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indian heroes & great chieftains-第15章

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smoke。  At home; by the fireside; when the old men were asked to

tell their brave deeds; again the pipe was passed。  So come; let us

smoke now to the memory of the old days!〃

He took of my tobacco and filled his long pipe; and we smoked。 

Then I told an old mirthful story to get him in the humor of

relating his own history。

The old man lay upon an iron bedstead; covered by a red

blanket; in a corner of the little log cabin。  He was all alone

that day; only an old dog lay silent and watchful at his master's


Finally he looked up and said with a pleasant smile:

〃True; friend; it is the old custom to retrace one's trail

before leaving it forever!  I know that I am at the door of the

spirit home。

〃I was born near the forks of the Cheyenne River; about

seventy years ago。  My father was not a chief; my grandfather was

not a chief; but a good hunter and a feast…maker。  On my mother's

side I had some noted ancestors; but they left me no chieftainship。 

I had to work for my reputation。

〃When I was a boy; I loved to fight;〃 he continued。  〃In all

our boyish games I had the name of being hard to handle; and I took

much pride in the fact。

〃I was about ten years old when we encountered a band of

Cheyennes。  They were on friendly terms with us; but we boys

always indulged in sham fights on such occasions; and this time I

got in an honest fight with a Cheyenne boy older than I。 I got the

best of the boy; but he hit me hard in the face several times; and

my face was all spattered with blood and streaked where the paint

had been washed away。  The Sioux boys whooped and yelled:

〃'His enemy is down; and his face is spattered as if with

rain!  Rain…in…the…Face!  His name shall be Rain…in…the…Face!'

〃Afterwards; when I was a young man; we went on a warpath

against the Gros Ventres。  We stole some of their horses; but were

overtaken and had to abandon the horses and fight for our lives。 

I had wished my face to represent the sun when partly covered with

darkness; so I painted it half black; half red。  We fought all day

in the rain; and my face was partly washed and streaked with red

and black: so again I was christened Rain…in…the…Face。  We

considered it an honorable name。

〃I had been on many warpaths; but was not especially

successful until about the time the Sioux began to fight with the

white man。  One of the most daring attacks that we ever made was at

Fort Totten; North Dakota; in the summer of 1866。

〃Hohay; the Assiniboine captive of Sitting Bull; was the

leader in this raid。  Wapaypay; the Fearless Bear; who was

afterward hanged at Yankton; was the bravest man among us。  He

dared Hohay to make the charge。  Hohay accepted the challenge; and

in turn dared the other to ride with him through the agency and

right under the walls of the fort; which was well garrisoned and


〃Wapaypay and I in those days called each other

'brother…friend。' It was a life…and…death vow。  What one does the

other must do; and that meant that I must be in the forefront of

the charge; and if he is killed; I must fight until I die also!

〃I prepared for death。  I painted as usual like an eclipse of

the sun; half black and half red。〃

His eyes gleamed and his face lighted up remarkably as he

talked; pushing his black hair back from his forehead with a

nervous gesture。

〃Now the signal for the charge was given!  I started even with

Wapaypay; but his horse was faster than mine; so he left me a

little behind as we neared the fort。  This was bad for me; for by

that time the soldiers had somewhat recovered from the surprise

and were aiming better。

〃Their big gun talked very loud; but my Wapaypay was leading

on; leaning forward on his fleet pony like a flying squirrel on a

smooth log!  He held his rawhide shield on the right side; a little

to the front; and so did I。 Our warwhoop was like the coyotes

singing in the evening; when they smell blood!

〃The soldiers' guns talked fast; but few were hurt。  Their big

gun was like a toothless old dog; who only makes himself hotter the

more noise he makes;〃 he remarked with some humor。

〃How much harm we did I do not know; but we made things lively

for a time; and the white men acted as people do when a swarm of

angry bees get into camp。  We made a successful retreat; but some

of the reservation Indians followed us yelling; until Hohay told

them that he did not wish to fight with the captives of the white

man; for there would be no honor in that。  There was blood running

down my leg; and I found that both my horse and I were slightly


〃Some two years later we attacked a fort west of the Black

Hills 'Fort Phil Kearny; Wyoming'。  It was there we killed one

hundred soldiers。〃  'The military reports say eighty men; under the

command of Captain Fetterman  not one left alive to tell the

tale!'  〃Nearly every band of the Sioux nation was represented in

that fight  Red Cloud; Spotted Tail; Crazy Horse; Sitting Bull;

Big Foot; and all our great chiefs were there。  Of course such men

as I were then comparatively unknown。  However; there were many

noted young warriors; among them Sword; the younger

Young…Man…Afraid; American Horse 'afterward chief'; Crow King; and


〃This was the plan decided upon after many councils。  The main

war party lay in ambush; and a few of the bravest young men were

appointed to attack the woodchoppers who were cutting logs to

complete the building of the fort。  We were told not to kill these

men; but to chase them into the fort and retreat slowly; defying

the white men; and if the soldiers should follow; we were to lead

them into the ambush。  They took our bait exactly as we had hoped!

It was a matter of a very few minutes; for every soldier lay dead

in a shorter time than it takes to annihilate a small herd of


〃This attack was hastened because most of the Sioux on the

Missouri River and eastward had begun to talk of suing for peace。 

But even this did not stop the peace movement。  The very next year

a treaty was signed at Fort Rice; Dakota Territory; by nearly all

the Sioux chiefs; in which it was agreed on the part of the Great

Father in Washington that all the country north of the Republican

River in Nebraska; including the Black Hills and the Big Horn

Mountains; was to be always Sioux country; and no white man should

intrude upon it without our permission。  Even with this agreement

Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse were not satisfied; and they would not


〃Up to this time I had fought in some important battles; but

had achieved no great deed。  I was ambitious to make a name for

myself。  I joined war parties against the Crows; Mandans; Gros

Ventres; and Pawnees; and gained some little distinction。

〃It was when the white men found the yellow metal in our

country; and came in great numbers; driving away our game; that

we took up arms against them for the last time。  I must say here

that the chiefs who were loudest for war were among the first to

submit and accept reservation life。  Spotted Tail was a great

warrior; yet he was one of the first to yield; because he was

promised by the Chief Soldiers that they would make him chief of

all the Sioux。  Ugh! he would have stayed with Sitting Bull to the

last had it not been for his ambition。

〃About this time we young warriors began to watch the trails

of the white men into the Black Hills; and when we saw a wagon

coming we would hide at the crossing and kill them all without much

trouble。  We did this to discourage the whites from coming into our

country without our permission。  It was the duty of our Great

Father at Washington; by the agreement of 1868; to keep his white

children away。

〃During the troublesome time after this treaty; which no one

seemed to respect; either white or Indian 'but the whites broke it

first'; I was like many other young men  much on the warpath; but

with little honor。  I had not yet become noted for any great deed。 

Finally; Wapaypay and I waylaid and killed a white soldier on his

way from the fort to his home in the east。

〃There were a few Indians who were liars; and never on the

warpath; playing 'good Indian' with the Indian agents and the war

chiefs at the forts。  Some of this faithless set betrayed me; and

told more than I ever did。  I was seized and taken to the fort near

Bismarck; North Dakota 'Fort Abraham Lincoln'; by a brother 'Tom

Custer' of the Long…Haired War Chief; and imprisoned there。  These

same lying Indians; who were selling their services as scouts to

the white man; told me that I was to be shot to death; or else

hanged upon a tree。  I answered that I was not afraid to die。

〃However; there was an old soldier who used to bring my food

and stand guard over me  he was a white man; it is true; but he

had an Indian heart!  He came to me one day and unfastened the iron

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