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2 new moon新月-第47章

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I just shook my head。 I'd seen too many vampires in action。 

〃Where did you go just now?〃 I asked。 

He pursed his lips; and said nothing。 

〃What? Is it a secret?〃 

He frowned。 〃Not really。 It's kind of weird; though。 I don't want to freak you out。〃 

〃I'm sort of used to weird by this point; you know。〃 I tried to smile without much success。 

Jacob grinned back easily。 〃Guess you'd have to be。 Okay。 See; when we're wolves; we can… hear 
each other。〃 

My eyebrows pulled down in confusion。 

〃Not hear sounds;〃 he went on; 〃but we can hear… thoughts—each other's anyway—no matter how far 
away from each other we are。 It really helps when we hunt; but it's a big pain otherwise。 It's 
embarrassing—having no secrets like that。 Freaky; eh?〃 

〃Is that what you meant last night; when you said you would tell them you'd seen me; even though you 
didn't want to?〃 

〃You're quick。〃 


〃You're also very good with weird。 I thought that would bother you。〃 

〃It's not… well; you're not the first person I've known who could do that。 So it doesn't seem so weird to 

〃Really?… Wait—are you talking about your bloodsuckers?〃 

〃I wish you wouldn't call them that。〃 

He laughed。 〃Whatever。 The Cullens; then?〃 

〃Just… just Edward。〃 I pulled one arm surreptitiously around my torso。 

Jacob looked surprised—unpleasantly so。 〃I thought those were just stories。 I've heard legends about 
vampires who could do… extra stuff; but I thought that was just a myth。〃 

〃Is anything just a myth anymore?〃 I asked him wryly。 

He scowled。 〃Guess not。 Okay; we're going to meet Sam and the others at the place we go to ride our 

I started the truck and headed back up the road。 

〃So did you just turn into a wolf now; to talk to Sam?〃 I asked; curious。 

Jacob nodded; seeming embarrassed。 〃I kept it real short—I tried not to think about you so they 
wouldn't know what was going on。 I was afraid Sam would tell me I couldn't bring you。〃 

〃That wouldn't have stopped me。〃 I couldn't get rid of my perception of Sam as the bad guy。 My teeth 
clenched together whenever I heard his name。 

〃Well; it would have stopped me;〃 Jacob said; morose now。 〃Remember how I couldn't finish my 
sentences last night? How I couldn't just tell you the whole story?〃 

〃Yeah。 You looked like you were choking on something。〃 

He chuckled darkly。 〃Close enough。 Sam told me I couldn't tell you。 He's… the head of the pack; you 
know。 He's the Alpha。 When he tells us to do something; or not to do something—when he really means 
it; well; we can't just ignore him。〃 

〃Weird;〃 I muttered。 

〃Very;〃 he agreed。 〃It's kind of a wolf thing。〃 

〃Huh〃 was the best response I could think of。 

〃Yeah; there's a load of stuff like that—wolf things。 I'm still learning。 I can't imagine what it was like for 
Sam; trying to deal with this alone。 It sucks bad enough to go through it with a whole pack for support。〃 

〃Sam was alone?〃 

〃Yeah。〃 Jacob's voice lowered。 〃When I… changed; it was the most… horrible; the most terrifying 
thing I've ever been through—worse than anything I could have imagined。 But I wasn't alone—there 
were the voices there; in my head; telling me what had happened and what I had to do。 That kept me 
from losing my mind; I think。 But Sam…〃 He shook his head。 〃Sam had no help。〃 

This was going to take some adjusting。 When Jacob explained it like that; it was hard not to feel 
compassion for Sam。 I had to keep reminding myself that there was no reason to hate him anymore。 

〃Will they be angry that I'm with you?〃 I asked。 

He made a face。 〃Probably。〃 

〃Maybe I shouldn't—〃 

〃No; it's okay;〃 he assured me。 〃You know a ton of things that can help us。 It's not like you're just some 
ignorant human。 You're like a… I don't know; spy or something。 You've been behind enemy lines。〃 

I frowned to myself。 Was that what Jacob would want from me? Insider information to help them destroy 
their enemies? I wasn't a spy; though。 I hadn't been collecting that kind of information。 Already; his words 
made me feel like a traitor。 

But I wanted him to stop Victoria; didn't I? 


