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the country doctor-第56章

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〃Why; nothing worth telling has ever happened to me; sir;〃 she answered; as her color rose。 〃Will you take a little more rice pudding?〃 she added; as she saw that Adrien's plate was empty。

〃If you please; mademoiselle。〃

〃The pudding is delicious;〃 said Genestas。

〃Then what will you say to her coffee and cream?〃 cried Benassis。

〃I would rather hear our pretty hostess talk。〃

〃You did not put that nicely; Genestas;〃 said Benassis。 He took La Fosseuse's hand in his and pressed it as he went on: 〃Listen; my child; there is a kind heart hidden away beneath that officer's stern exterior; and you can talk freely before him。 We do not want to press you to talk; do not tell us anything unless you like: but if ever you can be listened to and understood; poor little one; it will be by the three who are with you now at this moment。 Tell us all about your love affairs in the old days; that will not admit us into any of the real secrets of your heart。〃

〃Here is Mariette with the coffee;〃 she answered; 〃and as soon as you are all served; I will tell about my 'love affairs' very willingly。 But M。 le Commandant will not forget his promise?〃 she added; challenging the officer with a shy glance。

〃That would be impossible; mademoiselle;〃 Genestas answered respectfully。

〃When I was sixteen years old;〃 La Fosseuse began; 〃I had to beg my bread on the roadside in Savoy; though my health was very bad。 I used to sleep at Echelles; in a manger full of straw。 The innkeeper who gave me shelter was kind; but his wife could not abide me; and was always saying hard things。 I used to feel very miserable; for though I was a beggar; I was not a naughty child; I used to say my prayers every night and morning; I never stole anything; and I did as Heaven bade me in begging for my living; for there was nothing that I could turn my hands to; and I was really unfit for workquite unable to handle a hoe or to wind spools of cotton。

〃Well; they drove me away from the inn at last; a dog was the cause of it all。 I had neither father nor mother nor friends。 I had met with no one; ever since I was born; whose eyes had any kindness in them for me。 Morin; the old woman who had brought me up; was dead。 She had been very good to me; but I cannot remember that she ever petted me much; besides; she worked out in the fields like a man; poor thing; and if she fondled me at times; she also used to rap my fingers with the spoon if I ate the soup too fast out of the porringer we had between us。 Poor old woman; never a day passes but I remember her in my prayers! If it might please God to let her live a happier life up there than she did here below! And; above all things; if she might only lie a little softer there; for she was always grumbling about the pallet…bed that we both used to sleep upon。 You could not possibly imagine how it hurts one's soul to be repulsed by every one; to receive nothing but hard words and looks that cut you to the heart; just as if they were so many stabs of a knife。 I have known poor old people who were so used to these things that they did not mind them a bit; but I was not born for that sort of life。 A 'No' always made me cry。 Every evening I came back again more unhappy than ever; and only felt comforted when I had said my prayers。 In all God's world; in fact; there was not a soul to care for me; no one to whom I could pour out my heart。 My only friend was the blue sky。 I have always been happy when there was a cloudless sky above my head。 I used to lie and watch the weather from some nook among the crags when the wind had swept the clouds away。 At such times I used to dream that I was a great lady。 I used to gaze into the sky till I felt myself bathed in the blue; I lived up there in thought; rising higher and higher yet; till my troubles weighed on me no more; and there was nothing but gladness left。

〃But to return to my 'love affairs。' I must tell you that the innkeeper's spaniel had a dear little puppy; just as sensible as a human being; he was quite white; with black spots on his paws; a cherub of a puppy! I can see him yet。 Poor little fellow; he was the only creature who ever gave me a friendly look in those days; I kept all my tidbits for him。 He knew me; and came to look for me every evening。 How he used to spring up at me! And he would bite my feet; he was not ashamed of my poverty; there was something so grateful and so kind in his eyes that it brought tears into mine to see it。 'That is the one living creature that really cares for me!' I used to say。 He slept at my feet that winter。 It hurt me so much to see him beaten; that I broke him of the habit of going into houses; to steal bones; and he was quite contented with my crusts。 When I was unhappy; he used to come and stand in front of me; and look into my eyes; it was just as if he said; 'So you are sad; my poor Fosseuse?'

