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unbeaten tracks in japan-第44章

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watched and received the destruction of their bridge; so silently
they watched this exciting contest。  The boys also flew their kites
while walking on stiltsa most dexterous performance; in which few
were able to take partand then a larger number gave a stilt race。
The most striking out…of…door games are played at fixed seasons of
the year; and are not to be seen now。

There are twelve children in this yadoya; and after dark they
regularly play at a game which Ito says 〃is played in the winter in
every house in Japan。〃  The children sit in a circle; and the
adults look on eagerly; child…worship being more common in Japan
than in America; and; to my thinking; the Japanese form is the

From proverbial philosophy to personal privation is rather a
descent; but owing to the many detentions on the journey my small
stock of foreign food is exhausted; and I have been living here on
rice; cucumbers; and salt salmonso salt that; after being boiled
in two waters; it produces a most distressing thirst。  Even this
has failed to…day; as communication with the coast has been stopped
for some time; and the village is suffering under the calamity of
its stock of salt…fish being completely exhausted。  There are no
eggs; and rice and cucumbers are very like the 〃light food〃 which
the Israelites 〃loathed。〃  I had an omelette one day; but it was
much like musty leather。  The Italian minister said to me in
Tokiyo; 〃No question in Japan is so solemn as that of food;〃 and
many others echoed what I thought at the time a most unworthy
sentiment。  I recognised its truth to…day when I opened my last
resort; a box of Brand's meat lozenges; and found them a mass of
mouldiness。  One can only dry clothes here by hanging them in the
wood smoke; so I prefer to let them mildew on the walls; and have
bought a straw rain…coat; which is more reliable than the paper
waterproofs。  I hear the hum of the children at their lessons for
the last time; for the waters are falling fast; and we shall leave
in the morning。

I。 L。 B。


Hope deferredEffects of the FloodActivity of the PoliceA
Ramble in DisguiseThe Tanabata FestivalMr。 Satow's Reputation。

KUROISHI; August 5。

After all the waters did not fall as was expected; and I had to
spend a fourth day at Ikarigaseki。  We left early on Saturday; as
we had to travel fifteen miles without halting。  The sun shone on
all the beautiful country; and on all the wreck and devastation; as
it often shines on the dimpling ocean the day after a storm。  We
took four men; crossed two severe fords where bridges had been
carried away; and where I and the baggage got very wet; saw great
devastations and much loss of crops and felled timber; passed under
a cliff; which for 200 feet was composed of fine columnar basalt in
six…sided prisms; and quite suddenly emerged on a great plain; on
which green billows of rice were rolling sunlit before a fresh
north wind。  This plain is liberally sprinkled with wooded villages
and surrounded by hills; one low range forming a curtain across the
base of Iwakisan; a great snow…streaked dome; which rises to the
west of the plain to a supposed height of 5000 feet。  The water had
risen in most of the villages to a height of four feet; and had
washed the lower part of the mud walls away。  The people were busy
drying their tatami; futons; and clothing; reconstructing their
dykes and small bridges; and fishing for the logs which were still
coming down in large quantities。

In one town two very shabby policemen rushed upon us; seized the
bridle of my horse; and kept me waiting for a long time in the
middle of a crowd; while they toilsomely bored through the
passport; turning it up and down; and holding it up to the light;
as though there were some nefarious mystery about it。  My horse
stumbled so badly that I was obliged to walk to save myself from
another fall; and; just as my powers were failing; we met a kuruma;
which by good management; such as being carried occasionally;
brought me into Kuroishi; a neat town of 5500 people; famous for
the making of clogs and combs; where I have obtained a very neat;
airy; upstairs room; with a good view over the surrounding country
and of the doings of my neighbours in their back rooms and gardens。
Instead of getting on to Aomori I am spending three days and two
nights here; and; as the weather has improved and my room is
remarkably cheerful; the rest has been very pleasant。  As I have
said before; it is difficult to get any information about anything
even a few miles off; and even at the Post Office they cannot give
any intelligence as to the date of the sailings of the mail steamer
between Aomori; twenty miles off; and Hakodate。

