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historic girls-第9章

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troubled the splendid city by the Golden Horn which offered so

rare and tempting a booty。

It is not given to the girls of to…day to have any thing like the

magnificent opportunities of the young Pulcheria。 But duty in

many a form faces them again and again; while not unfrequently

the occasion comes for sacrifice of comfort or for devotion to a

trust。 To all such the example of this fair young princess of old

Constantinople; who; fifteen centuries ago; saw her duty plainly

and undertook it simply and without hesitation; comes to

strengthen and incite; and the girl who feels herself overwhelmed

by responsibility; or who is fearful of her own untried powers;

may gather strength; courage; wisdom; and will from the story of

this historic girl of the long agothe wise young Regent of the

East; Pulcheria of Constantinople。



'Afterward known as 〃St。 Clotilda;〃 the first Queen of France。'

A。D。 485。

It was little more than fourteen hundred years ago; in the year

of our Lord 485; that a little girl crouched trembling and

terrified; at the feet of a pitying priest in the palace of the

kings of Burgundy。 There has been many a sad little maid of ten;

before and since the days of the fair…haired Princess Clotilda;

but surely none had greater cause for terror and tears than she。

For her cruel uncle; Gundebald; waging war against his brother

Chilperic; the rightful king of Burgundy; had with a band of

savage followers burst into his brother's palace and; after the

fierce and relentless fashion of those cruel days; had murdered

King Chilperic; the father of little Clotilda; the queen; her

mother; and the young princes; her brothers; and was now

searching for her and her sister Sedelenda; to kill them also。

Poor Sedelenda had hidden away in some other far…off corner; but

even as Clotilda hung for protection to the robe of the good

stranger…priest Ugo of Rheims (whom the king; her father; had

lodged in the palace; on his homeward journey from Jerusalem);

the clash of steel drew nearer and nearer。 Through the corridor

came the rush of feet; the arras in the doorway was rudely flung

aside; and the poor child's fierce pursuers; with her cruel uncle

at their head; rushed into the room。

〃Hollo! Here hides the game!〃 he cried in savage exultation。

〃Thrust her away; Sir Priest; or thou diest in her stead。 Not one

of the tyrant's brood shall live。 I say it!〃

〃And who art thou to judge of life or death?〃 demanded the priest

sternly; as he still shielded the trembling child。

〃I am Gundebald; King of Burgundy by the grace of mine own good

sword and the right of succession;〃 was the reply。 〃Trifle not

with me; Sir Priest; but thrust away the child。 She is my lawful

prize to do with as I will。 Ho; Sigebert; drag her forth!〃

Quick as a flash the brave priest stepped before; the cowering

child; and; with one hand still resting protectingly on the

girl's fair hair; he raised the other in stern and fearless

protest; and boldly faced the murderous throng。

〃Back; men of blood!〃 he cried。 〃Back! Nor dare to lay hand on

this young maid who hath here sought sanctuary!〃'1'

'1' Under the Goths and Franks the protection of churches and

priests; when extended to persons in peril; was called the 〃right

of sanctuary;〃 and was respected even by the fiercest of


Fierce and savage men always respect bravery in others。 There was

something so courageous and heroic in the act of that single

priest in thus facing a ferocious and determined band; in defence

of a little girl;for girls were but slightingly regarded in

those far…off days;that it caught the savage fancy of the cruel

king。 And this; joined with his respect for the Church's right of

sanctuary; and with the lessening of his thirst for blood; now

that he had satisfied his first desire for revenge。 led him to


〃So be it then;〃 he said; lowering his threatening sword。 〃I

yield her to thee; Sir Priest。 Look to her welfare and thine own。

Surely a girl can do no harm。〃

But King Gundebald and his house lived to learn how far wrong was

that unguarded statement。 For the very lowering of the murderous

sword that thus brought life to the little Princess Clotilda

meant the downfall of the kingdom of Burgundy and the rise of the

great and victorious nation of France。 The memories of even a

little maid of ten are not easily blotted out。

Her sister; Sedelenda; had found refuge and safety in the convent

of Ainay; near at hand; and there; too; Clotilda would have gone;

