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unbeaten tracks in japan-第18章

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judge of the effect that he is producing。  The shaving the face
till it is smooth and shiny; and the cutting; waxing; and tying of
the queue with twine made of paper; are among the evening sights of

Lacquer and things curiously carved in wood are the great
attractions of the shops; but they interest me far less than the
objects of utility in Japanese daily life; with their ingenuity of
contrivance and perfection of adaptation and workmanship。  A seed
shop; where seeds are truly idealised; attracts me daily。  Thirty
varieties are offered for sale; as various in form as they are in
colour; and arranged most artistically on stands; while some are
put up in packages decorated with what one may call a facsimile of
the root; leaves; and flower; in water…colours。  A lad usually lies
on the mat behind executing these very creditable picturesfor
such they arewith a few bold and apparently careless strokes with
his brush。  He gladly sold me a peony as a scrap for a screen for 3
sen。  My purchases; with this exception; were necessaries onlya
paper waterproof cloak; 〃a circular;〃 black outside and yellow
inside; made of square sheets of oiled paper cemented together; and
some large sheets of the same for covering my baggage; and I
succeeded in getting Ito out of his obnoxious black wide…awake into
a basin…shaped hat like mine; for; ugly as I think him; he has a
large share of personal vanity; whitens his teeth; and powders his
face carefully before a mirror; and is in great dread of sunburn。
He powders his hands too; and polishes his nails; and never goes
out without gloves。

To…morrow I leave luxury behind and plunge into the interior;
hoping to emerge somehow upon the Sea of Japan。  No information can
be got here except about the route to Niigata; which I have decided
not to take; so; after much study of Brunton's map; I have fixed
upon one place; and have said positively; 〃I go to Tajima。〃  If I
reach it I can get farther; but all I can learn is; 〃It's a very
bad road; it's all among the mountains。〃  Ito; who has a great
regard for his own comforts; tries to dissuade me from going by
saying that I shall lose mine; but; as these kind people have
ingeniously repaired my bed by doubling the canvas and lacing it
into holes in the side poles; {9} and as I have lived for the last
three days on rice; eggs; and coarse vermicelli about the thickness
and colour of earth…worms; this prospect does not appal me!  In
Japan there is a Land Transport Company; called Riku…un…kaisha;
with a head…office in Tokiyo; and branches in various towns and
villages。  It arranges for the transport of travellers and
merchandise by pack…horses and coolies at certain fixed rates; and
gives receipts in due form。  It hires the horses from the farmers;
and makes a moderate profit on each transaction; but saves the
traveller from difficulties; delays; and extortions。  The prices
vary considerably in different districts; and are regulated by the
price of forage; the state of the roads; and the number of hireable
horses。  For a ri; nearly 2。5 miles; they charge from 6 to 10 sen
for a horse and the man who leads it; for a kuruma with one man
from 4 to 9 sen for the same distance; and for baggage coolies
about the same。  'This Transport Company is admirably organised。  I
employed it in journeys of over 1200 miles; and always found it
efficient and reliable。'  I intend to make use of it always; much
against Ito's wishes; who reckoned on many a prospective 〃squeeze〃
in dealings with the farmers。

My journey will now be entirely over 〃unbeaten tracks;〃 and will
lead through what may be called 〃Old Japan;〃 and as it will be
natural to use Japanese words for money and distances; for which
there are no English terms; I give them here。  A yen is a note
representing a dollar; or about 3s。 7d。 of our money; a sen is
something less than a halfpenny; a rin is a thin round coin of iron
or bronze; with a square hole in the middle; of which 10 make a
sen; and 1000 a yen; and a tempo is a handsome oval bronze coin
with a hole in the centre; of which 5 make 4 sen。  Distances are
measured by ri; cho; and ken。  Six feet make one ken; sixty ken one
cho; and thirty…six cho one ri; or nearly 2。5 English miles。  When
I write of a road I mean a bridle…path from four to eight feet
wide; kuruma roads being specified as such。  I。 L。 B。


Comfort disappearsFine SceneryAn AlarmA Farm…houseAn
unusual CostumeBridling a HorseFemale Dress and Ugliness
BabiesMy MagoBeauties of the KinugawaFujiharaMy Servant
Horse…shoesAn absurd Mistake。

FUJIHARA; June 24。

Ito's informants were right。  Comfort was left behind at Nikko!

