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anne of the island-第4章

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was learning wisdom; took care to be nothing save the schoolboy

comrade again。  Mrs。 Lynde and Marilla watched them from the

kitchen window。

〃That'll be a match some day;〃 Mrs。 Lynde said approvingly。

Marilla winced slightly。  In her heart she hoped it would; but it

went against her grain to hear the matter spoken of in Mrs。 Lynde's

gossipy matter…of…fact way。

〃They're only children yet;〃 she said shortly。

Mrs。 Lynde laughed good…naturedly。

〃Anne is eighteen; I was married when I was that age。  We old

folks; Marilla; are too much given to thinking children never

grow up; that's what。  Anne is a young woman and Gilbert's a man;

and he worships the ground she walks on; as any one can see。

He's a fine fellow; and Anne can't do better。  I hope she won't

get any romantic nonsense into her head at Redmond。  I don't

approve of them coeducational places and never did; that's what。

I don't believe;〃 concluded Mrs。 Lynde solemnly; 〃that the

students at such colleges ever do much else than flirt。〃

〃They must study a little;〃 said Marilla; with a smile。

〃Precious little;〃 sniffed Mrs。 Rachel。  〃However; I think Anne

will。  She never was flirtatious。  But she doesn't appreciate

Gilbert at his full value; that's what。  Oh; I know girls!

Charlie Sloane is wild about her; too; but I'd never advise her

to marry a Sloane。  The Sloanes are good; honest; respectable people;

of course。  But when all's said and done; they're SLOANES。〃

Marilla nodded。  To an outsider; the statement that Sloanes were

Sloanes might not be very illuminating; but she understood。

Every village has such a family; good; honest; respectable people

they may be; but SLOANES they are and must ever remain; though

they speak with the tongues of men and angels。

Gilbert and Anne; happily unconscious that their future was thus

being settled by Mrs。 Rachel; were sauntering through the shadows

of the Haunted Wood。  Beyond; the harvest hills were basking in

an amber sunset radiance; under a pale; aerial sky of rose and blue。

The distant spruce groves were burnished bronze; and their long shadows

barred the upland meadows。  But around them a little wind sang among

the fir tassels; and in it there was the note of autumn。

〃This wood really is haunted now  by old memories;〃 said Anne;

stooping to gather a spray of ferns; bleached to waxen whiteness

by frost。  〃It seems to me that the little girls Diana and I used

to be play here still; and sit by the Dryad's Bubble in the

twilights; trysting with the ghosts。  Do you know; I can never go

up this path in the dusk without feeling a bit of the old fright

and shiver?  There was one especially horrifying phantom which we

created  the ghost of the murdered child that crept up behind

you and laid cold fingers on yours。  I confess that; to this day;

I cannot help fancying its little; furtive footsteps behind me

when I come here after nightfall。  I'm not afraid of the White

Lady or the headless man or the skeletons; but I wish I had never

imagined that baby's ghost into existence。  How angry Marilla

and Mrs。 Barry were over that affair;〃 concluded Anne; with

reminiscent laughter。

The woods around the head of the marsh were full of purple vistas;