but her uncle; the new king; said: 〃No; the maidens must be

forever separated。〃 He expressed a willingness; however; to have

the Princess Clotilda brought up in his palace; which had been

her father's; and requested the priest Ugo of Rheims to remain

awhile; and look after the girl's education。 In those days a

king's request was a command; and the good Ugo; though stern and

brave in the face of real danger; was shrewd enough to know that

it was best for him to yield to the king's wishes。 So he

continued in the palace of the king; looking after the welfare of

his little charge; until suddenly the girl took matters into her

own hands; and decided his future and her own。

The kingdom of Burgundy; in the days of the Princess Clotilda;

was a large tract of country now embraced by Southern France and

Western Switzerland。 It had been given over by the Romans to the

Goths; who had invaded it in the year 413。 It was a land of

forest and vineyards; of fair valleys and sheltered hill…sides;

and of busy cities that the fostering hand of Rome had

beautified; while through its broad domain the Rhone; pure and

sparkling; swept with a rapid current from Swiss lake and

glacier; southward to the broad and beautiful Mediterranean。

Lyons was its capital; and on the hill of Fourviere; overlooking

the city below it; rose the marble palace of the Burgundian

kings; near to the spot where; to…day; the ruined forum of the

old Roman days is still shown to tourists。

It had been a palace for centuries。 Roman governors of 〃Imperial

Gaul〃 had made it their head…quarters and their home; three Roman

emperors had cooed and cried as babies within its walls; and it

had witnessed also many a feast and foray; and the changing

fortunes of Roman; Gallic; and Burgundian conquerors and

over…lords。 But it was no longer 〃home〃 to the little Princess

Clotilda。 She thought of her father and mother; and of her

brothers; the little princes with whom she had played in this

very palace; as it now seemed to her; so many years ago。 And the

more she feared her cruel uncle; the more did she desire to go

far; far away from his presence。 So; after thinking the whole

matter over; as little girls of ten can sometimes think; she told

her good friend Ugo; the priest; of her father's youngest brother

Godegesil; who ruled the dependent principality of Geneva; far up

the valley of the Rhone。

〃Yes; child; I know the place;〃 said Ugo。 〃A fair city indeed; on

the blue and beautiful Lake Lemanus; walled in by mountains; and

rich in corn and vineyards。〃

〃Then let us fly thither;〃 said the girl。 〃My uncle Godegesil I

know will succor us; and I shall be freed from my fears of King


Though it seemed at first to the good priest only a child's

desire; he learned to think better of it when he saw how unhappy

the poor girl was in the hated palace; and how slight were her

chances for improvement。 And so; one fair spring morning in the

year 486; the two slipped quietly out of the palace; and by slow

and cautious stages; with help from friendly priests and nuns;

and frequent rides in the heavy ox…wagons that were the only

means of transport other than horseback; they finally reached the

old city of Geneva。

And on the journey; the good Ugo had made the road seem less

weary; and the lumbering ox…wagons less jolty and painful; by

telling his bright young charge of all the wonders and relics he

had seen in his journeyings in the East; but especially did the

girl love to hear him tell of the boy king of the Franks;

Hlodo…wig; or Clovis; who lived in the priest's own boyhood home

of Tournay; in far…off Belgium; and who; though so brave and

daring; was still a pagan; when all the world was fast becoming

Christian。 And as Clotilda listened; she wished that she could

turn this brave young chief away from his heathen deities; Thor

and Odin; to the worship of the Christians' God; and; revolving

strange fancies in her mind; she determined what she would do

when she 〃grew up;〃as many a girl since her day has determined。

But even as they reached the fair city of Genevathen half

Roman; half Gallic; in its buildings and its lifethe wonderful

news met them how this boy…king Clovis; sending a challenge to

combat to the prefect Syagrius; the last of the Roman governors
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