

hoped for the day of Palmyra's freedom。 As rich in powers of mind

as in the graces of form and face; she soon became a wonderful

scholar for those distant daysmistress of four languages:

Coptic; Syriac; Latin; and Greek; while the fiery temper of the

girl grew into the nobler ambitions of the maiden。 But above all

things; as became her mingled Arabic and Egyptian bloodfor she

could trace her ancestry back to the free chiefs of the Arabian

desert; and to the dauntless Cleopatra of Egypt;she loved the

excitement of the chase; and in the plains and mountains beyond

the city she learned to ride and hunt with all the skill and

daring of a young Diana。

And so it came to pass that when the Emperor Valerian sent an

embassy from Rome to Ctesiphon; bearing a message to the Great

King; as Sapor; the Persian monarch; was called; the embassy

halted in Palmyra; and Septimus Hairan; now the head…man of the

city; ordered; 〃in the name of the senate and people of Palmyra;〃

a grand venatio; or wild beast hunt; in the circus near the

Street of the Thousand Columns; in honor of his Roman guests。 And

he despatched his kinsman Septimus Zabbai; the soldier; to the

Armenian hills to superintend the capture and delivery of the

wild game needed for the hunt。 With a great following of slaves

and huntsmen; Zabbai the soldier departed; and with him went his

niece; Bath Zabbai; or Zenobia; now a fearless young huntress of

fifteen。 Space will not permit to tell of the wonders and

excitement of that wild…beast hunta hunt in which none must be

killed but all must be captured without mar or wound。 Such a

trapping of wolves and bears and buffaloes was there; such a

setting of nets and pitfalls for the mountain lion and the Syrian

leopard; while the Arab hunters beat; and drove; and shouted; or

lay in wait with net and blunted lance; that it was rare sport to

the fearless Zenobia; who rode her fleet Arabian horse at the

very head of the chase; and; with quick eye and practised hand;

helped largely to swell the trophies of the hunt。 What girl of

to…day; whom even the pretty little jumping…mouse of Syria would

scare out of her wits; could be tempted to witness such a scene?

And yet this young Palmyrean girl lo
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