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historic girls-第6章

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And still no help came from her cousin; the admiral。 But one day

a galley speeding up the Colne brought this unsigned message to

King Coel:

〃To Coel; Camalodunum; Greeting:

〃Save thyself。 Constantius the sallow…faced; prefect of the

Western praetorians; is even now on his way from Spain to crush

thy revolt。 Save thyself。 I wait。 justice will come。〃

〃Thou seest; O daughter;〃 said King Coel as Helena read the

craven missive; 〃the end cometh as I knew it would。 Well; man can

but die。〃 And with this philosophic reflection the 〃jolly old

soul〃 only dipped his red nose still deeper into his big bowl;

and bade his musicians play their loudest and merriest。

But Helena; 〃not deficient in statecraft;〃 thought for both。 She

would save her father; her country; and herself; and shame her

disloyal cousin。 Discretion is the better part of valor。 Let us

see how discreet a little lady was this fair young Princess


The legions came to Camalodunum。 Across Gaul and over the choppy

channel they came; borne by the very galleys that were to have

succored the British king。 Up through the mouth of Thames they

sailed; and landing at Londinium; marched in close array along

the broad Roman road that led straight up to the gates of

Camalodunum。 Before the walls of Camalodunum was pitched the

Roman camp; and the British king was besieged in his own


The Roman trumpets sounded before the gate of the beleaguered

city; and the herald of the prefect; standing out from his circle

of guards; cried the summons to surrender:

Coel of Britain; traitor to the Roman people and to thy lord the

Emperor; hear thou! I n the name of the Senate and People of

Rome; I; Constantius the prefect; charge thee to deliver up to

them ere this day's sun shall set; this; their City of

Camalodunum; and thine own rebel body as well。 Which done they

will in mercy pardon the crime of treason to the city; and will

work their will and punishment only upon theethe chief rebel。

And if this be not done within the appointed time; then will the

walls of this their town of Camalodunum be overthrown; and thou

and all thy people be given the certain death of traitors。〃

King Coel heard the summons; and some spark of that very

patriotism that had inspired and incited his valiant little

daughter flamed in his heart。 He would have returned an answer of

defiance。 〃I can at least die with my people;〃 he said; but young

Helena interposed。

〃Leave this to me; my father;〃 she said。 〃As I have been the

cause; so let me be the end of trouble。 Say to the prefect that

in three hours' time the British envoy will come to his camp with

the king's answer to his summons。〃

The old king would have replied otherwise; but his daughter's

entreaties and the counsels of his captains who knew the

hopelessness of resistance; forced him to assent; and his herald

made answer accordingly。

Constantius the prefecta manly; pleasant。 looking young

commander; called Chlorus or 〃the sallow;〃 from his pale

face;sat in his tent within the Roman camp。 The three hours'

grace allowed had scarcely expired when his sentry announced the

arrival of the envoy of Coel of Britain。

〃Bid him enter;〃 said the prefect。 Then; as the curtains of his

tent were drawn aside; the prefect started in surprise; for there

before him stood; not the rugged form of a British fighting man;

but a fair young girl; who bent her graceful head in reverent

obeisance to the youthful representative of the Imperial Caesars。

〃What would'st thou with me; maiden?〃 asked the prefect。

〃I am the daughter of Coel of Britain;〃 said the girl; 〃and I am

come to sue for pardon and for peace。〃

〃The Roman people have no quarrel with the girls of Britain;〃

said the prefect。 〃Hath then King Coel fallen so low in state

that a maiden must plead for him?〃

〃He hath not fallen at all; O Prefect;〃 replied the girl proudly;

