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lectures on evolution-第3章

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time; and all that could be said; at most; would be; that so far

as the evidence could be traced; there was nothing to contradict

the hypothesis。 But when you look; not to the testimonial

evidencewhich; considering the relative insignificance of the

antiquity of human records; might not be good for much in this

casebut to the circumstantial evidence; then you find that

this hypothesis is absolutely incompatible with such evidence as

we have; which is of so plain and so simple a character that it

is impossible in any way to escape from the conclusions which it

forces upon us。

You are; doubtless; all aware that the outer substance of the

earth; which alone is accessible to direct observation; is not

of a homogeneous character; but that it is made up of a number

of layers or strata; the titles of the principal groups of which

are placed upon the accompanying diagram。 Each of these groups

represents a number of beds of sand; of stone; of clay; of

slate; and of various other materials。

On careful examination; it is found that the materials of which

each of these layers of more or less hard rock are composed are;

for the most part; of the same nature as those which are at

present being formed under known conditions on the surface of

the earth。 For example; the chalk; which constitutes a great

part of the Cretaceous formation in some parts of the world; is

practically identical in its physical and chemical characters

with a substance which is now being formed at the bottom of the

Atlantic Ocean; and covers an enormous area; other beds of rock

are comparable with the sands which are being formed upon sea…

shores; packed together; and so on。 Thus; omitting rocks of

igneous origin; it is demonstrable that all these beds of stone;

of which a total of not less than seventy thousand feet is

known; have been formed by natural agencies; either out of the

waste and washing of the dry land; or else by the accumulation

of the exuviae of plants and animals。 Many of these strata are

full of such exuviaethe so…called 〃fossils。〃 Remains of

thousands of species of animals and plants; as perfectly

recognisable as those of existing forms of life which you meet

with in museums; or as the shells which you pick up upon the

sea…beach; have been imbedded in the ancient sands; or muds; or

limestones; just as they are being imbedded now; in sandy; or

clayey; or calcareous subaqueous deposits。 They furnish us with

a record; the general nature of which cannot be misinterpreted;

of the kinds of things that have lived upon the surface of the

earth during the time that is registered by this great thickness

of stratified rocks。 But even a superficial study of these

fossils shows us that the animals and plants which live at the

present time have had only a temporary duration; for the remains

of such modern forms of life are met with; for the most part;

only in the uppermost or latest tertiaries; and their number

rapidly diminishes in the lower deposits of that epoch。 In the

older tertiaries; the places of existing animals and plants are

taken by other forms; as numerous and diversified as those which

live now in the same localities; but more or less different from

them; in the mesozoic rocks; these are replaced by others yet

more divergent from modern types; and; in the paleozoic

formations; the contrast is still more marked。 Thus the

circumstantial evidence absolutely negatives the conception of

the eternity of the present condition of things。 We can say;

with certainty; that the present condition of things has existed

for a comparatively short period; and that; so far as animal and

vegetable nature are concerned; it has been preceded by a

different condition。 We can pursue this evidence until we reach

the lowest of the stratified rocks; in which we lose the

indications of life altogether。 The hypothesis of the eternity

of the present state of nature may therefore be put out

of court。

Fig。 1。Ideal Section of the Crust of the Earth。


We now come to what I will term Milton's hypothesisthe

hypothesis that the present condition of things has endured for

a comparatively short time; and; at the commencement of that

time; came into existence within the course of six days。 I doubt

not that it may have excited some surprise in your minds that I

should have spoken of this as Milton's hypothesis; rather than

that I should have chosen the terms which are more customary;

such as 〃the doctrine of creation;〃 or 〃the Biblical doctrine;〃

or 〃the doctrine of Moses;〃 all of which denominations; as

applied to the hypothesis to which I have just referred; are

certainly much more familiar to you than the title of the

Miltonic hypothesis。 But I have had what I cannot but think are

very weighty reasons for taking the course which I have pursued。

In the first place; I have discarded the title of the 〃doctrine

of creation;〃 because my present business is not with the

question why the objects which constitute Nature came into

existence; but when they came into existence; and in what order。

This is as strictly a historical question as the question when

the Angles and the Jutes invaded England; and whether they

preceded or followed the Romans。 But the question about creation

is a philosophical problem; and one which cannot be solved; or

even approached; by the historical method。 What we want to learn

is; whether the facts; so far as they are known; afford evidence

that things arose in the way described by Milton; or whether

they do not; and; when that question is settled it will be time

enough to inquire into the causes of their origination。

In the second place; I have not spoken of this doctrine as the

Biblical doctrine。 It is quite true that persons as diverse in

their general views as Milton the Protestant and the celebrated

Jesuit Father Suarez; each put upon the first chapter of Genesis

the interpretation embodied in Milton's poem。 It is quite true

that this interpretation is that which has been instilled into

every one of us in our childhood; but I do not for one moment

venture to say that it can properly be called the Biblical

doctrine。 It is not my business; and does not lie within my

competency; to say what the Hebrew text does; and what it does

not signify; moreover; were I to affirm that this is the

Biblical doctrine; I should be met by the authority of many

eminent scholars; to say nothing of men of science; who; at

various times; have absolutely denied that any such doctrine is

to be found in Genesis。 If we are to listen to many expositors

of no mean authority; we must believe that what seems so clearly

defined in Genesisas if very great pains had been taken that

there should be no possibility of mistakeis not the meaning of

the text at all。 The account is divided into periods that we may

make just as long or as short as convenience requires。 We are

also to understand that it is consistent with the original text

to believe that the most complex plants and animals may have

been evolved by natural processes; lasting for millions of

years; out of structureless rudiments。 A person who is not a

Hebrew scholar can only stand aside and admire the marvellous

flexibility of a language which admits of such diverse

interpretations。 But assuredly; in the face of such

contradictions of authority upon matters respecting which he is

incompetent to form any judgment; he will abstain; as I do; from

giving any opinion。

In the third place; I have carefully abstained from speaking of

this as the Mosaic doctrine; because we are now assured upon the

authority of the highest critics and even of dignitaries of the

Church; that there is no evidence that Moses wrote the Book of

Genesis; or knew anything about it。 You will understand that I

give no judgmentit would be an impertinence upon my part to

volunteer even a suggestionupon such a subject。 But; that

being the state of opinion among the scholars and the clergy; it

is well for the unlearned in Hebrew lore; and for the laity; to

avoid entangling themselves in such a vexed question。

Happily; Milton leaves us no excuse for doubting what he means;

and I shall therefore be safe in speaking of the opinion in

question as the Miltonic hypothesis。

Now we have to test that hypothesis。 For my part; I have no

prejudice one way or the other。 If there is evidence in favour

of this view; I am burdened by no theoretical difficulties in

the way of accepting it; but there must be evidence。

Scientific men get an awkward habitno; I won't call it that;

for it is a valuable habitof believing nothing unless there is

evidence for it; and they have a way of looking upon belief

which is not based upon evidence; not only as illogical; but as

immoral。 We will; if you please; test this view by the

circumstantial evidence alone; for; from what I have said; you

will understand that I do not propose to discuss the question of

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