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05-the enemy conquered-第3章

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sadly on the ground when tears of cruelly deceived hope moistened

his eye。  Elfonzo had been somewhat of a dutiful son; yet fond

of the amusements of lifehad been in distant landshad enjoyed

the pleasure of the world and had frequently returned to the scenes

of his boyhood; almost destitute of many of the comforts of life。 

In this condition; he would frequently say to his father; 〃Have I

offended you; that you look upon me as a stranger; and frown upon

me with stinging looks?  Will you not favor me with the sound of

your voice?  If I have trampled upon your veneration; or have spread

a humid veil of darkness around your expectations; send me back into

the world where no heart beats for mewhere the foot of man has

never yet trod; but give me at least one kind wordallow me to come

into the presence sometimes of thy winter…worn locks。〃  〃Forbid it;

Heaven; that I should be angry with thee;〃 answered the father;

〃my son; and yet I send thee back to the children of the world

to the cold charity of the combat; and to a land of victory。  I read

another destiny in thy countenanceI learn thy inclinations from

the flame that has already kindled in my soul a stranger sensation。 

It will seek thee; my dear ELFONZO; it will find theethou canst

not escape that lighted torch; which shall blot out from the

remembrance of men a long train of prophecies which they have

foretold against thee。  I once thought not so。  Once; I was blind;

but now the path of life is plain before me; and my sight is clear;

yet Elfonzo; return to thy worldly occupationtake again in thy

hand that chord of sweet soundsstruggle with the civilized world;

and with your own heart; fly swiftly to the enchanted ground

let the night…OWL send forth its screams from the stubborn oak

let the sea sport upon the beach; and the stars sing together;

but learn of these; Elfonzo; thy doom; and thy hiding…place。 Our most

innocent as well as our most lawful DESIRES must often be denied us;

that we may learn to sacrifice them to a Higher will。〃

Remembering such admonitions with gratitude; Elfonzo was immediately

urged by the recollection of his father's family to keep moving。 

His steps became quicker and quickerhe hastened through the PINY woods;

dark as the forest was; and with joy he very soon reached the little

village or repose; in whose bosom rested the boldest chivalry。 

His close attention to every important objecthis modest questions

about whatever was new to himhis reverence for wise old age;

and his ardent desire to learn many of the fine arts; soon brought him

into respectable notice。

One mild winter day as he walked along the streets toward the Academy;

which stood upon a small eminence; surrounded by native growth

some venerable in its appearance; others young and prosperous

all seemed inviting; and seemed to be the very place for learning as

well as for genius to spend its research beneath its spreading shades。 

He entered its classic walls in the usual mode of southern manners。 

The principal of the Institution begged him to be seated and listen

to the recitations that were going on。  He accordingly obeyed

the request; and seemed to be much pleased。  After the school

was dismissed; and the young hearts regained their freedom;

with the songs of the evening; laughing at the anticipated pleasures

of a happy home; while others tittered at the actions of the past day;

he addressed the teacher in a tone that indicated a resolution

with an undaunted mind。  He said he had determined to become

a student; if he could meet with his approbation。  〃Sir;〃 said he;

〃I have spent much time in the world。  I have traveled among

the uncivilized inhabitants of America。  I have met with friends;

and combated with foes; but none of these gratify my ambition;

or decide what is to be my destiny。  I see the learned would

have an influence with the voice of the people themselves。 

The despoilers of the remotest kingdoms of the earth refer their

differences to this class of persons。  This the illiterate and

inexperienced little dream of; and now if you will receive me as I am;

with these deficiencieswith all my misguided opinions; I will give

you my honor; sir; that I will never disgrace the Institution;

or those who have placed you in this honorable station。〃 

The instructor; who had met with many disappointments; knew how to

feel for a stranger who had been thus turned upon the charities

of an unfeeling community。  He looked at him earnestly; and said: 

〃Be of good cheerlook forward; sir; to the high destination you

may attain。  Remember; the more elevated the mark at which you aim;

the more sure; the more glorious; the more magnificent the prize。〃 

From wonder to wonder; his encouragement led the impatient listener。 

A stranger nature bloomed before himgiant streams promised

him successgardens of hidden treasures opened to his view。 

All this; so vividly described; seemed to gain a new witchery from his

glowing fancy。

In 1842 he entered the class; and made rapid progress in the English

and Latin departments。  Indeed; he continued advancing with such

rapidity that he was like to become the first in his class;

and made such unexpected progress; and was so studious; that he had

almost forgotten the pictured saint of his affections。  The fresh

wreaths of the pine and cypress had waited anxiously to drop once

more the dews of Heavens upon the heads of those who had so often

poured forth the tender emotions of their souls under its boughs。 

He was aware of the pleasure that he had seen there。  So one evening;

as he was returning from his reading; he concluded he would pay a visit

to this enchanting spot。  Little did he think of witnessing a shadow

of his former happiness; though no doubt he wished it might be so。 

He continued sauntering by the roadside; meditating on the past。 

The nearer he approached the spot; the more anxious he became。 

At the moment a tall female figure flitted across his path; with a

bunch of roses in her hand; her countenance showed uncommon vivacity;

with a resolute spirit; her ivory teeth already appeared as she

smiled beautifully; promenadingwhile her ringlets of hair dangled

unconsciously around her snowy neck。  Nothing was wanting to complete

her beauty。  The tinge of the rose was in full bloom upon her cheek;

the charms of sensibility and tenderness were always her associates。。

In Ambulinia's bosom dwelt a noble soulone that never faded

one that never was conquered。  Her heart yielded to no feeling

but the love of Elfonzo; on whom she gazed with intense delight;

and to whom she felt herself more closely bound ;because he sought

the hand of no other。  Elfonzo was roused from his apparent reverie。 

His books no longer were his inseparable companionshis thoughts

arrayed themselves to encourage him in the field of victory。 

He endeavored to speak to his supposed Ambulinia; but his speech

appeared not in words。  No; his effort was a stream of fire;

that kindled his soul into a flame of admiration; and carried

his senses away captive。  Ambulinia had disappeared; to make him

more mindful of his duty。  As she walked speedily away through

the piny woods she calmly echoed:  〃O!  Elfonzo; thou wilt

now look from thy sunbeams。  Thou shalt now walk in a new path

perhaps thy way leads through darkness; but fear not; the stars

foretell happiness。〃

Not many days afterward; as surrounded by fragrant flowers she sat

one evening at twilight; to enjoy the cool breeze that whispered

notes of melody along the distant groves; the little birds perched

on every side; as if to watch the movements of their new visitor。 

The bells were tolling when Elfonzo silently stole along by the wild

wood flowers; holding in his hand his favorite instrument of music

his eye continually searching for Ambulinia; who hardly seemed

to perceive him; as she played carelessly with the songsters

that hopped from branch to branch。  Nothing could be more striking

than the difference between the two。  Nature seemed to have given

the more tender soul to Elfonzo; and the stronger and more courageous

to Ambulinia。  A deep feeling spoke from the eyes of Elfonzo

such a feeling as can only be expressed by those who are blessed

as admirers; and by those who are able to return the same with

sincerity of heart。  He was a few years older than Ambulinia: 

she had turned a little into her seventeenth。  He had almost grown

up in the Cherokee country; with the same equal proportions as one

of the natives。  But little intimacy had existed between them until

the year forty…onebecause the youth felt that the character of such

a lovely girl was too exalted to inspire any other feeling than

that of quiet reverence。  But as lovers will not always be insulted;

at all times and under all circumstances; by the frowns and cold

looks of crabbed old age; which should continually reflect dignity

upon those around; and treat unfortunate a
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