〃the king; my father; would withstand thy force but that I; his

daughter; know the cause of this unequal strife; and seek to make

terms with the victors。〃

The girl's fearlessness pleased the prefect; for Constantius

Chlorus was a humane and gentle man; fierce enough in fight; but

seeking never to needlessly wound an enemy or lose a friend。

〃And what are thy terms; fair envoy of Britain?〃 he demanded。

〃These; O Prefect;〃 replied Helena; 〃If but thou wilt remove thy

cohorts to Londinium; I pledge my father's faith and mine; that

he will; within five days; deliver to thee as hostage for his

fealty; myself and twenty children of his councillors and

captains。 And further; I; Helena the princess; will bind myself

to deliver up to thee; with the hostages; the chief rebel in this

revolt; and the one to whose counselling this strife with Rome is


Both the matter and the manner of the offered terms still further

pleased the prefect; and he said: 〃Be it so; Princess。〃 Then

summoning his lieutenant; he said: 〃Conduct the envoy of Coel of

Britain with all courtesy to the gates of the the city;〃 and with

a herald's escort the girl returned to her father。

Again the old king rebelled at the terms his daughter had made。

〃I know the ways of Rome;〃 he said。 〃I know what their mercy

meaneth。 Thou shalt never go as hostage for my faith; O daughter;

nor carry out this hazardous plan。〃

〃I have pledged my word and thine; O King;〃 said Helena。 〃Surely

a Briton's pledge should be as binding as a Roman's。〃

So she carried her point; and; in five days' time; she; with

twenty of the boys and girls of Camalodunum; went as hostages to

the Roman camp in London。

〃Here be thy hostages; fair Princess;〃 said Constantius the

prefect as he received the children; 〃and this is well。 But

remember the rest of thy compact。 Deliver to me now; according to

thy promise; the chief rebel against Rome。〃

〃She is here; O Prefect;〃said the intrepid girl。 I am that

rebelHelena of Britain!〃

The smile upon the prefect's face changed to sudden sternness。

〃Trifle not with Roman justice; girl;〃 he said; 〃I demand the

keeping of thy word。〃

〃It is kept;〃 replied the princess。 〃Helena of Britain is the

cause and motive of this revolt against Rome。 If it be rebellion

for a free prince to claim his own; if it be rebellion for a

prince to withstand for the sake of his people the unjust demands

of the conqueror; if it be rebellion for one who loveth her

father to urge that father to valiant deeds in defence of the

liberties of the land over which he ruleth as king; then am I a

rebel; for I have done all these; and only because of my words

did the king; my father; take up arms against the might and power

of Rome。 I am the chief rebel。 Do with me as thou wilt。〃

And now the prefect saw that the girl spoke the truth; and that

she had indeed kept her pledge。

〃Thy father and his city are pardoned;〃 he announced after a few

moments of deliberation。 〃Remain thou here; thou and thy

companions; as hostages for Britain; until such time as I shall

determine upon the punishment due to one who is so fierce a rebel

against the power of Rome。〃

So the siege of Camalodunum was raised; and the bloodless

rebellion ended。 Constantius the prefect took up his residence

for a while within King Coel's city; and at last returned to his

command in Gaul and Spain; well pleased with the spirit of the

little maiden whom; so he claimed; he still held in his power as

the prisoner of Rome。

Constantius the prefect came again to Britain; and with a greater

following; fully ten years after King Coel's revolt; for now;

again; rebellion was afoot in the island province。

Carausius the admiral; biding his time; sought at last to carry

out his scheme of sole supremacy。 Sailing with his entire

war…fleet to Britain; he won the legions to his side; proclaimed

himself Emperor of Britain; and defied the power of Rome。

So daring and successful was his move that Rome for a time was

powerless。 Carausius was recognized as 〃associate〃 emperor by

Rome; until such time as she should be ready to punish his

rebellion; and for seven years he reigned as emperor of Britain。

But ere this came to pass; Helena the princess had gone over to

Gaul; and had become the wife of Constantius the prefect;〃Since

only thus;〃 said he; 〃may I keep in safe custody this prisoner of


The imperial power of Carausius was but short…lived。 Crafty

himself; he fell a victim to the craft of others; and the sword

of Allectus; his chief minister and most trusted confidant; ended

his life when once again the power of Rome seemed closing about

the little kingdom of Britain。

Constantius became governor of Britain; and finally caesar and

emperor。 But; long before that day arrived; the Princess Helena

had grown into a loyal Roman wife and mother; dearly loving her

little son Constantine; who; in after years; became
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