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lectures on evolution-第5章

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and land; of estuary and open ocean; and; in correspondence with

these alternations; we observe the changes in the fauna and

flora to which I have referred。

But the inspection of these changes gives us no right to believe

that there has been any discontinuity in natural processes。

There is no trace of general cataclysms; of universal deluges;

or sudden destructions of a whole fauna or flora。

The appearances which were formerly interpreted in that way have

all been shown to be delusive; as our knowledge has increased

and as the blanks which formerly appeared to exist between the

different formations have been filled up。 That there is no

absolute break between formation and formation; that there has

been no sudden disappearance of all the forms of life and

replacement of them by others; but that changes have gone on

slowly and gradually; that one type has died out and another has

taken its place; and that thus; by insensible degrees; one fauna

has been replaced by another; are conclusions strengthened by

constantly increasing evidence。 So that within the whole of the

immense period indicated by the fossiliferous stratified rocks;

there is assuredly not the slightest proof of any break in the

uniformity of Nature's operations; no indication that events

have followed other than a clear and orderly sequence。

That; I say; is the natural and obvious teaching of the

circumstantial evidence contained in the stratified rocks。 I

leave you to consider how far; by any ingenuity of

interpretation; by any stretching of the meaning of language; it

can be brought into harmony with the Miltonic hypothesis。

There remains the third hypothesis; that of which I have spoken

as the hypothesis of evolution; and I purpose that; in lectures

to come; we should discuss it as carefully as we have considered

the other two hypotheses。 I need not say that it is quite

hopeless to look for testimonial evidence of evolution。 The very

nature of the case precludes the possibility of such evidence;

for the human race can no more be expected to testify to its own

origin; than a child can be tendered as a witness of its own

birth。 Our sole inquiry is; what foundation circumstantial

evidence lends to the hypothesis; or whether it lends none; or

whether it controverts the hypothesis。 I shall deal with the

matter entirely as a question of history。 I shall not indulge in

the discussion of any speculative probabilities。 I shall not

attempt to show that Nature is unintelligible unless we adopt

some such hypothesis。 For anything I know about the matter; it

may be the way of Nature to be unintelligible; she is often

puzzling; and I have no reason to suppose that she is bound to

fit herself to our notions。

I shall place before you three kinds of evidence entirely based

upon what is known of the forms of animal life which are

contained in the series of stratified rocks。 I shall endeavour

to show you that there is one kind of evidence which is neutral;

which neither helps evolution nor is inconsistent with it。

I shall then bring forward a second kind of evidence which

indicates a strong probability in favour of evolution; but does

not prove it; and; lastly; I shall adduce a third kind of

evidence which; being as complete as any evidence which we can

hope to obtain upon such a subject; and being wholly and

strikingly in favour of evolution; may fairly be called

demonstrative evidence of its occurrence。





In the preceding lecture I pointed out that there are three

hypotheses which may be entertained; and which have been

entertained; respecting the past history of life upon the globe。

According to the first of these hypotheses; living beings; such

as now exist; have existed from all eternity upon this earth。

We tested that hypothesis by the circumstantial evidence; as I

called it; which is furnished by the fossil remains contained in

the earth's crust; and we found that it was obviously untenable。

I then proceeded to consider the second hypothesis; which I

termed the Miltonic hypothesis; not because it is of any

particular consequence whether John Milton seriously entertained

it or not; but because it is stated in a clear and unmistakable

manner in his great poem。 I pointed out to you that the evidence

at our command as completely and fully negatives that hypothesis

as it did the preceding one。 And I confess that I had too much

respect for your intelligence to think it necessary to add that

the negation was equally clear and equally valid; whatever the

source from which that hypothesis might be derived; or whatever

the authority by which it might be supported。 I further stated

that; according to the third hypothesis; or that of evolution;

the existing state of things is the last term of a long series

of states; which; when traced back; would be found to show no

interruption and no breach in the continuity of natural

causation。 I propose; in the present and the following lecture;

to test this hypothesis rigorously by the evidence at command;

and to inquire how far that evidence can be said to be

indifferent to it; how far it can be said to be favourable to

it; and; finally; how far it can be said to be demonstrative。

From almost the origin of the discussions about the existing

condition of the animal and vegetable worlds and the causes

which have determined that condition; an argument has been put

forward as an objection to evolution; which we shall have to

consider very seriously。 It is an argument which was first

clearly stated by Cuvier in his criticism of the doctrines

propounded by his great contemporary; Lamarck。 The French

expedition to Egypt had called the attention of learned men to

the wonderful store of antiquities in that country; and there

had been brought back to France numerous mummified corpses of

the animals which the ancient Egyptians revered and preserved;

and which; at a reasonable computation; must have lived not less

than three or four thousand years before the time at which they

were thus brought to light。 Cuvier endeavoured to test the

hypothesis that animals have undergone gradual and progressive

modifications of structure; by comparing the skeletons and such

other parts of the mummies as were in a fitting state of

preservation; with the corresponding parts of the

representatives of the same species now living in Egypt。

He arrived at the conviction that no appreciable change had

taken place in these animals in the course of this considerable

lapse of time; and the justice of his conclusion is

not disputed。

It is obvious that; if it can be proved that animals have

endured; without undergoing any demonstrable change of

structure; for so long a period as four thousand years; no form

of the hypothesis of evolution which assumes that animals

undergo a constant and necessary progressive change can be

tenable; unless; indeed; it be further assumed that four

thousand years is too short a time for the production of a

change sufficiently great to be detected。

But it is no less plain that if the process of evolution of

animals is not independent of surrounding conditions; if it may

be indefinitely hastened or retarded by variations in these

conditions; or if evolution is simply a process of accommodation

to varying conditions; the argument against the hypothesis of

evolution based on the unchanged character of the Egyptian fauna

is worthless。 For the monuments which are coeval with the

mummies testify as strongly to the absence of change in the

physical geography and the general conditions of the land of

Egypt; for the time in question; as the mummies do to the

unvarying characters of its living population。

The progress of research since Cuvier's time has supplied far

more striking examples of the long duration of specific forms of

life than those which are furnished by the mummified Ibises and

Crocodiles of Egypt。 A remarkable case is to be found in your

own country; in the neighbourhood of the falls of Niagara。

In the immediate vicinity of the whirlpool; and again upon Goat

Island; in the superficial deposits which cover the surface of

the rocky subsoil in those regions; there are found remains of

animals in perfect preservation; and among them; shells

belonging to exactly the same species as those which at present

inhabit the still waters of Lake Erie。 It is evident; from the

structure of the country; that these animal remains were

deposited in the beds in which they occur at a time when the

lake extended over the region in which they are found。 This

involves the conclusion that they lived and died before the

falls had cut their way back through the gorge of Niagara;

and; indeed; it has been determined that; when these animals

lived; the falls of Niagara must have been at least six miles

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