〃If a traveler threw me some halfpence; he would pick them up out of the dust and bring them to me; clever little spaniel that he was! I was less miserable so long as I had that friend。 Every day I put away a few halfpence; for I wanted to get fifteen francs together; so that I might buy him of Pere Manseau。 One day his wife saw that the dog was fond of me; so she herself took a sudden violent fancy to him。 The dog; mind you; could not bear her。 Oh; animals know people by instinct! If you really care for them; they find it out in a moment。 I had a gold coin; a twenty…franc piece; sewed into the band of my skirt; so I spoke to M。 Manseau: 'Dear sir; I meant to offer you my year's savings for your dog; but now your wife has a mind to keep him; although she cares very little about him; and rather than that; will you sell him to me for twenty francs? Look; I have the money here。'

〃 'No; no; little woman;' he said; 'put up your twenty francs。 Heaven forbid that I should take their money from the poor! Keep the dog; and if my wife makes a fuss about it; you must go away。'

〃His wife made a terrible to…do about the dog。 Ah! mon Dieu! any one might have thought the house was on fire! You never would guess the notion that next came into her head。 She saw that the little fellow looked on me as his mistress; and that she could only have him against his will; so she had him poisoned; and my poor spaniel died in my arms。 。 。 。 I cried over him as if he had been my child; and buried him under a pine…tree。 You do not know all that I laid in that grave。 As I sat there beside it; I told myself that henceforward I should always be alone in the world; that I had nothing left to hope for; that I should be again as I had been before; a poor lonely girl; that I should never more see a friendly light in any eyes。 I stayed out there all through the night; praying God to have pity on me。 When I went back to the highroad I saw a poor little child; about ten years old; who had no hands。

〃 'God has heard me;' I thought。 I had prayed that night as I had never prayed before。 'I will take care of the poor little one; we will beg together; and I will be a mother to him。 Two of us ought to do better than one; perhaps I should have more courage for him than I have for myself。'

〃At first the little boy seemed to be quite happy; and; indeed; he would have been hard to please if he had not been content。 I did everything that he wanted; and gave him the best of all that I had; I was his slave in fact; and he tyrannized over me; but that was nicer than being alone; I used to think! Pshaw! no sooner did the little good…for…nothing know that I carried a twenty…franc piece sewed into my skirtband than he cut the stitches; and stole my gold coin; the price of my poor spaniel! I had meant to have masses said with it。 。 。 。 A child without hands; too! Oh; it makes one shudder! Somehow that theft took all the heart out of me。 It seemed as if I was to love nothing but it should come to some wretched end。

〃One day at Echelles; I watched a fine carriage coming slowly up the hillside。 There was a young lady; as beautiful as the Virgin Mary; in the carriage; and a young man; who looked like the young lady。 'Just look;' he said; 'there is a pretty girl!' and he flung a silver coin to me。

〃No one but you; M。 Benassis; could understand how pleased I was with the compliment; the first that I had ever had: but; indeed; the gentleman ought not to have thrown the money to me。 I was in a flutter; I knew of a short cut; a footpath among the rocks; and started at once to run; so that I reached the summit of the Echelles long before the carriage; which was coming up very slowly。 I saw the young man again; he was quite surprised to find me there; and as for me; I was so pleased that my heart seemed to be throbbing in my throat。 Some kind of instinct drew me towards him。 After he had recognized me; I went on my way again; I felt quite sure that he and the young lady with him would leave the carriage to see the waterfall at Couz; and so they did。 When they alighted; they saw me once more; under the walnut…trees by the wayside。 They asked me many questions; and seemed to take an interest in what I told them about myself。 In all my life I had never heard such pleasant voices as they had; that handsome young man and his sister; for she was his sister; I am sure。 I thought about them for a whole yea
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