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anne of the island-第18章

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to come up tomorrow。  I'm dying for a good talk with you。  I want

to hear all about your doings at Redmond。〃

Anne knew that Ruby meant that she wanted to tell Anne all about

her own recent flirtations; but she promised to go; and Diana

offered to go with her。

〃I've been wanting to go to see Ruby for a long while;〃 she told Anne;

when they left Green Gables the next evening; 〃but I really couldn't

go alone。  It's so awful to hear Ruby rattling on as she does; and

pretending there is nothing the matter with her; even when she can

hardly speak for coughing。  She's fighting so hard for her life;

and yet she hasn't any chance at all; they say。〃

The girls walked silently down the red; twilit road。  The robins

were singing vespers in the high treetops; filling the golden air

with their jubilant voices。  The silver fluting of the frogs came

from marshes and ponds; over fields where seeds were beginning to

stir with life and thrill to the sunshine and rain that had

drifted over them。  The air was fragrant with the wild; sweet;

wholesome smell of young raspberry copses。  White mists were

hovering in the silent hollows and violet stars were shining

bluely on the brooklands。

〃What a beautiful sunset;〃 said Diana。  〃Look; Anne; it's just like

a land in itself; isn't it?  That long; low back of purple cloud

is the shore; and the clear sky further on is like a golden sea。〃

〃If we could sail to it in the moonshine boat Paul wrote of in

his old composition  you remember?   how nice it would be;〃

said Anne; rousing from her reverie。  〃Do you think we could find

all our yesterdays there; Diana  all our old springs and

blossoms?  The beds of flowers that Paul saw there are the roses

that have bloomed for us in the past?〃

〃Don't!〃 said Diana。  〃You make me feel as if we were old women

with everything in life behind us。〃

〃I think I've almost felt as if we were since I heard about poor Ruby;〃

said Anne。  〃If it is true that she is dying any other sad thing might

be true; too。〃

〃You don't mind calling in at Elisha Wright's for a moment; do you?〃

asked Diana。  〃Mother asked me to leave this little dish of jelly

for Aunt Atossa。〃

〃Who is Aunt Atossa?〃

〃Oh; haven't you heard?  She's Mrs。 Samson Coates of Spencervale

 Mrs。 Elisha Wright's aunt。  She's father's aunt; too。  Her

husband died last winter and she was left very poor and lonely;