The police were not satisfied with seeing my passport; but must
also see me; and four of them paid me a polite but domiciliary
visit the evening of my arrival。  That evening the sound of
drumming was ceaseless; and soon after I was in bed Ito announced
that there was something really worth seeing; so I went out in my
kimono and without my hat; and in this disguise altogether escaped
recognition as a foreigner。  Kuroishi is unlighted; and I was
tumbling and stumbling along in overhaste when a strong arm cleared
the way; and the house…master appeared with a very pretty lantern;
hanging close to the ground from a cane held in the hand。  Thus
came the phrase; 〃Thy word is a light unto my feet。〃

We soon reached a point for seeing the festival procession advance
towards us; and it was so beautiful and picturesque that it kept me
out for an hour。  It passes through all the streets between 7 and
10 p。m。 each night during the first week in August; with an ark; or
coffer; containing slips of paper; on which (as I understand)
wishes are written; and each morning at seven this is carried to
the river and the slips are cast upon the stream。  The procession
consisted of three monster drums nearly the height of a man's body;
covered with horsehide; and strapped to the drummers; end upwards;
and thirty small drums; all beaten rub…a…dub…dub without ceasing。
Each drum has the tomoye painted on its ends。  Then there were
hundreds of paper lanterns carried on long poles of various lengths
round a central lantern; 20 feet high; itself an oblong 6 feet
long; with a front and wings; and all kinds of mythical and
mystical creatures painted in bright colours upon ita
transparency rather than a lantern; in fact。  Surrounding it were
hundreds of beautiful lanterns and transparencies of all sorts of
fanciful shapesfans; fishes; birds; kites; drums; the hundreds of
people and children who followed all carried circular lanterns; and
rows of lanterns with the tomoye on one side and two Chinese
characters on the other hung from the eaves all along the line of
the procession。  I never saw anything more completely like a fairy
scene; the undulating waves of lanterns as they swayed along; the
soft lights and soft tints moving aloft in the darkness; the
lantern…bearers being in deep shadow。  This festival is called the
tanabata; or seiseki festival; but I am unable to get any
information about it。  Ito says that he knows what it means; but is
unable to explain; and adds the phrase he always uses when in
difficulties; 〃Mr。 Satow would be able to tell you all about it。〃
I。 L。 B。


A Lady's ToiletHair…dressingPaint and CosmeticsAfternoon
VisitorsChristian Converts。

KUROISHI; August 5。

This is a pleasant place; and my room has many advantages besides
light and cleanliness; as; for instance; that I overlook my
neighbours and that I have seen a lady at her toilet preparing for
a wedding!  A married girl knelt in front of a black lacquer
toilet…box with a spray of cherry blossoms in gold sprawling over
it; and lacquer uprights at the top; which supported a polished
metal mirror。  Several drawers in the toilet…box were open; and
toilet requisites in small lacquer boxes were lying on the floor。
A female barber stood behind the lady; combing; dividing; and tying
her hair; which; like that of all Japanese women; was glossy black;
but neither fine nor long。  The coiffure is an erection; a complete
work of art。  Two divisions; three inches apart; were made along
the top of the head; and the lock of hair between these was combed;
stiffened with a bandoline made from the Uvario Japonica; raised
two inches from the forehead; turned back; tied; and pinned to the
back hair。  The rest was combed from each side to the back; and
then tied loosely with twine made of paper。  Several switches of
false hair were then taken out of a long lacquer box; and; with the
aid of a quantity of bandoline and a solid pad; the ordinary smooth
chignon was produced; to which several loops and bows of hair were
added; interwoven with a little dark…blue crepe; spangled with
gold。  A single; thick; square…sided; tortoiseshell pin was stuck
through the whole as an ornament。

The fashions of dressing the hair are fixed。  They vary with the
ages of female children; and there is a slight difference between
the coiffure of the married and unmarried。  The two partings on the
top of the head and the chignon never vary。  The amount of
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