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phyllis of philistia-第20章

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〃No;〃 said Phyllis doubtfully; 〃he did not admit everything。〃

〃There was some reservation? Perhaps it was melinite that he employed for the massacre of the innocents of New Guinea; not dynamite。〃

〃No; it was dynamite。 But the natives had stolen it from his steam launch and they exploded it themselves。〃

Mr。 Ayrton lay back in his chair convulsed with laughter。

〃And that is the true story of the dynamite massacre?〃 he cried。 〃That is how it comes that; in the words of the /Aneroid/; the works of evangelization on Nonconformist principles is likely to be retarded for some time? The missionaries are quite right too。 And what about his miraclesthey suggested a miracle; didn't they?〃

〃Oh; that was some foolishness about setting spirits of wine on fire;〃 said Phyllis。 〃The natives thought that it was water; you know。〃

Mr。 Ayrton laughed more heartily than before。

〃That is the crowning infamy;〃 he cried。 〃My dear Phyllis; it would be quite impossible to allow so delicious a series of missionary muddles to pass unnoticed。 I think I see my way clearly in the matter。〃

She knew that he did。 She knew that he regarded most incidents in the political world merely as feeders to his phrase…making capacity。 She knew that it would be impossible to repress him now in the matter of Courtland and the missionaries; she fully realized the feelings of Frankenstein。

Only the weakest protest did she make against her father's intended action; and thus when the day came for Mr。 Apthomas' question; that gentleman from Wales inquired; 〃If Her Majesty's Minister for Annexations could give the House any information regarding the so… called explorations of Mr。 Herbert Courtland in the island of New Guinea; particularly in respect of a massacre of natives by dynamite in the region of the Fly River; and if it was true that the gentleman just named had permitted himself to be worshiped as a god by the aborigines of another region; and if Her Majesty's Minister for Domestic Affairs was prepared to say that it was legal for one of Her Majesty's subjects to assume the privileges and functions of a god; and if the First Lord of the Treasury was prepared to communicate to the House what course; if any; Her Majesty's government meant to adopt with a view to the prevention of similar outrages in the same region in the future?〃

Mr。 Ayrton rose before the Minister of the Annexation Department had quite concluded his yawn; and said he trusted that he was in order (cries of 〃Yes; yes;〃 from those members who knew that the honorable member had an enlivening phrase which he wanted to get rid of) in inquiring; in connection with the same subject; if the right honorable gentleman could inform the House if there was any truth in the report current in financial and other circles that the object of the explorations of Mr。 Herbert Courtland was the discovery of a small mammal of the porcine tribe; and if one of the Law Officers of the Crown was prepared to assure the House that it would be contrary to the provisions of the Companies Act; and the Companies Act Amendment Act; to permit this New Guinea pig to assume the functions of the director of Limited Liability Companies; whose directorate was largely composed of members of both Houses of Parliament (great laughter from honorable gentlemen who were aware that the Mr。 Apthomas had no income beyond the remuneration he received as a director of companies); and if Her Majesty's Minister for Agriculture was prepared to state that it was the intention of Her Majesty's Government to prohibit the introduction of; at any rate the males of the mammals just referred to; considering the rapid increase in representative assemblies of the English or Welsh bore (Great laughter; which prevented the concluding words of the sentence being audible in the gallery。)

THE SPEAKER: Order! order! The honorable member for Hazelborough must confine himself strictly to the issued raised by the honorable gentleman from Wales。 The honorable member for Hazelborough is only permitted to follow the honorable gentleman from Wales by the indulgence of the House。

MR。 AYRTON: Sir; I bow to the ruling of the chair; and will continue by inquiring if Her Majesty's Minister for the Public Worship Department can state to the House if it is true that a newspaper published within the Principality of Wales recently made the announcement that the honorable member who had just made inquiries regarding the exploration of Mr。 Herbert Courtland; was the idol of his constituents 'Laughter; and cries of 〃Order!〃'; and if the right honorable gentleman is prepared to state that the provisions of the Idolatry Act are