so the Wrights took her to live with them。  Mother thought we

ought to take her; but father put his foot down。  Live with Aunt

Atossa he would not。〃

〃Is she so terrible?〃 asked Anne absently。

〃You'll probably see what she's like before we can get away;〃

said Diana significantly。  〃Father says she has a face like a

hatchet  it cuts the air。  But her tongue is sharper still。〃

Late as it was Aunt Atossa was cutting potato sets in the Wright

kitchen。  She wore a faded old wrapper; and her gray hair was

decidedly untidy。  Aunt Atossa did not like being 〃caught in a

kilter;〃 so she went out of her way to be disagreeable。

〃Oh; so you're Anne Shirley?〃 she said; when Diana introduced Anne。

〃I've heard of you。〃  Her tone implied that she had heard nothing good。

〃Mrs。 Andrews was telling me you were home。  She said you had improved

a good deal。〃

There was no doubt Aunt Atossa thought there was plenty of room for

further improvement。  She ceased not from cutting sets with much energy。

〃Is it any use to ask you to sit down?〃 she inquired sarcastically。

〃Of course; there's nothing very entertaining here for you。  The rest

are all away。〃

〃Mother sent you this little pot of rhubarb jelly;〃 said Diana

pleasantly。  〃She made it today and thought you might like some。〃

〃Oh; thanks;〃 said Aunt Atossa sourly。  〃I never fancy your

mother's jelly  she always makes it too sweet。  However; I'll

try to worry some down。  My appetite's been dreadful poor this

spring。  I'm far from well;〃 continued Aunt Atossa solemnly; 〃but

still I keep a…doing。  People who can't work aren't wanted here。

If it isn't too much trouble will you be condescending enough

to set the jelly in the pantry?  I'm in a hurry to get these spuds

done tonight。  I suppose you two LADIES never do anything like this。

You'd be afraid of spoiling your hands。〃

〃I used to cut potato sets before we rented the farm;〃 smiled Anne。

〃I do it yet;〃 laughed Diana。  〃I cut sets three days last week。

Of course;〃 she added teasingly; 〃I did my hands up in lemon

juice and kid gloves every night after it。〃

Aunt Atossa sniffed。

〃I suppose you got that notion out of some of those silly

magazines you read so many of。  I wonder your mother allows you。

But she always spoiled you。  We all thought when George married

her she wouldn't be a suitable wife for him。〃

Aunt Atossa sighed heavily; as if all forebodings upon the

occasion of George Barry's marriage had been amply and darkly


〃Going; are you?〃 she inquired; as the girls rose。  〃Well; I

suppose you can't find much amusement talking to an old woman

like me。  It's such a pity the boys ain't home。〃

〃We want to run in and see Ruby Gillis a little while;〃 explained Diana。

〃Oh; anything does for an excuse; of course;〃 said Aunt Atossa; amiably。

〃Just whip in and whip out before you have time to say how…do decently。

It's college airs; I s'pose。  You'd be wiser to keep away from Ruby Gillis。

The doctors say consumption's catching。  I always knew Ruby'd get something;

gadding off to Boston last fall for a visit。  People who ain't content to

stay home always catch something。〃

〃People who don't go visiting catch things; too。  Sometimes they even die;〃

said Diana solemnly。

〃Then they don't have themselves to blame for it;〃 retorted Aunt Atossa

triumphantly。  〃I hear you are to be married in June; Diana。〃

〃There is no truth in that report;〃 said Diana; blushing。

〃Well; don't put it off too long;〃 said Aunt Atossa significantly。

〃You'll fade soon  you're all complexion and hair。  And the Wrights

are terrible fickle。  You ought to wear a hat; MISS SHIRLEY。  Your nose

is freckling scandalous。  My; but you ARE redheaded!  Well; I s'pose

we're all as the Lord made us!  Give Marilla Cuthbert my respects。

She's never been to see me since I come to Avonlea; but I s'pose I

oughtn't to complain。  The Cuthberts always did think themselves

a cut higher than any one else round here。〃

〃Oh; isn't she dreadful?〃 gasped Diana; as they escaped down the lane。

〃She's worse than Miss Eliza Andrews;〃 said Anne。  〃But then think

of living all your life with a name like Atossa!  Wouldn't it sour

almost any one?  She should have tried to imagine her name was Cordelia。

It might have helped her a great deal。  It certainly helped me in the

days when I didn't like ANNE。〃

〃Josie Pye will be just like her when she grows up;〃 said Diana。

〃Josie's mother and Aunt Atossa are cousins; you know。  Oh; dear;

I'm glad that's over。  She's so malicious  she seems to put a

bad flavor in everything。  Father tells such a funny story about her。

One time they had a minister in Spencervale who was a very good;

spiritual man but very deaf。  He couldn't hear any ordinary

conversation at all。  Well; they used to have a prayer meeting on

Sunday evenings; and all the church members present would get up

and pray in turn; or say a few words on some Bible verse。  But

one evening Aunt Atossa bounced up。  She didn't either pray or

preach。  Instead; she lit into everybody else in the church and

gave them a fearful raking down; calling them right out by name

and telling them how they all had behaved; and casting up all the

quarrels and scandals of the past ten years。  Finally she wound

up by saying that she was disgusted with Spencervale church and

she never meant to darken its door again; and she hoped a fearful

judgment would come upon it。  Then she sat down out of breath;

and the minister; who hadn't heard a word she said; immediately

remarked; in a very devout voice; ‘amen!  The Lord grant our dear

sister's prayer!'  You ought to hear father tell the story。〃

〃Speaking of stories; Diana;〃 remarked Anne; in a significant;

confidential tone; 〃do you know that lately I have been wondering

if I could write a short story  a story that would be good

enough to be published?〃

〃Why; of course you could;〃 said Diana; after she had grasped the

amazing suggestion。  〃You used to write perfectly thrilling stories

years ago in our old Story Club。〃

〃Well; I hardly meant one of that kind of stories;〃 smiled Anne。

〃I've been thinking about it a little of late; but I'm almost

afraid to try; for; if I should fail; it would be too humiliating。〃

〃I heard Priscilla say once that all Mrs。 Morgan's first stories

were rejected。  But I'm sure yours wouldn't be; Anne; for it's

likely editors have more sense nowadays。〃

〃Margaret Burton; one of the Junior girls at Redm
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