threaded with gossamers。  Past a dour plantation of gnarled spruces

and a maple…fringed; sun…warm valley they found the 〃something〃

Gilbert was looking for。

〃Ah; here it is;〃 he said with satisfaction。

〃An apple tree  and away back here!〃 exclaimed Anne delightedly。

〃Yes; a veritable apple…bearing apple tree; too; here in the very

midst of pines and beeches; a mile away from any orchard。  I was

here one day last spring and found it; all white with blossom。

So I resolved I'd come again in the fall and see if it had been

apples。  See; it's loaded。  They look good; too  tawny as

russets but with a dusky red cheek。  Most wild seedlings are

green and uninviting。〃

〃I suppose it sprang years ago from some chance…sown seed;〃 said

Anne dreamily。〃  And how it has grown and flourished and held its

own here all alone among aliens; the brave determined thing!〃

〃Here's a fallen tree with a cushion of moss。  Sit down; Anne 

it will serve for a woodland throne。  I'll climb for some apples。

They all grow high  the tree had to reach up to the sunlight。〃

The apples proved to be delicious。  Under the tawny skin was a

white; white flesh; faintly veined with red; and; besides their

own proper apple taste; they had a certain wild; delightful tang

no orchard…grown apple ever possessed。

〃The fatal apple of Eden couldn't have had a rarer flavor;〃

commented Anne。  〃But it's time we were going home。  See; it was

twilight three minutes ago and now it's moonlight。  What a pity

we couldn't have caught the moment of transformation。  But such

moments never are caught; I suppose。〃

〃Let's go back around the marsh and home by way of Lover's Lane。

Do you feel as disgruntled now as when you started out; Anne?〃

〃Not I。  Those apples have been as manna to a hungry soul。  I feel

that I shall love Redmond and have a splendid four years there。〃

〃And after those four years  what?〃

〃Oh; there's another bend in the road at their end;〃 answered

Anne lightly。  〃I've no idea what may be around it  I don't

want to have。  It's nicer not to know。〃

Lover's Lane was a dear place that night; still and mysteriously

dim in the pale radiance of the moonlight。  They loitered through

it in a pleasant chummy silence; neither caring to talk。

〃If Gilbert were always as he has been this evening how nice and

simple everything would be;〃 reflected Anne。

Gilbert was looking at Anne; as she walked along。  In her light dress;

with her slender delicacy; she made him think of a white iris。

〃I wonder if I can ever make her care for me;〃 he thought; with a

pang of self…destruct。

Chapter III

Greeting and Farewell

Charlie Sloane; Gilbert Blythe and Anne Shirley left Avonlea the

following Monday morning。  Anne had hoped for a fine day。  Diana

was to drive her to the station and they wanted this; their last

drive together for some time; to be a pleasant one。  But when Anne

went to bed Sunday night the east wind was moaning around Green

Gables with an ominous prophecy which was fulfilled in the morning。

Anne awoke to find raindrops pattering against her window and

shadowing the pond's gray surface with widening rings; hills and

sea were hidden in mist; and the whole world seemed dim and dreary。

Anne dressed in the cheerless gray dawn; for an early start was

necessary to catch the boat train; she struggled against the tears

that WOULD well up in her eyes in spite of herself。  She was leaving

the home that was so dear to her; and something told her that she was

leaving it forever; save as a holiday refuge。  Things would never be

the same again; coming back for vacations would not be living there。

And oh; how dear and beloved everything was  that little white porch room;

sacred to the dreams of girlhood; the old Snow Queen at the window;

the brook in the hollow; the Dryad's Bubble; the Haunted Woods;

and Lover's Lane  all the thousand and one dear spots where memories

of the old years bided。  Could she ever be really happy anywhere else?

Breakfast at Green Gables that morning was a rather doleful meal。

Davy; for the first time in his life probably; could not eat; but

blubbered shamelessly over his porridge。  Nobody else seemed to

have much appetite; save Dora; who tucked away her rations comfortably。

Dora; like the immortal and most prudent Charlotte; who 〃went on

cutting bread and butter〃 when her frenzied lover's body had been

carried past on a shutter; was one of those fortunate creatures

who are seldom disturbed by anything。  Even at eight it took a

great deal to ruffle Dora's placidity。  She was sorry Anne was

going away; of course; but was that any reason why she should

fail to appreciate a poached egg on toast?  Not at all。  And;

seeing that Davy could not eat his; Dora ate it for him。

Promptly on time Diana appeared with horse and buggy; her rosy

face glowing above her raincoat。  The good…byes had to be said

then somehow。  Mrs。 Lynde came in from her quarters to give Anne

a hearty embrace and warn her to be careful of her health;

whatever she did。  Marilla; brusque and tearless; pecked Anne's

cheek and said she supposed they'd hear from her when she got

settled。  A casual observer might have concluded that Anne's

going mattered very little to her  unless said observer had

happened to get a good look in her eyes。  Dora kissed Anne primly

and squeezed out two decorous little tears; but Davy; who had

been crying on the back porch step ever since they rose from the

table; refused to say good…bye at all。  When he saw Anne coming

towards him he sprang to his feet; bolted up the back stairs; and

hid in a clothes closet; out of which h
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