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〃 'This is not becoming in a woman;' said I。

〃 'Pooh! Am I a woman? I am a boy gifted with a soft soul; that is
all; a boy whom no woman can torture'

〃 'Your life is the negation of your whole being;' I replied。 'What?
You; on whom God has lavished His choicest treasures of love and
beauty; do you never wish'

〃 'For what?' said she; somewhat disturbed by a speech which; for the
first time; gave the lie to the part I had assumed。

〃 'For a pretty little child; with curling hair; running; playing
among the flowers; like a flower itself of life and love; and calling
you mother!'

〃I waited for an answer。 A too prolonged silence led me to perceive
the terrible effect of my words; though the darkness at first
concealed it。 Leaning on her sofa; the Countess had not indeed
fainted; but frozen under a nervous attack of which the first chill;
as gentle as everything that was part of her; felt; as she afterwards
said; like the influence of a most insidious poison。 I called Madame
Gobain; who came and led away her mistress; laid her on her bed;
unlaced her; undressed her; and restored her; not to life; it is true;
but to the consciousness of some dreadful suffering。 I meanwhile
walked up and down the path behind the house; weeping; and doubting my
success。 I only wished to give up this part of the bird…catcher which
I had so rashly assumed。 Madame Gobain; who came down and found me
with my face wet with tears; hastily went up again to say to the

〃 'What has happened; madame? Monsieur Maurice is crying like a

〃Roused to action by the evil interpretation that might be put on our
mutual behavior; she summoned superhuman strength to put on a wrapper
and come down to me。

〃 'You are not the cause of this attack;' said she。 'I am subject to
these spasms; a sort of cramp of the heart'

〃 'And will you not tell me of your troubles?' said I; in a voice
which cannot be affected; as I wiped away my tears。 'Have you not just
now told me that you have been a mother; and have been so unhappy as
to lose your child?'

〃 'Marie!' she called as she rang the bell。 Gobain came in。

〃 'Bring lights and some tea;' said she; with the calm decision of a
Mylady clothed in the armor of pride by the dreadful English training
which you know too well。

〃When the housekeeper had lighted the tapers and closed the shutters;
the Countess showed me a mute countenance; her indomitable pride and
gravity; worthy of a savage; had already reasserted their mastery。 She

〃 'Do you know why I like Lord Byron so much? It is because he
suffered as animals do。 Of what use are complaints when they are not
an elegy like Manfred's; nor bitter mockery like Don Juan's; nor a
reverie like Childe Harold's? Nothing shall be known of me。 My heart
is a poem that I lay before God。'

〃 'If I chose' said I。

〃 'If?' she repeated。

〃 'I have no interest in anything;' I replied; 'so I cannot be
inquisitive; but; if I chose; I could know all your secrets by

〃 'I defy you!' she exclaimed; with ill…disguised uneasiness。

〃 'Seriously?'

〃 'Certainly;' said she; tossing her head。 'If such a crime is
possible; I ought to know it。'

〃 'In the first place; madame;' I went on; pointing to her hands;
'those pretty fingers; which are enough to show that you are not a
mere girlwere they made for toil? Then you call yourself Madame
Gobain; you; who; in my presence the other day on receiving a letter;
said to Marie: 〃Here; this is for you?〃 Marie is the real Madame
Gobain; so you conceal your name behind that of your housekeeper。
Fear nothing; madame; from me。 You have in me the most devoted friend
you will ever have: Friend; do you understand me? I give this word its
sacred and pathetic meaning; so profaned in France; where we apply it
to our enemies。 And your friend; who will defend you against
everything; only wishes that you should be as happy as such a woman
ought to be。 Who can tell whether the pain I have involuntarily caused
you was not a voluntary act?'

