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the red inn-第2章

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rather than be restricted to mere military duty; little in keeping

with their early education and their peaceful destinies。 Men of

science; pacific yet useful; these young men did an actual good in the

midst of so much misery; and formed a bond of sympathy with other men

of science in the various countries through which the cruel

civilization of the Republic passed。

The two young men were each provided with a pass and a commission as

assistant…surgeon signed Coste and Bernadotte; and they were on their

way to join the demi…brigade to which they were attached。 Both

belonged to moderately rich families in Beauvais; a town in which the

gentle manners and loyalty of the provinces are transmitted as a

species of birthright。 Attracted to the theatre of war before the date

at which they were required to begin their functions; they had

travelled by diligence to Strasburg。 Though maternal prudence had only

allowed them a slender sum of money they thought themselves rich in

possessing a few louis; an actual treasure in those days when

assignats were reaching their lowest depreciation and gold was worth

far more than silver。 The two young surgeons; about twenty years of

age at the most; yielded themselves up to the poesy of their situation

with all the enthusiasm of youth。 Between Strasburg and Bonn they had

visited the Electorate and the banks of the Rhine as artists;

philosophers; and observers。 When a man's destiny is scientific he is;

at their age; a being who is truly many…sided。 Even in making love or

in travelling; an assistant…surgeon should be gathering up the

rudiments of his fortune or his coming fame。

The two young had therefore given themselves wholly to that deep

admiration which must affect all educated men on seeing the banks of

the Rhine and the scenery of Suabia between Mayenne and Cologne;a

strong; rich; vigorously varied nature; filled with feudal memories;

ever fresh and verdant; yet retaining at all points the imprints of

fire and sword。 Louis XIV。 and Turenne have cauterized that beautiful

land。 Here and there certain ruins bear witness to the pride or rather

the foresight of the King of Versailles; who caused to be pulled down

the ancient castles that once adorned this part of Germany。 Looking at

this marvellous country; covered with forests; where the picturesque

charm of the middle ages abounds; though in ruins; we are able to

conceive the German genius; its reverie; its mysticism。

The stay of the two friends at Bonn had the double purpose of science

and pleasure。 The grand hospital of the Gallo…Batavian army and of

Augereau's division was established in the very palace of the Elector。

These assistant…surgeons of recent date went there to see old

comrades; to present their letters of recommendation to their medical

chiefs; and to familiarize themselves with the first aspects of their

profession。 There; as elsewhere; they got rid of a few prejudices to

which we cling so fondly in favor of the beauties of our native land。

Surprised by the aspect of the columns of marble which adorn the

Electoral Palace; they went about admiring the grandiose effects of

German architecture; and finding everywhere new treasures both modern

and antique。

From time to time the highways along which the two friends rode at

leisure on their way to Andernach; led them over the crest of some

granite hill that was higher than the rest。 Thence; through a clearing

of the forest or cleft in the rocky barrier; they caught sudden

glimpses of the Rhine framed in stone or festooned with vigorous

vegetation。 The valleys; the forest paths; the trees exhaled that

autumnal odor which induced to reverie; the wooded summits were

beginning to gild and to take on the warm brown tones significant of

age; the leaves were falling; but the skies were still azure and the

dry roads lay like yellow lines along the landscape; just then

illuminated by the oblique rays of the setting sun。 At a mile and a

half from Andernach the two friends walked their horses in silence; as

if no war were devastating this beautiful land; while they followed a

path made for the goats across the lofty walls of bluish granite

between which foams the Rhine。 Presently they descended by one of the

declivities of the gorge; at the foot of which is placed the little

town; seated coquettishly on the banks of the river and offering a

convenient port to mariners。

〃Germany is a beautiful country!〃 cried one of the two young men; who

was named Prosper Magnan; at the moment when he caught sight of the

painted houses of Andernach; pressed together like eggs in a basket;

and separated only by trees; gardens; and flowers。 Then he admired for

a moment the pointed roofs with their projecting eaves; the wooden

staircases; the galleries of a thousand peaceful dwellings; and the

vessels swaying to the waves in the port。

'At the moment when Monsieur Hermann uttered the name of Prosper

Magnan; my opposite neighbor seized the decanter; poured out a glass

of water; and emptied it at a draught。 This movement having attracted

my attention; I thought I noticed a slight trembling of the hand and a

moisture on the brow of the capitalist。

〃What is that man's name?〃 I asked my neighbor。

〃Taillefer;〃 she replied。

〃Do you feel ill?〃 I said to him; observing that this strange

personage was turning pale。

〃Not at all;〃 he said with a polite gesture of thanks。 〃I am

listening;〃 he added; with a nod to the guests; who were all

simultaneously looking at him。

〃I have forgotten;〃 said Monsieur Hermann; 〃the name of the other

young man。 But the confidences which Prosper Magnan subsequently made

to me enabled me to know that his companion was dark; rather thin; and

jovial。 I will; if you please; call him Wilhelm; to give greater

clearness to the tale I am about to tell you。〃

The worthy German resumed his narrative after having; without the

smallest regard for romanticism and local color; baptized the young

French surgeon with a Teutonic name。'

By the time the two young men reached Andernach the night was dark。

Presuming that they would lose much time in looking for their chiefs

and obtaining from them a military billet in a town already full of

soldiers; they resolved to spend their last night of freedom at an inn

standing some two or three hundred feet from Andernach; the rich color

of which; embellished by the fires of the setting sun; they had

greatly admired from the summit of the hill above the town。 Painted

entirely red; this inn produced a most piquant effect in the

landscape; whether by detaching itself from the general background of

the town; or by contrasting its scarlet sides with the verdure of the

surrounding foliage; and the gray…blue tints of the water。 This house

owed its name; the Red Inn; to this external decoration; imposed upon

it; no doubt from time immemorial by the caprice of its founder。 A

mercantile superstition; natural enough to the different possessors of

the building; far…famed among the sailors of the Rhine; had made them

scrupulous to preserve the title。

Hearing the sound of horses' hoofs; the master of the Red Inn came out

upon the threshold of his door。

〃By heavens! gentlemen;〃 he cried; 〃a little later and you'd have had

to sleep beneath the stars; like a good many more of your compatriots

who are bivouacking on the other side of Andernach。 Here every room is

occupied。 If you want to sleep in a good bed I have only my own room

to offer you。 As for your horses I can litter them down in a corner of

the courtyard。 The stable is full of people。 Do these gentlemen come

from France?〃 he added after a slight pause。

〃From Bonn;〃 cried Prosper; 〃and we have eaten nothing since morning。〃

〃Oh! as to provisions;〃 said the innkeeper; nodding his head; 〃people

come to the Red Inn for their wedding feast from thirty miles round。

You shall have a princely meal; a Rhine fish! More; I need not say。〃

After confiding their weary steeds to the care of the landlord; who

vainly called to his hostler; the two young men entered the public

room of the inn。 Thick white clouds exhaled by a numerous company of

smokers prevented them from at first recognizing the persons with whom

they were thrown; but after sitting awhile near the table; with the

patience practised by philosophical travellers who know the inutility

of making a fuss; they distinguished through the vapors of tobacco the

inevitable accessories of a German inn: the stove; the clock; the pots

of beer; the long pipes; and here and there the eccentric

physiognomies of Jews; or Germans; and the weather…beaten faces of

mariners。 The epaulets of several French officers were glittering

through the mist; and the clank of spurs and sabres echoed incessantly

from the brick floor。 Some were playing cards; others argued; or held

their tongues and ate; drank; or walked about。 One stout little woman;

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