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old christmas-第10章

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the peacocks this season; that he could not prevail upon himself to have one killed。*

* See Note F。

It would be tedious; perhaps; to my wiser readers; who may not have that foolish fondness for odd and obsolete things to which I am a little given; were I to mention the other makeshifts of this worthy old humourist; by which he was endeavouring to follow up; though at humble distance; the quaint customs of antiquity。  I was pleased; however; to see the respect shown to his whims by his children and relatives; who; indeed; entered readily into the full spirit of them; and seemed all well versed in their parts; having doubtless been present at many a rehearsal。  I was amused; too; at the air of profound gravity with which the butler and other servants executed the duties assigned them; however eccentric。  They had an old… fashioned look; having; for the most part; been brought up in the household; and grown into keeping with the antiquated mansion; and the humours of its lord; and most probably looked upon all his whimsical regulations as the established laws of honourable housekeeping。  When the cloth was removed; the butler brought in a huge silver vessel of rare and curious workmanship; which he placed before the Squire。  Its appearance was hailed with acclamation; being the Wassail Bowl; so renowned in Christmas festivity。  The contents had been prepared by the Squire himself; for it was a beverage in the skilful mixture of which he particularly prided himself; alleging that it was too abstruse and complex for the comprehension of an ordinary servant。  It was a potation; indeed; that might well make the heart of a toper leap within him; being composed of the richest and raciest wines; highly spiced and sweetened; with roasted apples bobbing about the surface。*

* See Note G。

The old gentleman's whole countenance beamed with a serene look of indwelling delight; as he stirred this mighty bowl。  Having raised it to his lips; with a hearty wish of a merry Christmas to all present; he sent it brimming; around the board; for every one to follow his example; according to the primitive style; pronouncing it 〃the ancient fountain of good feeling; where all hearts met together。〃*

* See Note H。

There was much laughing and rallying; as the honest emblem of Christmas joviality circulated; and was kissed rather coyly by the ladies。  When it reached Master Simon he raised it in both hands; and with the air of a boon companion struck up an old Wassail chanson:

     The browne bowle;      The merry browne bowle;      As it goes round about…a;           Fill           Still;      Let the world say what it will;      And drink your fill all out…a。

     The deep canne;      The merry deep canne;      As thou dost freely quaff…a;           Sing;           Fling;      Be as merry as a king;      And sound a lusty laugh…a。*

* From 〃Poor Robin's Almanack。〃

Much of the conversation during dinner turned upon family topics; to which I was a stranger。  There was; however; a great deal of rallying of Master Simon about some gay widow; with whom he was accused of having a flirtation。  This attack was commenced by the ladies; but it was continued throughout the dinner by the fat… headed old gentleman next the parson; with the persevering assiduity of a slow…hound; being one of those long…winded jokers; who; though rather dull at starting game; are unrivalled for their talents in hunting it down。  At every pause in the general conversation; he renewed his bantering in pretty much the same terms; winking hard at me with both eyes whenever he gave Master Simon what he considered a home thrust。  The latter; indeed; seemed fond of being teased on the subject; as old bachelors are apt to be; and he took occasion to inform me; in an undertone; that the lady in question was a prodigiously fine woman; and drove her own curricle。

The dinner…time passed away in this flow of innocent hilarity; and; though the old hall may have resounded in its time with many a scene of broader rout and revel; yet I doubt whether it ever witnessed more honest and genuine enjoyment。  How easy it is for one benevolent being to diffuse pleasure around him; and how truly is a kind heart a fountain of gladness; making everything in its vicinity to freshen into smiles!  The joyous disposition of the worthy Squire was perfectly contagious; he was happy himself; and disposed to make all the world happy; and the little eccentricities of his humour did but season; in a manner; the sweetness of his philanthropy。

When the ladies had retired; the conversation; as usual; became still more animated; many good things were broached which had been thought of during dinner; but which would not exactly do for a lady's ear; and though I cannot positively affirm that there was much wit uttered; yet I have certainly heard many contests of rare wit produce much less laughter。  Wit; after all; is a mighty tart; pungent ingredient; and much too acid for some stomachs; but honest good humour is the oil and wine of a merry meeting; and there is no jovial companionship equal to that where the jokes are rather small; and the laughter abundant。  The Squire told several long stories of early college pranks and adventures; in some of which the parson had been a sharer; though in looking at the latter; it required some effort of imagination to figure such a little dark anatomy of a man into the perpetrator of a madcap gambol。  Indeed; the two college chums presented pictures of what men may be made by their different lots in life。  The Squire had left the university to live lustily on his paternal domains; in the vigorous enjoyment of prosperity and sunshine; and had flourished on to a hearty and florid old age; whilst the poor parson; on the contrary; had dried and withered away; among dusty tomes; in the silence and shadows of his study。

Still there seemed to be a spark of almost extinguished fire; feebly glimmering in the bottom of his soul; and as the Squire hinted at a sly story of the parson and a pretty milkmaid; whom they once met on the banks of the Isis; the old gentleman made an 〃alphabet of faces;〃 which; as far as I could decipher his physiognomy; I verily believe was indicative of laughter;indeed; I have rarely met with an old gentleman who took absolutely offence at the imputed gallantries of his youth。

I found the tide of wine and wassail fast gaining on the dry land of sober judgment。  The company grew merrier and louder as their jokes grew duller。  Master Simon was in as chirping a humour as a grasshopper filled with dew; his old songs grew of a warmer complexion; and he began to talk maudlin about the widow。  He even gave a long song about the wooing of a widow; which he informed me he had gathered from an excellent black…letter work; entitled 〃Cupid's Solicitor for Love;〃 containing store of good advice for bachelors; and which he promised to lend me。  The first verse was to this effect:

     〃He that will woo a widow must not dally;       He must make hay while the sun doth shine;       He must not stand with her; Shall I; Shall I?       But boldly say; Widow; thou must be mine。〃

This song inspired the fat…headed old gentleman; who made several attempts to tell a rather broad story out of Joe Miller; that was pat to the purpose; but he always stuck in the middle; everybody recollecting the latter part excepting himself。  The parson; too; began to show the effects of good cheer; having gradually settled down into a doze; and his wig sitting most suspiciously on one side。  Just at this juncture we were summoned to the drawing…room; and; I suspect; at the private instigation of mine host; whose joviality seemed always tempered with a proper love of decorum。

After the dinner…table was removed; the hall was given up to the younger members of the family; who; prompted to all kind of noisy mirth by the Oxonian and Master Simon; made its old walls ring with their merriment; as they played at romping games。  I delight in witnessing the gambols of children; and particularly at this happy holiday…season; and could not help stealing out of the drawing…room on hearing one of their peals of laughter。  I found them at the game of blind…man's buff。  Master Simon; who was the leader of their revels; and seemed on all occasions to fulfil the office of that ancient potentate; the Lord of Misrule;* was blinded in the midst of the hall。  The little beings were as busy about him as the mock fairies about Falstaff; pinching him; plucking at the skirts of his coat; and tickling him with straws。  One fine blue…eyed girl of about thirteen; with her flaxen hair all in beautiful confusion; her frolic face in a glow; her frock half torn off her shoulders; a complete picture of a romp; was the chief tormentor; and from the slyness with which Master Simon avoided the smaller game; and hemmed this wild little nymph in corners; and obliged her to jump shrieking over chairs; I suspected the rogue of being not a whit more blinded than was convenient。

* See Note I。

When I returned to the drawing…room; I found the company seated around the fire; listening to the parson; who was deeply ensconced in a high…backed oaken chair; the work of some cunning artificer of yore
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