THE SPEAKER: The honorable member is clearly out of order。 The question of idolatry in Wales is not at present before the House。

MR。 AYRTON: Sir; I give notice that next session I shall move a resolution regarding idolatry in the Principality of Wales 'Laughter and cheers。'

The minister for Annexation was about to rise when

MR。 MUDLARKY (Ballynamuck) asked if the introduction of the guinea pigs would be prejudicial to the interests of the higher and nobler Irish animal who; he would remind the Minister for Public Worship; was not to be confounded with the herd whose example was clearly emulated by the present government in seeking self…destruction by running down a steep place into the sea。 (Cries of 〃Order; order!〃) If there was any doubt before; the honorable member continued; as to the influence which was at work in that Gadarene herd; which assumed the functions of Her Majesty's government; the sounds that now came from the Treasury Benches would convince even the most skeptical that sacred history is sometimes repeated by profane; but he could not compliment the devils; who had the bad taste to(Several honorable members here rose amid the cheers of the Irish Members; and a scene of confusion took place。)

THE SPEAKER 'sternly': Order; Order! The honorable member from Ballynamuck must resume his seat。 He is out of order。 The question before the House is not the good taste of demoniac visitants。 I call upon the right honorable gentleman; the Minister for the Department of Annexation。

MR。 McCULLUM (Blairpukey Burghs): Mr。 Speaker; one moment。 To save time; will the right honorable gentleman say if the Highland Crofters; whose land was stolen from them in order that the members of the Upper House

THE SPEAKER: Order! The Minister for the Department of Annexation。

MR。 BLISTER (Battersea; Mid): Mr。 Speaker; though I don't do any work myself; I'm the representative of labor; only those contemptible skunks; the workingmen; don't see that they have a man for a leadera man; that's methat's Joe Blister。 And as the Upper House has been introduced; I'll run; eat; or swear with the best of that lot of tap… room loafers; I'll do anything but fight themexcept; of course; on a labor platform; and if

THE SPEAKER: The honorable member is out of order。 The Minister for the Department of Annexations。

THE MINISTER FOR ANNEXATIONS: No; sir; I have no information 'Cheers and laughter。'

The House then went into Committee of Supply。



Mr。 Ayrton entertained his daughter with a description of the scene in the House incidental to the annihilation of Mr。 Apthomas。 He rather thought himself that his counter…question had been neat。 He had been congratulated on it by quite a number of his friends in the tea room; and six messages had been delivered to him by representatives of the press to the effect that if he could provide them with the exact text of his counter…question they would be greatly obliged。

〃They mean to report it in full?〃 said Phyllis。 She had an ample experience of the decimation of his questions as well as speeches by the members of the press gallery。 They had reduced it to a science。

〃I am much mistaken if they don't comment on it as well;〃 said her father。 〃Poor Apthomas! he alone sat glum and mute while everyone around him was convulsed。〃

〃I hope that Mr。 Courtland will not feel hurt at what has occurred;〃 said Phyllis doubtfully。

〃Mr。 Courtland? Who is Mr。 Courtland? What has Mr。 Courtland to say to the matter? What business is it of his; I should like to know。〃

〃Well; considering that he was the original subject of the questions; though I must confess that he didn't remain long so; I don't think it altogether unreasonable to wonder what he will think about the whole episode;〃 remarked Phyllis。

〃Ah; you always do take an original view of such incidents;〃 said her father indulgently。 〃It is so like a woman to try and drag poor Courtland into the business。 You ought to know better than to fancy that any interest attaches to the original subject of a question in the House。 You'll be suggesting next that some credit should be given to the youths who pass brilliant examinations in things; and that all should not be absorbed by their grinders。〃

〃I'm not so silly as that; papa;〃 said she。 〃No; but Mr。 Courtland Ah; never mind。〃

He did not mind。

It so happened; however; that several of the newspapers which commented on the questions and counter…questions the next day introduced the name of Mr。 Herbert Courtland and his explorations; though; of co
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