〃 'Yes;' replied she with threatening audacity; 'I insist on it。 Be
curious; and tell me all that you can find out about me; but;' and she
held up her finger; 'you must also tell me by what means you obtain
your information。 The preservation of the small happiness I enjoy here
depends on the steps you take。'

〃 'That means that you will fly'

〃 'On wings!' she cried; 'to the New World'

〃 'Where you will be at the mercy of the brutal passions you will
inspire;' said I; interrupting her。 'Is it not the very essence of
genius and beauty to shine; to attract men's gaze; to excite desires
and evil thoughts? Paris is a desert with Bedouins; Paris is the only
place in the world where those who must work for their livelihood can
hide their life。 What have you to complain of? Who am I? An additional
servantM。 Gobain; that is all。 If you have to fight a duel; you may
need a second。'

〃 'Never mind; find out who I am。 I have already said that I insist。
Now; I beg that you will;' she went on; with the grace which you
ladies have at command;〃 said the Consul; looking at the ladies。

〃 'Well; then; to…morrow; at the same hour; I will tell you what I may
have discovered;' replied I。 'But do not therefore hate me! Will you
behave like other women?'

〃 'What do other women do?'

〃 'They lay upon us immense sacrifices; and when we have made them;
they reproach us for it some time later as if it were an injury。'

〃 'They are right if the thing required appears to be a sacrifice!'
replied she pointedly。

〃 'Instead of sacrifices; say efforts and'

〃 'It would be an impertinence;' said she。

〃 'Forgive me;' said I。 'I forget that woman and the Pope are

〃 'Good heavens!' said she after a long pause; 'only two words would
be enough to destroy the peace so dearly bought; and which I enjoy
like a fraud'

〃She rose and paid no further heed to me。

〃 'Where can I go?' she said。 'What is to become of me?Must I leave
this quiet retreat; that I had arranged with such care to end my days

〃 'To end your days!' exclaimed I with visible alarm。 'Has it never
struck you that a time would come when you could no longer work; when
competition will lower the price of flowers and articles of

〃 'I have already saved a thousand crowns;' she said。

〃 'Heavens! what privations such a sum must represent!' I exclaimed。

〃 'Leave me;' said she; 'till to…morrow。 This evening I am not myself;
I must be alone。 Must I not save my strength in case of disaster? For;
if you should learn anything; others besides you would be informed;
and thenGood…night;' she added shortly; dismissing me with an
imperious gesture。

〃 'The battle is to…morrow; then;' I replied with a smile; to keep up
the appearance of indifference I had given to the scene。 But as I went
down the avenue I repeated the words:

〃 'The battle is to…morrow。'

〃Octave's anxiety was equal to Honorine's。 The Count and I remained
together till two in the morning; walking to and fro by the trenches
of the Bastille; like two generals who; on the eve of a battle;
calculate all the chances; examine the ground; and perceive that the
victory must depend on an opportunity to be seized half…way through
the fight。 These two divided beings would each lie awake; one in the
hope; the other in agonizing dread of reunion。 The real dramas of life
are not in circumstances; but in feelings; they are played in the
heart; or; if you please; in that vast realm which we ought to call
the Spiritual World。 Octave and Honorine moved and lived altogether in
the world of lofty spirits。

〃I was punctual。 At ten next evening I was; for the first time; shown
into a charming bedroom furnished with white and bluethe nest of
this wounded dove。 The Countess looked at me; and was about to speak;
but was stricken dumb by my respectful demeanor。

〃 'Madame la Comtesse;' said I with a grave smile。

〃The poor woman; who had risen; dropped back into her chair and
remained there; sunk in an attitude of grief; which I should have
liked to see perpetuated by a great painter。

〃 'You are;' I went on; 'the wife of the noblest and most highly
respected of men; of a man who is acknowledged to be great; but who is
far greater in his conduct to you than he is in the eyes of the world。
You and he are two lofty natures。Where do you suppose yourself to be
living?' I asked her。

〃 'In my own house;' she replied; opening her eyes with a wide stare
of astonishment。

〃 'In Count Octave's;' I replied。 'You have been tricked。 M。
Lenormand; the usher of the Court; is not the real owner; he is only a
screen for your husband。 The delightful seclusion you enjoy is the
Count's work; the money you earn is paid by him; and his protection
extends to the most trivial details of your existence。 Your husband
has saved you in the eyes of the world; he has assigned plausible
reasons for your disappearance; he professes to hope that you were not
lost in the wreck of the /Cecile/; the ship in which you sailed for
Havana to secure the fortune to be left to you by an old aunt; who
might have forgotten you; you embarked; escorted by two ladies of her
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