A little woman brought two depressed…looking mares at six this
morning; my saddle and bridle were put on one; and Ito and the
baggage on the other; my hosts and I exchanged cordial good wishes
and obeisances; and; with the women dragging my sorry mare by a
rope round her nose; we left the glorious shrines and solemn
cryptomeria groves of Nikko behind; passed down its long; clean
street; and where the In Memoriam avenue is densest and darkest
turned off to the left by a path like the bed of a brook; which
afterwards; as a most atrocious trail; wound about among the rough
boulders of the Daiya; which it crosses often on temporary bridges
of timbers covered with branches and soil。  After crossing one of
the low spurs of the Nikkosan mountains; we wound among ravines
whose steep sides are clothed with maple; oak; magnolia; elm; pine;
and cryptomeria; linked together by festoons of the redundant
Wistaria chinensis; and brightened by azalea and syringa clusters。
Every vista was blocked by some grand mountain; waterfalls
thundered; bright streams glanced through the trees; and in the
glorious sunshine of June the country looked most beautiful。

We travelled less than a ri an hour; as it was a mere flounder
either among rocks or in deep mud; the woman in her girt…up dress
and straw sandals trudging bravely along; till she suddenly flung
away the rope; cried out; and ran backwards; perfectly scared by a
big grey snake; with red spots; much embarrassed by a large frog
which he would not let go; though; like most of his kind; he was
alarmed by human approach; and made desperate efforts to swallow
his victim and wriggle into the bushes。  After crawling for three
hours we dismounted at the mountain farm of Kohiaku; on the edge of
a rice valley; and the woman counted her packages to see that they
were all right; and without waiting for a gratuity turned homewards
with her horses。  I pitched my chair in the verandah of a house
near a few poor dwellings inhabited by peasants with large
families; the house being in the barn…yard of a rich sake maker。  I
waited an hour; grew famished; got some weak tea and boiled barley;
waited another hour; and yet another; for all the horses were
eating leaves on the mountains。  There was a little stir。  Men
carried sheaves of barley home on their backs; and stacked them
under the eaves。  Children; with barely the rudiments of clothing;
stood and watched me hour after hour; and adults were not ashamed
to join the group; for they had never seen a foreign woman; a fork;
or a spoon。  Do you remember a sentence in Dr。 Macgregor's last
sermon?  〃What strange sights some of you will see!〃  Could there
be a stranger one than a decent…looking middle…aged man lying on
his chest in the verandah; raised on his elbows; and intently
reading a book; clothed only in a pair of spectacles?  Besides that
curious piece of still life; women frequently drew water from a
well by the primitive contrivance of a beam suspended across an
upright; with the bucket at one end and a stone at the other。

When the horses arrived the men said they could not put on the
bridle; but; after much talk; it was managed by two of them
violently forcing open the jaws of the animal; while a third seized
a propitious moment for slipping the bit into her mouth。  At the
next change a bridle was a thing unheard of; and when I suggested
that the creature would open her mouth voluntarily if the bit were
pressed close to her teeth; the standers…by mockingly said; 〃No
horse ever opens his mouth except to eat or to bite;〃 and were only
convinced after I had put on the bridle myself。  The new horses had
a rocking gait like camels; and I was glad to dispense with them at
Kisagoi; a small upland hamlet; a very poor place; with poverty…
stricken houses; children very dirty and sorely afflicted by skin
maladies; and women with complexions and features hardened by
severe work and much wood smoke into positive ugliness; and with
figures anything but statuesque。

I write the truth as I see it; and if my accounts conflict with
those of tourists who write of the Tokaido and Nakasendo; of Lake
Biwa and Hakone; it does not follow that either is inaccurate。  But
truly this is a new Japan to me; of which no books have given me
any idea; and it is not fairyland。  The men may be said to wear
nothing。  Few of the women wear anything but a short petticoat
wound tightly round them; or blue cotton trousers very tight in the
legs and baggy at the top; with a blue cotton garment
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