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anne of the island-第24章

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playfellow; thought she saw the face God had meant Ruby to have;

and remembered it so always。

Mrs。 Gillis called Anne aside into a vacant room before the

funeral procession left the house; and gave her a small packet。

〃I want you to have this;〃 she sobbed。  〃Ruby would have liked you

to have it。  It's the embroidered centerpiece she was working at。

It isn't quite finished  the needle is sticking in it just where

her poor little fingers put it the last time she laid it down; the

afternoon before she died。〃

〃There's always a piece of unfinished work left;〃 said Mrs。 Lynde;

with tears in her eyes。  〃But I suppose there's always some one

to finish it。〃

〃How difficult it is to realize that one we have always known

can really be dead;〃 said Anne; as she and Diana walked home。

〃Ruby is the first of our schoolmates to go。  One by one; sooner

or later; all the rest of us must follow。〃

〃Yes; I suppose so;〃 said Diana uncomfortably。  She did not

want to talk of that。  She would have preferred to have discussed

the details of the funeral  the splendid white velvet casket

Mr。 Gillis had insisted on having for Ruby  〃the Gillises must

always make a splurge; even at funerals;〃 quoth Mrs。 Rachel Lynde

 Herb Spencer's sad face; the uncontrolled; hysteric grief of

one of Ruby's sisters  but Anne would not talk of these things。

She seemed wrapped in a reverie in which Diana felt lonesomely

that she had neither lot nor part。

〃Ruby Gillis was a great girl to laugh;〃 said Davy suddenly。

〃Will she laugh as much in heaven as she did in Avonlea; Anne?

I want to know。〃

〃Yes; I think she will;〃 said Anne。

〃Oh; Anne;〃 protested Diana; with a rather shocked smile。

〃Well; why not; Diana?〃 asked Anne seriously。  〃Do you think

we'll never laugh in heaven?〃

〃Oh  I  I don't know〃 floundered Diana。  〃It doesn't seem

just right; somehow。  You know it's rather dreadful to laugh in


〃But heaven won't be like church  all the time;〃 said Anne。

〃I hope it ain't;〃 said Davy emphatically。  〃If it is I don't

want to go。  Church is awful dull。  Anyway; I don't mean to go

for ever so long。  I mean to live to be a hundred years old; like

Mr。 Thomas Blewett of White Sands。  He says he's lived so long

'cause he always smoked tobacco and it killed all the germs。

Can I smoke tobacco pretty soon; Anne?〃

〃No; Davy; I hope you'll never use tobacco;〃 said Anne absently。

〃What'll you feel like if the germs kill me then?〃 demanded Davy。

Chapter XV

A Dream Turned Upside Down

〃Just one more week and we go back to Redmond;〃 said Anne。

She was happy at the thought of returning to work; classes

and Redmond friends。  Pleasing visions were also being woven

around Patty's Place。  There was a warm pleasant sense of home

in the thought of it; even though she had never lived there。

But the summer had been a very happy one; too  a time of glad living

with summer suns and skies; a time of keen delight in wholesome things;

a time of renewing and deepening of old friendships; a time in which

she had learned to live more nobly; to work more patiently; to play

more heartily。

〃All life lessons are not learned at college;〃 she thought。

〃Life teaches them everywhere。〃

But alas; the final week of that pleasant vacation was spoiled for Anne;

by one of those impish happenings which are like a dream turned upside down。

〃Been writing any more stories lately?〃 inquired Mr。 Harrison genially

one evening when Anne was taking tea with him and Mrs。 Harrison。

〃No;〃 answered Anne; rather crisply。

〃Well; no offense meant。  Mrs。 Hiram Sloane told me the other

day that a big envelope addressed to the Rollings Reliable Baking

Powder Company of Montreal had been dropped into the post office

box a month ago; and she suspicioned that somebody was trying for

the prize they'd offered for the best story that introduced the

name of their baking powder。  She said it wasn't addressed in

your writing; but I thought maybe it was you。〃

〃Indeed; no!  I saw the prize offer; but I'd never dream of

competing for it。  I think it would be perfectly disgraceful to

write a story to advertise a baking powder。  It would be almost

as bad as Judson Parker's patent medicine fence。〃

So spake Anne loftily; little dreaming of the valley of

humiliation awaiting her。  That very evening Diana popped into

the porch gable; bright…eyed and rosy cheeked; carrying a letter。

〃Oh; Anne; here's a letter for you。  I was at the office; so I

thought I'd bring it along。  Do open it quick。  If it is what I

believe it is I shall just be wild with delight。〃  Anne; puzzled;

opened the letter and glanced over the typewritten contents。

      Miss Anne Shirley;

