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indian heroes & great chieftains-第1章

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Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains

by Charles A。 Eastman






 5。  GALL












EVERY age; every race; has its leaders and heroes。  There were over

sixty distinct tribes of Indians on this continent; each of which

boasted its notable men。  The names and deeds of some of these men

will live in American history; yet in the true sense they are

unknown; because misunderstood。  I should like to present some of

the greatest chiefs of modern times in the light of the native

character and ideals; believing that the American people will

gladly do them tardy justice。

It is matter of history that the Sioux nation; to which I

belong; was originally friendly to the Caucasian peoples which it

met in succession…first; to the south the Spaniards; then the

French; on the Mississippi River and along the Great Lakes; later

the English; and finally the Americans。  This powerful tribe then

roamed over the whole extent of the Mississippi valley; between

that river and the Rockies。  Their usages and government united the

various bands more closely than was the case with many of the

neighboring tribes。

During the early part of the nineteenth century; chiefs such

as Wabashaw; Redwing; and Little Six among the eastern Sioux;

Conquering Bear; Man…Afraid…of…His…Horse; and Hump of the western

bands; were the last of the old type。  After these; we have a

coterie of new leaders; products of the new conditions brought

about by close contact with the conquering race。

This distinction must be borne in mind  that while the early

chiefs were spokesmen and leaders in the simplest sense; possessing

no real authority; those who headed their tribes during the

transition period were more or less rulers and more or less

politicians。  It is a singular fact that many of the 〃chiefs〃; well

known as such to the American public; were not chiefs at all

according to the accepted usages of their tribesmen。  Their

prominence was simply the result of an abnormal situation; in which

representatives of the United States Government made use of them

for a definite purpose。  In a few cases; where a chief met with a

violent death; some ambitious man has taken advantage of the

confusion to thrust himself upon the tribe and; perhaps with

outside help; has succeeded in usurping the leadership。

Red Cloud was born about 1820 near the forks of the Platte

River。  He was one of a family of nine children whose father; an

able and respected warrior; reared his son under the old Spartan

regime。  The young Red Cloud is said to have been a fine horseman;

able to swim across the Missouri and Yellowstone rivers; of high

bearing and unquestionable courage; yet invariably gentle and

courteous in everyday life。  This last trait; together with a

singularly musical and agreeable voice; has always been

characteristic of the man。

When he was about six years old; his father gave him a

spirited colt; and said to him:

〃My son; when you are able to sit quietly upon the back of

this colt without saddle or bridle; I shall be glad; for the boy

who can win a wild creature and learn to use it will as a man be

able to win and rule men。〃

The little fellow; instead of going for advice and help to his

grandfather; as most Indian boys would have done; began quietly to

practice throwing the lariat。  In a little while he was able to

lasso the colt。  He was dragged off his feet at once; but hung on;

and finally managed to picket him near the teepee。  When the big

boys drove the herd of ponies to water; he drove his colt with the

rest。  Presently the pony became used to him and allowed himself to

be handled。  The boy began to ride him bareback; he was thrown many

times; but persisted until he could ride without even a lariat;

sitting with arms folded and guiding the animal by the movements of

his body。  From that time on he told me that he broke all his own

ponies; and before long his father's as well。

The old men; his contemporaries; have often related to me how

Red Cloud was always successful in the hunt because his horses were

so well broken。  At the age of nine; he began to ride his father's

pack pony upon the buffalo hunt。  He was twelve years old; he told

me; when he was first permitted to take part in the chase; and

found to his great mortification that none of his arrows penetrated

more than a few inches。  Excited to recklessness; he whipped his

horse nearer the fleeing buffalo; and before his father knew what

he was about; he had seized one of the protruding arrows and tried

to push it deeper。  The furious animal tossed his massive head

sidewise; and boy and horse were whirled into the air。 

Fortunately; the boy was thrown on the farther side of his pony;

which received the full force of the second attack。  The thundering

hoofs of the stampeded herd soon passed them by; but the wounded

and maddened buffalo refused to move; and some critical moments

passed before Red Cloud's father succeeded in attracting its

attention so that the boy might spring to his feet and run for his


I once asked Red Cloud if he could recall having ever been

afraid; and in reply he told me this story。  He was about sixteen

years old and had already been once or twice upon the warpath; when

one fall his people were hunting in the Big Horn country; where

they might expect trouble at any moment with the hostile Crows or

Shoshones。  Red Cloud had followed a single buffalo bull into the

Bad Lands and was out of sight and hearing of his companions。  When

he had brought down his game; he noted carefully every feature of

his surroundings so that he might at once detect anything unusual;

and tied his horse with a long lariat to the horn of the dead

bison; while skinning and cutting up the meat so as to pack it to

camp。  Every few minutes he paused in his work to scrutinize the

landscape; for he had a feeling that danger was not far off。

Suddenly; almost over his head; as it seemed; he heard a

tremendous war whoop; and glancing sidewise; thought he beheld

the charge of an overwhelming number of warriors。  He tried

desperately to give the usual undaunted war whoop in reply; but

instead a yell of terror burst from his lips; his legs gave way

under him; and he fell in a heap。  When he realized; the next

instant; that the war whoop was merely the sudden loud whinnying of

his own horse; and the charging army a band of fleeing elk; he was

so ashamed of himself that he never forgot the incident; although

up to that time he had never mentioned it。  His subsequent career

would indicate that the lesson was well learned。

The future leader was still a very young man when he joined a

war party against the Utes。  Having pushed eagerly forward on the

trail; he found himself far in advance of his companions as night

came on; and at the same time rain began to fall heavily。  Among

the scattered scrub pines; the lone warrior found a natural cave;

and after a hasty examination; he decided to shelter there for the


Scarcely had he rolled himself in his blanket when he heard a

slight rustling at the entrance; as if some creature were preparing

to share his retreat。  It was pitch dark。  He could see nothing; but

judged that it must be either a man or a grizzly。  There was not

room to draw a bow。  It must be between knife and knife; or between

knife and claws; he said to himself。

The intruder made no search but quietly lay down in the

opposite corner of the cave。  Red Cloud remained perfectly still;

scarcely breathing; his hand upon his knife。  Hour after hour he

lay broad awake; while many thoughts passed through his brain。 

Suddenly; without warning; he sneezed; and instantly a strong man

sprang to a sitting posture opposite。  The first gray of morning

was creeping into their rocky den; and behold! a Ute hunter sat

before him。

Desperate as the situation appeared; it was not without a grim

humor。  Neither could afford to take his eyes from the other's; the

tension was great; till at last a smile wavered over the

expressionless face of the Ute。  Red Cloud answered the smile; and

in that instant a treaty of peace was born between them。

〃Put your knife in its sheath。  I shall do so also; and we

will smoke together;〃 signed Red Cloud。  The other assented gladly;

and they ratified thus the truce which assured to each a safe

return to his friends。  Having finished their smoke; they shook

hands and separated。  Neither had given the other any information。 

Red Cloud returned to his party and told his story; adding that he

had divu
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