I did want Victoria to be stopped; preferably before she tortured me to death or ran into Charlie or killed 
another stranger。 I just didn't want Jacob to be the one to stop her; or rather to try。 I didn't want Jacob 
within a hundred miles of her。 

〃Like the stuff about the mind…reading bloodsucker;〃 he continued; oblivious to my reverie。 〃That's the 
kind of thing we need to know about。 That really sucks that those stories are true。 It makes everything 
more complicated。 Hey; do you think this Victoria can do anything special?〃 

〃I don't think so;〃 I hesitated; and then sighed。 〃He would have mentioned it。〃 

〃He? Oh; you mean Edward—oops; sorry。 I forgot。 You don't like to say his name。 Or hear it。〃 

I squeezed my midsection; trying to ignore the throbbing around the edges of my chest。 〃Not really; no。〃 


〃How do you know me so well; Jacob? Sometimes it's like you can read my mind。〃 

〃Naw。 I just pay attention。〃 

We were on the little dirt road where Jacob had first taught me to ride the motorcycle。 

〃This good?〃 I asked。 

〃Sure; sure。〃 

I pulled over and cut the engine。 

〃You're still pretty unhappy; aren't you?〃 he murmured。 

I nodded; staring unseeingly into the gloomy forest。 

〃Did you ever think… that maybe… you're better off?〃 

I inhaled slowly; and then let my breath out。 〃No。〃 

〃'Cause he wasn't the best—〃 

〃Please; Jacob;〃 I interrupted; begging in a whisper。 〃Could we please not talk about this? I can't stand 

〃Okay。〃 He took a deep breath。 〃I'm sorry I said anything。〃 

〃Don't feel bad。 If things were different; it would be nice to finally be able to talk to someone about it。〃 

He nodded。 〃Yeah; I had a hard time keeping a secret from you for two weeks。 It must be hell to not be 
able to talk to anyone。〃 

〃Hell;〃 I agreed。 

Jacob sucked in a sharp breath。 〃They're here。 Let's go。〃 

〃Are you sure?〃 I asked while he popped his door open。 〃Maybe I shouldn't be here。〃 

〃They'll deal with it;〃 he said; and then he grinned。 〃Who's afraid of the big; bad wolf?〃 

〃Ha ha;〃 I said。 But I got out of the truck; hurrying around the front end to stand close beside Jacob。 I 
remembered only too clearly the giant monsters in the meadow。 My hands were trembling like Jacob's 
had been before; but with fear rather than rage。 

Jake took my hand and squeezed it。 〃Here we go。〃 


I COWERED INTO JACOB'S SIDE; MY EYES SCANNING the forest for the other werewolves。 
When they appeared; striding out from between the trees; they weren't what I was expecting。 I'd gotten 
the image of the wolves stuck in my head。 These were just four really big half…naked boys。 

Again; they reminded me of brothers; quadruplets。 Something about the way they moved almost in 
synchronization to stand across the road from us; the way they all had the same long; round muscles 
under the same red…brown skin; the same cropped black hair; and the way their expressions altered at 
exactly the same moment。 

They started out curious and cautious。 When they saw me there; half…hidden beside Jacob; they all 
became furious in the same second。 

Sam was still the biggest; though Jacob was getting close to catching up with him。 Sam didn't really count 
as a boy。 His face was older—not in the sense of lines or signs of aging; but in the matunry; the patience 
of his expression。 

〃What have you done; Jacob?〃 he demanded。 

One of the others; one I didn't recognize—Jared or Paul—thrust past Sam and spoke before Jacob 
could defend himself。 

〃Why can't you just follow the rules; Jacob?〃 he yelled; throwing his arms in the air。 〃What the hell are 
you thinking? Is she more important than everything—than the whole tribe? Than the people getting 

〃She can help;〃 Jacob said quietly。 

〃Help!〃 the angry boy shouted。 His arms begin to quiver。 〃Oh; that's likely! I'm sure the leech…lover is 
just dying to help us out!〃 

〃Don't talk about her like that!〃 Jacob shouted back; stung by the boy's criticism。 

A shudder rippled through the other boy; along his shoulders and down his spine。 

〃Paul! Relax!〃 Sam commanded。 

Paul shook his head back and forth; not in defiance; but as though he were trying to concentrate。 

〃Jeez; Paul;〃 one of the other boys—probably Jared—muttered。 〃Get a grip。〃 

Paul twisted his head toward Jared; his lips curling back in irritation。 Then he shifted his glare in my 
direction。 Jacob took a step to put himself in front of me。 

That did it。 

〃Right; protect her!〃 Paul roared in outrage。 Another shudder; a convulsion; heaved through his body。 He 
threw his head back; a real growl tearing from between his teeth。 

〃Paul!〃 Sam and Jacob shouted together。 

Paul seemed to fall forward; vibrating violently。 Halfway to the ground; there was a loud ripping noise; 
and the boy exploded。 

Dark silver fur blew out from the boy; coalescing into a shape more than five…times his size—a massive; 
crouched shape; ready to s
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