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anne of the island-第16章

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living…room; where by a cheery little fire sat two other ladies;

both of whom were also grim and ancient。  Except that one looked

to be about seventy and the other fifty; there seemed little

difference between them。  Each had amazingly big; light…blue eyes

behind steel…rimmed spectacles; each wore a cap and a gray shawl;

each was knitting without haste and without rest; each rocked

placidly and looked at the girls without speaking; and just

behind each sat a large white china dog; with round green spots

all over it; a green nose and green ears。  Those dogs captured

Anne's fancy on the spot; they seemed like the twin guardian

deities of Patty's Place。

For a few minutes nobody spoke。  The girls were too nervous to

find words; and neither the ancient ladies nor the china dogs

seemed conversationally inclined。  Anne glanced about the room。

What a dear place it was!  Another door opened out of it directly

into the pine grove and the robins came boldly up on the very step。

The floor was spotted with round; braided mats; such as Marilla

made at Green Gables; but which were considered out of date

everywhere else; even in Avonlea。  And yet here they were on

Spofford Avenue!  A big; polished grandfather's clock ticked

loudly and solemnly in a corner。  There were delightful little

cupboards over the mantelpiece; behind whose glass doors gleamed

quaint bits of china。  The walls were hung with old prints and

silhouettes。  In one corner the stairs went up; and at the first

low turn was a long window with an inviting seat。  It was all

just as Anne had known it must be。

By this time the silence had grown too dreadful; and Priscilla

nudged Anne to intimate that she must speak。

〃We  we  saw by your sign that this house is to let;〃 said Anne

faintly; addressing the older lady; who was evidently Miss Patty Spofford。

〃Oh; yes;〃 said Miss Patty。  〃I intended to take that sign down today。〃

〃Then  then we are too late;〃 said Anne sorrowfully。  〃You've let it

to some one else?〃

〃No; but we have decided not to let it at all。〃

〃Oh; I'm so sorry;〃 exclaimed Anne impulsively。  〃I love this place so。

I did hope we could have got it。〃

Then did Miss Patty lay down her knitting; take off her specs;

rub them; put them on again; and for the first time look at Anne

as at a human being。  The other lady followed her example so

perfectly that she might as well have been a reflection in a mirror。

〃You LOVE it;〃 said Miss Patty with emphasis。  〃Does that mean

that you really LOVE it?  Or that you merely like the looks of it?

The girls nowadays indulge in such exaggerated statements that one

never can tell what they DO mean。  It wasn't so in my young days。

THEN a girl did not say she LOVED turnips; in just the same tone

as she might have said she loved her mother or her Savior。〃

Anne's conscience bore her up。

〃I really do love it;〃 she said gently。  〃I've loved it ever since

I saw it last fall。  My two college chums and I want to keep house

next year instead of boarding; so we are looking for a little place

to rent; and when I saw that this house was to let I was so happy。〃

〃If you love it; you can have it;〃 said Miss Patty。  〃Maria and I

decided today that we would not let it after all; because we did

not like any of the people who have wanted it。  We don't HAVE to

let it。  We can afford to go to Europe even if we don't let it。

It would help us out; but not for gold will I let my home pass

into the possession of such people as have come here and looked

at it。  YOU are different。  I believe you do love it and will be

good to it。  You can have it。〃

〃If  if we can afford to pay what you ask for it;〃 hesitated Anne。

Miss Patty named the amount required。  Anne and Priscilla looked

at each other。  Priscilla shook her head。

〃I'm afraid we can't afford quite so much;〃 said Anne; choking

back her disappointment。  〃You see; we are only college girls

and we are poor。〃

〃What were you thinking you could afford?〃 demanded Miss Patty;