      Green Gables;

      Avonlea; P。E。 Island。

〃DEAR MADAM: We have much pleasure in informing you that

your charming story ‘Averil's Atonement' has won the prize

of twenty…five dollars offered in our recent competition。

We enclose the check herewith。  We are arranging for the

publication of the story in several prominent Canadian

newspapers; and we also intend to have it printed in

pamphlet form for distribution among our patrons。

Thanking you for the interest you have shown in

our enterprise; we remain;

                                   Yours very truly;

                                THE ROLLINGS RELIABLE

                                   BAKING POWDER Co。〃

〃I don't understand;〃 said Anne; blankly。

Diana clapped her hands。

〃Oh; I KNEW it would win the prize  I was sure of it。

_I_ sent your story into the competition; Anne。〃

〃Diana  Barry!〃

〃Yes; I did;〃 said Diana gleefully; perching herself on the bed。

〃When I saw the offer I thought of your story in a minute; and at

first I thought I'd ask you to send it in。  But then I was afraid

you wouldn't  you had so little faith left in it。  So I just

decided I'd send the copy you gave me; and say nothing about it。

Then; if it didn't win the prize; you'd never know and you wouldn't

feel badly over it; because the stories that failed were not to be

returned; and if it did you'd have such a delightful surprise。〃

Diana was not the most discerning of mortals; but just at this

moment it struck her that Anne was not looking exactly overjoyed。

The surprise was there; beyond doubt  but where was the delight?

〃Why; Anne; you don't seem a bit pleased!〃 she exclaimed。

Anne instantly manufactured a smile and put it on。

〃Of course I couldn't be anything but pleased over your unselfish

wish to give me pleasure;〃 she said slowly。  〃But you know  I'm

so amazed  I can't realize it  and I don't understand。  There

wasn't a word in my story about  about  〃 Anne choked a little

over the word  〃baking powder。〃

〃Oh; _I_ put that in;〃 said Diana; reassured。  〃It was as easy as

wink  and of course my experience in our old Story Club helped me。

You know the scene where Averil makes the cake?  Well; I just stated

that she used the Rollings Reliable in it; and that was why it turned

out so well; and then; in the last paragraph; where PERCEVAL clasps

AVERIL in his arms and says; ‘Sweetheart; the beautiful coming years

will bring us the fulfilment of our home of dreams;' I added; ‘in which

we will never use any baking powder except Rollings Reliable。'〃

〃Oh;〃 gasped poor Anne; as if some one had dashed cold water on her。

〃And you've won the twenty…five dollars;〃 continued Diana jubilantly。

〃Why; I heard Priscilla say once that the Canadian Woman only pays

five dollars for a story!〃

Anne held out the hateful pink slip in shaking fingers。

〃I can't take it  it's yours by right; Diana。  You sent the

story in and made the alterations。  I  I would certainly never

have sent it。  So you must take the check。〃

〃I'd like to see myself;〃 said Diana scornfully。  〃Why; what I

did wasn't any trouble。  The honor of being a friend of the

prizewinner is enough for me。  Well; I must go。  I should have

gone straight home from the post office for we have company。

But I simply had to come and hear the news。  I'm so glad for

your sake; Anne。〃

Anne suddenly bent forward; put her arms about Diana; and kissed

her cheek。

〃I think you are the sweetest and truest friend in the world;

Diana;〃 she said; with a little tremble in her voice; 〃and I

assure you I appreciate the motive of what you've done。〃

Diana; pleased and embarrassed; got herself away; and poor Anne;

after flinging the innocent check into her bureau drawer as if it

were blood…money; cast herself on her bed and wept tears of shame

and outraged sensibility。  Oh; she could never live this down  never!

Gilbert arrived at dusk; brimming over with congratulations;

for he had called at Orchard Slope and heard the news。  But his

congratulations died on his lips at sight of Anne's face。

〃Why; Anne; what
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