ceasing not to knit。

Anne named her amount。  Miss Patty nodded gravely。

〃That will do。  As I told you; it is not strictly necessary that

we should let it at all。  We are not rich; but we have enough to

go to Europe on。  I have never been in Europe in my life; and never

expected or wanted to go。  But my niece there; Maria Spofford; has

taken a fancy to go。  Now; you know a young person like Maria can't

go globetrotting alone。〃

〃No  I  I suppose not;〃 murmured Anne; seeing that Miss Patty

was quite solemnly in earnest。

〃Of course not。  So I have to go along to look after her。  I expect to

enjoy it; too; I'm seventy years old; but I'm not tired of living yet。

I daresay I'd have gone to Europe before if the idea had occurred to me。

We shall be away for two years; perhaps three。  We sail in June and we

shall send you the key; and leave all in order for you to take

possession when you choose。  We shall pack away a few things we

prize especially; but all the rest will be left。〃

〃Will you leave the china dogs?〃 asked Anne timidly。

〃Would you like me to?〃

〃Oh; indeed; yes。  They are delightful。〃

A pleased expression came into Miss Patty's face。

〃I think a great deal of those dogs;〃 she said proudly。  〃They are

over a hundred years old; and they have sat on either side of this

fireplace ever since my brother Aaron brought them from London

fifty years ago。  Spofford Avenue was called after my brother Aaron。〃

〃A fine man he was;〃 said Miss Maria; speaking for the first time。

〃Ah; you don't see the like of him nowadays。〃

〃He was a good uncle to you; Maria;〃 said Miss Patty; with evident emotion。

〃You do well to remember him。〃

〃I shall always remember him;〃 said Miss Maria solemnly。  〃I can see him;

this minute; standing there before that fire; with his hands under his

coat…tails; beaming on us。〃

Miss Maria took out her handkerchief and wiped her eyes; but Miss Patty

came resolutely back from the regions of sentiment to those of business。

〃I shall leave the dogs where they are; if you will promise to be

very careful of them;〃 she said。  〃Their names are Gog and Magog。

Gog looks to the right and Magog to the left。  And there's just

one thing more。  You don't object; I hope; to this house being

called Patty's Place?〃

〃No; indeed。  We think that is one of the nicest things about it。〃

〃You have sense; I see;〃 said Miss Patty in a tone of great satisfaction。

〃Would you believe it?  All the people who came here to rent the house

wanted to know if they couldn't take the name off the gate during their

occupation of it。  I told them roundly that the name went with the house。

This has been Patty's Place ever since my brother Aaron left it to me in

his will; and Patty's Place it shall remain until I die and Maria dies。

After that happens the next possessor can call it any fool name he likes;〃

concluded Miss Patty; much as she might have said; 〃After that  the deluge。〃

〃And now; wouldn't you like to go over the house and see it all before we

consider the bargain made?〃

Further exploration still further delighted the girls。  Besides the

big living…room; there was a kitchen and a small bedroom downstairs。

Upstairs were three rooms; one large and two small。  Anne took an

especial fancy to one of the small ones; looking out into the big pines;

and hoped it would be hers。  It was papered in pale blue and had a

little; old…timey toilet table with sconces for candles。  There was

a diamond…paned window with a seat under the blue muslin frills that

would be a satisfying spot for studying or dreaming。

〃It's all so delicious that I know we are going to wake up and find

it a fleeting vision of the night;〃 said Priscilla as they went away。

〃Miss Patty and Miss Maria are hardly such stuff as dreams are

made of;〃 laughed Anne。  〃Can you fancy them ‘globe…trotting' 

especially in those shawls and caps?〃

〃I suppose they'll take them off when they really begin to trot;〃

said Priscilla; 〃but I know they'll take their knitting with

them everywhere。  They simply couldn't be parted from it。

They will walk about Westminster Abbey and knit; I feel sure。

Meanwhile; Anne; we shall be living in Patty's Place  and on

Spofford Avenue。  I feel like a millionairess even now。〃

〃I feel like one of the morning stars that sang for joy;〃 said Anne。

Phil Gordon crept into Thirty…eight; St。 John's; that night and

flung herself on Anne's bed。

〃Girls; dear; I'm tired to death。  I feel like the man without a country 

or was it without a shadow?  I forget which。  Anyway; I've been packing up。〃

〃And I suppose you are worn out because you couldn't decide which

things to pack first; or where to put them;〃 laughed Priscilla。

〃E…zackly。  And when I had got everything jammed in somehow; and

my landlady and her maid had both sat on it while I locked it;
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